Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 770: Defeating Difficulties

Water Yaksha·It is difficult to cut down.

A girl who is very gentle on the surface, but actually becomes eccentric once you get to know her better.

Wang Daoyi once traveled through time and space, returned to 2,800 years ago, and met this Yaksha at Guiliji.

Later, when Wang Daoyi left Guliyue (Guiliji) for other places, he left a crystal to Fa Nan.

According to the technology used by Wang Daoyi, that crystal should be able to preserve a ray of soul for Fa Nan when her life is in danger.

After Wang Daoyi returned to the current timeline, he didn't forget this matter.

But I went back to Liyue and learned about it,

Shuiyaksha Vanan still fell,

Normally, if the crystal left by Wang Daoyi retains her soul, then with that ray of soul, Morax should be able to save Fa Nan.

But the result is that all sources say that Shui Yaksha has died.

Even the Great Sage of Conquering Demons said this,

It was precisely because of this that Wang Daoyi gradually put this matter behind him.

But now, after approaching the Medicine Butterfly Valley, the looming connection clearly told Wang Daoyi that the methods he left behind were not completely ineffective.

"It's difficult to cut down."

Wang Dao's eyes flashed slightly, showing a hint of nostalgia, and he quickly rushed towards the valley.

"Oh, so fast." Pamon exclaimed,

"Let's follow." Fu Jin waved his hand, and the golden fairy power enveloped Ying and Paimeng, turning into a golden koi and following Wang Daoyi's figure.

Deep in the Medicine Butterfly Valley,

In the dark and deep tunnel,

A cold breath came from the depths of the cave,

The golden koi landed next to Wang Daoyi and turned into a human figure.

"Hey, it's so cold." Pamon shuddered.

Ying frowned slightly: "We have been here before, but it didn't feel this cold."

Faced with Ying and Paimon's doubts, Wang Daoyi showed a trace of nostalgia in his eyes: "Fannan is Shui Yaksha. All forms of water are used by her, and the cold water is no exception."

In the war between demons and gods, her hands turned into sharp claws to attack enemies. Her superb control over the water element was the most feared power for her enemies.

Wherever water surges, life must fall.

Just like the Great Sage of Conquering Demons is good at using various wind spells, Fa Nan is also good at many forms of water elemental power.

The cold power now overflowing from the depths of the cave is one of the water elemental forms of Fa Nanhui.

"Fighting?" There was a trace of confusion in Paimeng's eyes. She had no idea what this name represented.

Ying was thoughtful and seemed to have remembered something.

Immortal Fujin smiled and explained to Paimon: "Yaksha Fenan is one of the most powerful yakshas in the war between demons and gods. He is good at using the power of water."

Ying's light flashed: "He is Mandrill's friend."

"To be precise, it's family and brothers and sisters." Wang Daoyi corrected, "Fan Nan is one of the five Yaksha generals in Liyue. He is the closest family member to the Great Sage of Conquering Demons. The reason why the Great Sage became like this The indifference is also due to the loss of these family members.”


It’s not that they themselves are ominous, but because of the Yaksha Lord’s killing,

Demons, evil spirits, and countless resentments surround the Yaksha who destroyed them.

These horrific legacies caused countless Yakhas to die after the war.

After the Demon War, although the Yasha clan suffered heavy losses, at least the five generals were still there.

But later, in order to eliminate the resentment of demons and gods and other evil spirits, the Yaksha clan completely declined. Not only did a large number of ordinary Yakshas fall, but even the five generals gradually fell.

It was precisely because of the gradual departure of his friends that Mandrill gradually closed himself up, thinking that he was ominous, and became increasingly distant from the crowd.

"Oh, I remembered. Back in the Rock Abyss, Mandrill once said that they used to have five brothers and sisters." Pamon patted his head and remembered.

"But how come Daoyi is connected with Shuiyaksha?" Paimeng looked at Wang Daoyi and asked the question Yingya wanted to ask.

In fact, Ying had long been curious about Wang Daoyi's strange relationship.

Previously in the primitive womb sea, Silk said that the big whale was given to her master by Wang Daoyi (the Lord of Mysteries) 2,800 years ago.

Based on Ying’s understanding of Wang Daoyi,

Wang Daoyi is not an antique;

He is very young.

Two thousand eight hundred years ago, Wang Daoyi should not have existed anyway.

"I once traveled through time." Wang Daoyi saw Ying and Paimon's incomprehension and said directly.

"Travel through time!!!" Paimon was shocked.

Ying even widened her eyes,

Immortal Fu Jin, on the other hand, was not much surprised.

"Don't be so surprised. In Teyvat, traveling through time is not something worthy of admiration." Wang Daoyi waved his hand.

Paimon: "If I could travel through time, I could eat forever and never finish the meal."

A speech that fits Paimon's character very well.

Ying glared at Paimon, but also thought about it thoughtfully.

Traveling through time is really a power that ordinary people cannot imagine.

And there are so many things that this power seems to be able to do.

for example……

Can I directly travel back to a time when I was no different from my brother?

The more Ying thought about it, the more it made sense, and she opened her mouth to speak to Wang Dao...

Wang Daoyi saw Ying's thoughts at a glance, shook his head slightly and said: "If you want to find your brother through time travel, then give up."

After a pause, Wang Daoyi looked at Ying seriously: "From my personal experience, [Those who fool time will be fooled by time]. When the time comes, you may be able to find your brother, but something else will inevitably appear." Something serious."

Wang Daoyi made a time travel and almost became the helper who destroyed Fengdan.

Even if He tried his best to control His actions and not do anything that would affect the future,

But it still cost the Hilda family two thousand and three hundred years of perseverance.

Time travel affects not only yourself, but also everyone and things you come into contact with through time.

Every time you travel through time, you add an encounter and entanglement to yourself.

Not all encounters and entanglements are beautiful. This kind of encounter through time often brings more tragedy.

Not to mention, traveling through time requires an unimaginable cost in life.

What if Ying traveled through time and died suddenly?

Therefore, it is impossible for Wang Daoyi to agree to Ying's time travel.

"Okay." Feeling Wang Daoyi's seriousness, Ying could only give up her inner thoughts.

Wang Dao nodded and changed the topic: "Let's go in and take a look. I can feel that she has woken up."

After saying that, he walked directly into the depths of the cave, and Ying and Fujin quickly followed.

Seeing everyone going inside, Paimon shuddered: "Just wait for me."

Then he quickly followed after him.

Although there is a cold air flowing out, the environment in the cave is not bad and the light is bright.

Along the way, I didn’t see anything dangerous.

Come to the depths of the cave,

Wang Daoyi suddenly stopped and his eyes narrowed slightly.

A spear was stuck in the ground,

"Is this... calamity relief?"

"No, wait, this is to quell the disaster, so what is in Shen He's hand?"

Wang Dao was stunned by the sudden discovery.

The spear stuck on the ground in front of me, although it has gone through the baptism of time and is a bit broken, it is indeed to stop the disaster.

But disaster relief is a weapon passed down from generation to generation, and it's in Shen He's hands.

"Do you have two tools to stop the disaster?" Wang Daoyi suddenly thought.

Twin weapons, this is not impossible, many forging masters like to create twin weapons,

But calamity relief... obviously does not conform to the form of twin weapons.

With a trace of doubt, Wang Daoyi reached out and touched the spear in front of him.

[This spear was once inscribed with "Cease Disaster", meaning to quell disasters. The old owner was my colleague. I wanted to carry out his legacy and eliminate disasters until I was unable to keep the oath... The evil obstacle has not been removed yet, but the treasure has turned against me because of an old friend. His eyes were defaced...so he kept it here until he was cleansed of his sins, and finally took this spear...]

Obviously, according to the inscription, this is to end the disaster.

"But why are there two tools to quell the disaster?" Wang Daoyi still couldn't figure it out.

Beside, Paimeng saw Wang Daoyi was silent and asked with some confusion: "What's wrong, Daoyi?"

Wang Dao was stunned for a moment, and then expressed his doubts: "This spear is called to eliminate disasters."

"Calm down disaster? Shen He's gun seems to be called Calm down disaster." Ying reacted immediately.

Wang Dao nodded: "Yes, the disaster relief was made by Yasha. It is a real handed down weapon. There should not be two of them."

Ying also fell silent, she couldn't figure it out either.

Immortal Fujin didn't know Shen He, so he didn't speak.

Paimon, on the other hand, scratched his head and said, "Maybe it was a replica of that fairy bird. Anyway, her mechanism skills are so powerful."

Hearing Paimon's words, Wang Daoyi's lips twitched.

"Although the mechanism technique is magical, it is still somewhat different from making weapons."

After a pause, Wang Daoyi continued: "However, it also reminded me that no matter what questions I have, just ask Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng later."

"As for now..."

Wang Daoyi looked deeper into the cave,

"Aren't you coming out yet? It's difficult to fight."

Ying and Paimeng were startled and followed Wang Daoyi's gaze.

I don’t know when, but a figure suddenly appeared in the depths of the cave.

Although the other person's face cannot be seen clearly, just the shadows revealed are enough to see the various curves of the other person's Ana.

"..." In the deep shadow, the other party did not respond to Wang Daoyi's words.

"Aren't you going to come out? Or do you want me to come over?" Wang Daoyi continued.

In the shadow, the soft figure trembled slightly,

Ying suddenly realized something was wrong and protected Paimeng behind her.

On the floating brocade immortal, wisps of golden immortal power flickered.

Wang Daoyi took a step forward and stood in front of them: "Don't be nervous, she is just...sad."

Then he looked at the shadow of the cave: "Morax asked me to pick you up, Fa Nan, he didn't blame you, and Mandrill, he has been waiting for you."

Following Wang Daoyi’s words,

In the shadows, a faint cry came,

"...Yes, I'm sorry, I, I can't control myself, I...I'm sorry, wuwuwu, Minu, wuwuwuwu,..."

The crying became louder and louder,

Mi Nu, the general of the monkey among the five yakshas, ​​Yanyaksha,

He is also a rare male tailor among the Liyue Gods.

The clothes the emperor wears now were designed and made by him.

According to the records, General Xin Yuan died at the hands of Shui Yaksha.

Yes, the description of friends turning against each other in Calamity is probably the story of these two people.

With a trace of affection, Wang Daoyi walked into the shadows,

Wisps of light bloomed at his fingertips,

The light from the gods dispels the darkness here,

It also revealed the figure of the girl hidden in the darkness,

The figure that clearly looks very soft in the shadow is a bit hard to believe when you actually see it.

Not only did she not have Ana's colorful figure, but she looked very thin.

The aqua-blue hair is not smooth, but clumps and scabs.

On her body, there were a large number of horrific scars after the wounds had healed.

The most important thing is that her palms are a pair of terrifying claws. If you look carefully, there are even some blood stains on the claws. It is difficult to imagine what kind of killing can make the blood stains penetrate into the claws.

Just seeing this, Paimon had already covered his eyes and didn't dare to get close.

But Wang Daoyi had a distressed look in his eyes.

He still remembered that Shuiyaksha was so eccentric back then, quiet when he should be quiet and lively when he should be lively.

Wang Daoyi remembered that when he and Fanan first met,

Fanan once asked Him for tailoring skills in order to prepare a gift for Iwa Yaksha.

But now, Shuiyan has turned against him, and Yanyaksha has died under the claws of Fannan.

During the battle, she fell into madness, but now after thousands of years, she has recovered from the madness.

Now, when she thinks about her actions after becoming a demon,

An indescribable pressure of terror fell upon her heart.

She killed her dearest brother with her own hands,

The brother who likes to make clothes for everyone and wants to make everyone look beautiful.

Guilt, sadness, sadness, regret...

A lot of negative emotions kept pouring out of Fa Nan's mind.

Mizuyasha, who stalks the battlefield, and General Uzumaki, who brings endless death to the enemy,

Now I am crying like an ignorant child,

This is the purest sadness.

It is also the most difficult heartache to heal.

Walking in front of Fa Nan, Wang Dao knelt down and stretched out his hand to rub the girl's hair. He didn't mind at all that her hair was no longer soft.

"Let's go, I'll take you home. Everyone at home is looking forward to your return."

Fanan raised her head and revealed her face. The once delicate and lovely girl's face was now full of vicissitudes of life.

In the face of extreme grief, even the most beautiful face will lose its color,

"I, I, I killed Mi Nu."

Fanan said while sobbing.

"I know it's not your fault, it's the demon's resentment that has affected you." Wang Daoyi said with relief.

But he knew that such relief was of little use.

Fa Nan has fallen into self-blame and cannot be comforted by simple words.

"It's all my fault, it's all me. If it hadn't been for me, Mi Nu wouldn't have died."

Just as Wang Daoyi thought, Fa Nan has fallen into deep self-blame, and words of comfort are of no use at all.

"If you blame yourself, just go back with me. This year's Hai Lantern Festival, everyone is commemorating Mi Nu. You can also go back and see him again."

As soon as Wang Dao went out, he passed by the port and happened to see this year's immortal statue, which was Mi Nu, the great general of the Heart Monkey.

"To commemorate... to be angry." Fanan's lifeless eyes fluctuated slightly, seeming to react to the outside world.

"Well, go back, freshen up, put on Mi Nu's favorite beautiful clothes, go to the Sea Lantern Festival, apologize to Mi Nu, and then continue to live a good life."

"Go and see some True Lords, and then meet Jinpeng. There are many friends waiting for you."

A glimmer of light appeared in Fanan's dead eyes: "Mi Nu, I want to see Mi Nu."

She began to get excited.

Wang Daoyi frowned slightly, this was not a good sign.

Fa Nan was in a dead end just now, and now it seems that he is about to fall into another dead end.

With a glimmer in his eyes, Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand and gently touched Fanan's eyebrows.

The excited Fa Nan's expression froze, and then his eyes gradually dimmed, his expression returned to calm, his eyelids dropped, and he fell into a coma.

not far away,

After seeing Fa Nan unconscious,

Only Ying, Paimon and Immortal Fujin dared to approach.

"What happened to her?" Paimon was a little curious and a little worried.

Wang Dao bent down and hugged Fa Nan: "It's nothing. She just woke up and her mood is unstable. Let her sleep for a while."

After a pause, Wang Daoyi looked at them: "I want to take her back to Liyue Port, do you want to go back together?"

Fu Jin shook his head: "I want to find Lingyuan, you go."

Ying and Paimon looked at each other: "Then let's go together, goodbye Fu Jin."

Fu Jin also waved his hand to say goodbye.

Holding the challenge in hand, King Dao thinks about it with every thought,

A faint blue leyline channel emerged,

"Let's go."

Liyue Bubu Lu.

"Baizhu, how is she?"

In the ward, the unconscious Fa Nan was lying on the bed, his breathing was steady, but his brows were wrinkled again.

Wang Daoyi couldn't help but sigh, it would be great if Nasida was here at this time.

With Nacida's control over dreams, she might be able to enter dreams and solve problems.

He is not worried about Fa Nan's life now. Fa Nan is in good health.

Although he didn't know what happened, Fanan still retained Shuiyaksha's strength after he recovered.

Her biggest problem now is psychological problems.

It was precisely because he was not good at this condition that Wang Daoyi sent the person to Bubu Lu.

"The patient's physical condition is actually very good, but his mental state is still on the verge of collapse. I suggest quiet treatment and try to avoid further stimulation in the short term."

Bai Zhu said very calmly.

Although mental illness is rare in Liyue, Baizhu has not seen it before.

Of course, this is indeed the first time for something as serious as the cutting off.

"Is there any method or medicine that can speed up the cure?" Wang Daoyi asked.

Baizhu shook his head: "Mental conditions are usually treated with targeted mental stimulation, or with tranquilizing drugs, but the patient's mental state is on the verge of collapse and he can't stand external stimulation."

Wang Dao fell silent,

Wang Daoyi didn't know how much pain Fa Nan felt in his heart, but he was certain that it must be unbearable for ordinary people.

The ward was quiet for a while, except for Fanan, who frowned and made painful sounds from time to time.

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