Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 779 Communication in the Abyss

Why does Zhi Dong carry out large-scale activities in the Abyss, even going to war with the Abyss Cult?

Regarding this issue, Wang Daoyi really guessed something.

The answer is simple, the Third Adventer.

Ever since I learned that the Heart of God is made from the bones of the third descendant,

Wang Daoyi had a new understanding of the act of collecting God’s Hearts in Winter.

at the very beginning.

Wang Daoyi thought that Zhi Dong collected the Heart of God in order to seize some kind of authority represented by the Heart of God.

But now, there is news of a third coming,

Zhi Dong's behavior became weird.

If you want to understand this matter, you must first understand what an adventer is.

According to the classification of adventers by some schools of thought,

It’s not that someone who traveled from outside the world to Teyvat is considered a descendant.

First of all, the descendant must have strong power, which must at least be enough to affect the entire Teyvat.

Secondly, the presence of the Advent will affect the fate of Teyvat.

Only those who meet the above conditions are qualified to be called adventers.

(When Wang Daoyi’s soul traveled through the treasure-stealing group, he thought he was the descendant, but he was actually unworthy.)

To sum up, the status of the Adventer is very high.

Therefore, Zhi Dong’s act of collecting God’s Hearts can be roughly understood as two possibilities.

The first one is that the Queen of Winter learned about the existence of the third descendant from some way. This descendant was made into the [Heart of God] by Tianli and someone later, so she must have some feelings for Tianli. Hostile, the Queen of Winter wants to resurrect him and resist the law of heaven together.

Chapter 2: The Queen of Winter does not want to resurrect the third descendant, but wants to use some way to deprive the third descendant of the power from the [Heart of God], so that she can directly resist the law of heaven.

No matter which method, you need to use the power of the third descendant.

Of course, some people may wonder, what does this have to do with Zhi Dong’s actions in the abyss?

Don’t forget, Winter only moves in the shallow depths of the abyss,

Zhidong inherited part of Kanria's inheritance,

There are several Kanria remnants in the upper reaches of Solstice.

In this way, if Wang Daoyi still can't understand what Zhi Dong is doing, then he is really a fool.

"The Queen of Winter is heading for the Prince of the Abyss." Wang Daoyi said with certainty.

As a blood relative of the Traveler, the Prince of the Abyss is special.

In the records of World Tree, travelers are absolute descendants,

But the Prince of the Abyss, who is a blood relative of the traveler, is a native of Teyvat.

Isn’t this a direct conflict?

Therefore, something must have happened to the prince of the abyss, Kong, which caused Kong to lose his identity as a descendant and become a native of Teyvat.

Combined with the above story,

The remains of a descendant were made into the heart of God.

So, will this descendant be the Prince of the Abyss, Kong?

If not, how did Sora lose his identity as an Adventer?

The Ice Queen continues to explore the abyss, does she know something about Sora?

This is not groundless speculation. You must know that most of the people who still know the secret information of the Kanria period are in the winter.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi can easily draw a conclusion,

The Ice Queen collects the hearts of gods for the power of the third descendant,

To obtain the power of an Adventer, you may need the 'help' of another Adventer.

The Queen of Winter chose Sora, the Prince of the Abyss.

Of course, this choice may change due to Ying's travels.

After all, according to Aunt Huangmao's habit, after the winter solstice, she will most likely help the Queen to untie her knot, and then help the Queen accomplish something,

If Tianli is also a villain in Ying's storyline,

Then, the story of Ying Zhi Winter may be about unraveling the Queen’s heart knot.

Through the Heart of God, help my brother find the power that belongs to the descendant,

In the end, the brother and sister team up to deal with Tianli.

This kind of story line is the most normal legendary story line.

"Brother Daoyi, what are you doing?" Xiangling's voice came,

Wang Daoyi was in a daze for a moment, then turned around to see that Surte Lodge had left at some point.

Xiangling and other friends looked at him curiously.

Xiang Ling was also surprised that just now Wang Daoyi was sitting here "silly", and he didn't notice when he walked over. He was not like the usual Daoyi brother at all.

"It's nothing, I just thought of something." Shaking his head slightly, Wang Daoyi changed the subject, "Have your kites been finished?"

Being interrupted by Wang Daoyi, Xiang Ling forgot what happened just now and nodded happily: "It's done. The vertical lifting device has also been installed."

"Oh, do you want to try flying a kite today?" Wang Dao looked at the sky. It was very clear and the wind was good. It was okay to fly a kite.

Several girls looked at each other. Although they wanted to fly, they still shook their heads: "No, this is a kite for the Sea of ​​Lantern Festival. It must be saved for the Sea of ​​Lantern Festival."

It is understandable that little girls attach great importance to festivals.

So, he patted his butt and stood up: "So, what are we going to do now? Go home?"

Yun Jin nodded: "Well, I've been out for a while, and there are still things in the club."

Yunhan Society is really busy. As the big boss of Yunhan Society, Yun Jin is even busier.

I can spare a few hours to fly kites with everyone, which is a break from my busy schedule.

Xiang Ling also said: "The store has been busy recently. After dad prepares all the dishes, he will definitely reopen the door. Now I have to go back and take a look."

Everyone has business matters, so Wang Daoyi will naturally not refuse: "Then go home."

The group of people packed up their things and headed towards Liyue Port.

Return to Chihuyan,

Yun Jin and Xin Yan are going back to Yunhan Society, Hu Tao and Chong Yun are going to deal with the talisman.

In the end, only Wang Daoyi and Xiang Ling continued to walk to Wanmin Hall.

At this time, there seemed to be more people on the street,

Wang Daoyi saw many foreign tourists.

As the international situation stabilizes, many people are willing to go out of their own countries and see the outside world.

And Liyue happens to be close to the Hai Lantern Festival, so it has naturally become one of the best places to travel.

However, this is still a bit helpless for Wang Daoyi.

Because those who come to Liyue for tourism include Sumeru people and even desert people.

"The great Lord of Red Sand..."

When several desert people who came to Liyue together saw Wang Daoyi, they trembled and knelt down.

A statue as big as Wang Daoyi is still standing in the Chisha headquarters.

There is almost no one in the desert who does not know the Lord of Red Sand.

As a result, when I came to Liyue for a trip, I saw the Lord of Red Sand walking on the street holding a girl.

This is also a shock to the desert people.

However, fortunately, most of the higher-ups in the desert knew about the relationship between Wang Daoyi and Xiang Ling.

Xiangling also appeared in Chisha headquarters more than once,

Therefore, when the desert people saw Wang Daoyi holding Xiang Ling, they were actually shocked.

What makes Wang Daoyi most helpless is that these people can't help but want to worship him.

"There is no need to worship. Since you are here to play, just have fun." Wang Daoyi could only stop them with his eyes again and again, and then sent a message to them to tell them that there was no need to be polite.

Then he pulled Xiang Ling and walked away quickly. He was afraid that if he stayed for a while, these desert people would still be unable to help but kneel down.

"The influence of the gods on the people... is still too great, especially for a new god like me. My prestige has not been smoothed over by time, and my prestige is at its peak." Wang Daoyi thought in his heart.

It was he who single-handedly brought out the desert people who had fallen into depression.

A few years ago, I didn’t have enough to eat, but now I have money to travel abroad.

One can imagine how high the status of the Lord of Red Sand is in the hearts of the desert people.

"Brother Dao Yi, those few... are friends in the desert." Xiang Ling's big eyes were full of curiosity.

Wang Daoyi nodded helplessly: "Well, we are desert people. Now that life is better, they are willing to go out and see the world."

There is an awkward feeling of discussing career in front of family members.

Xiang Ling snickered and did not continue to ask. Instead, she held Wang Daoyi's hand a little harder.

Back at Wanmin Tang, sure enough, Chef Mao had replenished the dishes and opened the door again.

But Shen He is not here, and there is only Master Mao, but there are a few regular customers helping.

Xiangling quickly let go of Wang Daoyi's hand, walked in and started busy.

Wang Daoyi naturally started to take action.

From god to family, he has always been able to transform very quickly.

deep abyss,

Surtroch returned to his territory,

A huge four-legged dragon snake was sleeping soundly in the purple mud, and the air it exhaled from time to time stirred up strong winds around it.

"Has it been sleeping?" Surtroch asked,

Silk walked out from the side: "It hasn't woken up since it came back from the human world last time."

There was a hint of worry in her tone. After all, she was also a playmate, and she still cared about the four-legged dragon and snake.

Hearing the disciple's concern, Surtrock waved his hand: "Don't worry, it's a good thing. The consciousness of the abyss probably noticed it and came to bless it again."

Silk was a little confused: "Why?"

The blessing of the will of the abyss is not something easy to obtain.

Silk and Surtrock have lived in the abyss for so long and have never met each other several times.

And the four-legged dragon and snake just went to the human world and came back, and was favored by the will of the abyss?

Surturoch glanced at the four-legged dragon snake, and then turned his gaze back to his disciple: "Because of the background."

There is one more thing he has not told his disciples.

If you have a father who can shake things up, the will of the abyss will also favor you.

"Okay, you go and continue practicing, I have something else to do." Surtloch turned away from Silk and walked towards his house, a very simple stone house.

There are not many gorgeous decorations in the stone house;

Everything is very simple, and the 'furniture' inside is as basic as a stone house.

But in the middle of the stone house, there was a strange instrument.

There are several spherical devices on the instrument that move along specific orbits and appear to be simulating the movement of galaxies.

Hyperspace positioning paging device,

Surtroch knew the name of the instrument;

This is an instrument given to him by his friend [Gold] Reindot for mutual communication.

When power is input into the instrument, the instrument that was originally running slowly begins to rotate rapidly.

Some mysterious concept was brought down from the void by the instrument,

The contact method used by this instrument is probably not an ordinary call.


One of the several spherical devices that the instrument operates on begins to glow brightly.

"Well, the breath of the abyss, Surturoch, are you contacting us?" A soft but neutral voice came from the spherical device.

Surturoch: "It's me, [Gold], when will you come back?"

"It's still a little short. The depths of the world are still too complicated. Heaven has buried too many civilizations. Even I can't handle them all in a short time." The neutral voice came again, and its owner should be [Golden] Reindot. .

"Hey, let me tell you, if the action of the Mysterious Lord is successful, you will have whatever you want. You might as well come back early." Surte Lodge said.

He thought that Reindot was wasting his time and energy in the depths of the world, so he might as well come back early and discuss with Wang Daoyi a plan to resist heaven.

As long as the laws of nature are overthrown, it depends on what you study, and it is not a casual study.

"Teyvat is a magical world. Even the laws of nature cannot explain all its activities. It is very necessary to spend time and energy to explore. In addition, I still have no idea whether the mysterious Lord you mentioned can really overturn the laws of nature. Be skeptical.”

There was no emotion in Reindot's voice, and he seemed to be simply explaining a problem.

If Wang Daoyi is here, you will find that this is a very direct academic tone.

Reindot has a full understanding of her actions. She understands what she is doing and the consequences of her actions.

So there won't be too much emotion in her words because everything is in her hands.

Before Surtrock could continue to speak,

Another spherical device on the instrument lit up,

"I'm sorry, destiny is so profound that I'm a little lost. However, [Gold], you should give Surturoch more trust. The Lord of Mysteries does have unique characteristics."

The voice coming from the newly lit spherical device is very strange. It sounds young, but it also gives people an old feeling, which is very conflicting.

"I agreed to meet him because I trust Surturoch, [Prophet], did you see something from the future?"

[Gold] seems to be very familiar with this [Prophet], and there is no hint of offending in his words. The two of them probably have a deep friendship.

"No, the fate of the Demon God can no longer be peeped casually. If the fate of the Water God had not been determined by heaven, then I would not be able to peep into it."

The [Prophet]'s words revealed that Fontaine's prophecy seemed to have something to do with him.

"Humph, it's natural." [Gold]'s voice was slightly cold.

[Prophet]: "There is no need to be angry, [Gold], although we have failed once, we will not fail forever. Now the appearance of the Mysterious Lord has explained everything. The laws of heaven will definitely be overthrown by us, and this world cannot It continues to constrain us.”

"...I have an unshirkable responsibility for Kanria's failure." [Gold] Reindot's voice returned to calmness.

[Prophet]: "It's not all your fault. If Irmin hadn't fallen so quickly, we would still have time to change everything. It's a pity..."

"Yilmin...he was once a wise king, but it's a pity that he is so insignificant in front of the power of the abyss."

"Well, what do you say, why did the abyss? I also came into contact with the power of the abyss. I am not good. I want me to say that Ilming is not enough." Solt Rock said quickly.

The running instrument paused slightly,

Then the neutral voice of [Gold] continued: "Surturoch, you are only exposed to the ordinary power of the Abyss Star, and what about Ilmin? He was directly corrupted by the Will of the Abyss. There is no comparison between the two. sex."

Reindot seems to have very special feelings for the last king, Irmin, and her emotions will fluctuate when she talks about Irmin.

"Okay, okay, let's skip this topic, Surtroch, when will the Lord of Mystery come to see us?" [Prophet] interrupted the previous topic.

Surtrodge: "After the Lantern Festival."

"Sea Lantern Festival?" [Prophet] asked in confusion.

[Gold] Reindot seems to understand [Prophet]'s doubts very well: "You can use part of your brain to store some basic common sense. The Hailantern Festival is an ancient festival in Liyue, which is used to commemorate the past of Liyue. Soldiers who died in battle.”

"Oh, that's it. Sorry, fate is too complicated. I can't use my precious memory for this kind of common sense that I don't usually use." [The Prophet] made an apologetic voice, "However, the Sea Lantern Festival How long will it take after that? I have to calculate the time, Surturoch, you can't wake me up from my destiny without making an appointment every time."

"...Fifteen days." Surtrock was a little tired. Compared with his old friends, he, a guy whose mind is all about muscles, is considered normal. "I will call again in fifteen days." you."

"Okay, I understand. By the way, is the Lord of Mystery easy to get in touch with? Should I prepare some gifts for him?" [Prophet]'s voice became excited again, and the feeling of youth and oldness disappeared. , he seemed to become cheerful.

Surturoch looked slightly helpless, knowing that this was the price the [Prophet] paid for peeking into fate.

Due to the backlash of fate, [Prophet]'s personality began to change. Although he still maintained his wisdom, the changes in his personality would make him become weird.

"No need, Visefnir, as long as you arrive on time." Surtroch said.

"Well, to put it this way, I do have something to ask the mysterious master." [Gold] suddenly spoke again.

Surturoch was a little strange, what else could [Gold] need Wang Daoyi's help for?

You know, among this group of old friends, [Gold] is not only the most powerful, but it is also the most dangerous. Her alchemy, which is comparable to a miracle, can bring endless prosperity to Kanria, and can also set off The dark disaster dragged Kanria into hell.

[Gold] said that he wanted help from the Secret Master, but Surte Lodge was a little confused.

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