Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 782 Goodbye Keqing

After seeing Ying and Paimon buying the cloth,

Only then did Fanan regain his composure and realized that he had neglected Ying and Paimon.

Showing an apologetic smile to the two tour guides,

"Sorry, I thought of something and got a little... obsessed."

Ying shook his head: "It's okay. They will send the cloth to Wanmin Hall later. Let's continue shopping."

Paimon was a little curious: "Are you going to buy Fengnan as a gift?"

After hesitating for a moment, Fanan nodded: "Yes, give it away."

Paimon continued to be curious: "Who are you sending it to, Mandrill?"

"No." Fa Nan shook his head, "Jin Peng is actually not interested in dressing up. He is the least materialistic among us. These cloths... I want to make a dress and give it to..."

Fa Nan suddenly stopped and looked towards the front of the dock.

There, a statue with a Nuo mask stands.

"Give it to him."

"Mi Nu, he is the most meticulous and good at tailoring among us. I wanted to make a dress for him at the beginning... Now, it's just the right time to make it happen."

Fa Nan seemed to be reminded of the days when everyone was together, but this time he came back to his senses in a daze.

Ying and Paimon looked at each other, not knowing whether to continue this topic.

Their understanding of Wuyaksha is very limited.

However, before they could say anything, Fanan smiled to himself: "If you make clothes from the gorgeous cloth of later generations and give them to him, he will definitely be happy."

In Wang Daoyi’s narration, although Mi Nu has fallen, his spirit is immortal.

Therefore, it is difficult to fight as if the spirit in the dark can see this gift.

"Let's keep walking. I see a lot of things I haven't seen before."

Fanan smiled and continued forward, and Ying and Paimon quickly followed.

The three of them continued shopping at the dock market.

A few days later,

"Brother Dao Yi, wake up, it's a holiday today."

In the morning, Wang Daoyi was pulled up from the bed by Xiang Ling in a daze.

The morning sun shines through the screen window,

The golden light is dim,

Reflecting Xiangling’s beautiful face,

"Well, Xiangling, please let me sleep for a while."

Regardless of Xiang Ling's red face, Wang Daoyi pressed his head into the girl's chest and said, "Sleep for a while, just sleep for a while."

The macho man acts like a spoiled brat!

"Luh!" Guo Ba, who came over with a basin of hot water at the door of the room, witnessed Wang Daoyi's coquettish behavior towards Xiang Ling and opened his mouth in shock.

Hearing Guo Ba's cry, Wang Daoyi's heart froze, and he lifted his face from Xiang Ling's chest with a somewhat broken expression.

He turned his eyes and looked at the pot at the door.

With threats in his eyes,

If you dare to speak out, you will be finished.

There was a trace of panic in Guo Ba's little eyes: "Lu Lie, Lu Lie, Lu Lie. (I didn't see anything.)"

"Oh, get up quickly."

Xiang Ling let go of Wang Daoyi's pajamas and ran out of the room with a rosy face.

Wang Daoyi chuckled and had endless aftertaste.

After washing with hot water from the rice cooker,

After taking a look at Ms. Black Tower's room, there was still no movement at all. She was probably still studying the knowledge Morax taught her.

I turned around and went to the lobby.

Wanmintang doesn't make breakfast, so naturally there won't be many guests.

Master Mao is happily hanging lanterns in the lobby.

When he saw Wang Daoyi coming out, he immediately said, "Daoyi woke up, come on, help me put up the Spring Festival couplets."

This is not the first time Wang Daoyi has posted Spring Festival couplets.

First couplet: The dragon is soaring and the world is auspicious,

Second line: The phoenix dances for nine days to receive the gospel.

Horizontal comment: good luck and good luck

A very ordinary couplet with wishful words,

"Okay, I'll post it."

Wang Daoyi responded, picked up the glutinous rice slime paste on the table, turned around and walked out of the door, and started to post it up.


Another friend came over,

"Hi, Dao Yi, happy Hai Lantern Festival."

It's autumn and heavy clouds,

Chongyun still looked cold and cold. This was what he did to suppress his physique.

But Xingqiu has changed a lot. He has put on a brand new outfit, which is more like Fengdan's outfit than Liyue's outfit.

Moreover, his expression also improved a lot.

(I can’t find the high-resolution picture, so that’s it)

"Happy Hai Lantern Festival, you look much better. Why, the old guys won't give you any work?" Wang Dao turned around and saw these two people and said with a smile.

Xingqiu and Chongyun stepped forward and helped Wang Daoyi hold down the couplets so that he could post them.

"Hey, I have to thank you. Last time you went to see me, but after the matter that I didn't have time was reported, the old guys thought that instead of keeping me busy with the Chamber of Commerce, it would be better for me to maintain the relationship with you. , so I feel relaxed again.”

Is Feiyun Chamber of Commerce short of people?

There should be a shortage of capable young people like Xingqiu.

But compared to the friendship of a god, other things seem unimportant.

Therefore, when I learned that Xingqiu had no time to play with Wang Daoyi because of his busy work,

The old guys from Feiyun Chamber of Commerce canceled Xingqiu's upcoming work very directly and gave him a long vacation.

The reason why Xingqiu came to see Wang Daoyi until today was because he had rested at home for several days.

Wang Daoyi smiled: "Ha, that's a mistake. What about Chongyun? Hutao's order is not easy to make."

Chongyun shook his head: "I gave Hall Master Hu's order to my family. Naturally, someone else will do it, just in my name."

Exorcist, young hero Chongyun,

Now he is also quite famous in Liyue.

With Chongyun's name on it, the business of Shengshengtang... might actually be better.

One for exorcism and one for funeral,

It can be considered a cooperation.

"So what are the plans for today?" After pasting up the horizontal strips, Wang Dao stepped down from the ladder and took a look at the Spring Festival couplets. Well, not bad, they were pasted very squarely.

"It's not decided yet, so I came to see you." Xingqiu said.

"Let's talk later. Come and help me with my work first." Wang Daoyi put away the ladder, turned around and walked towards the shop, followed by Xingqiu and Chongyun.

The two young heroes spent a whole morning working in Wanmin Hall before re-dressing the inside and outside of Wanmin Hall.

The original simple store decorations have now been replaced with festive colors of red and gold.

Master Mao looked at the various decorations he selected with a satisfied expression.

The friends also had time and gathered in a corner of the lobby.

"This year's activity is kite flying. Unfortunately, it only looks better than a kite, but it doesn't fly higher or farther."

"Nonsense, this is Liyue Port. To compare with Fei He, we have to go to the wilderness of Guiliyuan to compete."

The opening scene is the fight between Wang Daoyi and Xingqiu.

No one else cares either,

"Xingqiu, we have all made our own kites, where are you?" Xiang Ling asked.

They had gone to Tianheng Mountain to make kites together before, but Xingqiu did not go.

Xingqiu and Wang Daoyi said that Feiyun Chamber of Commerce would prepare it for him, but Xiangling didn't know.

"If the family is prepared, it is impossible to win the prize. We can only use it as a sign." Xingqiu said,

"To be more precise, it should be an advertisement. I will pay 100 moras to bet that there must be an advertisement of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce on his kite." Wang Dao pointed out Feiyun Chamber of Commerce's ideas one by one.

With such a great large-scale event, everyone looks up to see the kites. If we don’t advertise at this time, we won’t be able to afford the money spent by the chamber of commerce.

(In addition to the General Affairs Department, major chambers of commerce also contribute money to organize the annual Hai Lantern Festival.)

Not only the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, but also various chambers of commerce in Liyue will definitely carry their own product patterns and chamber of commerce logos on the kites.

No way, as a businessman, kites are a very good advertising tool.

It would be hard for them to go through a kite competition without advertising.

"Ahem, cough, cough, for this event, my family not only opened up the relationship with Fontaine, but also paid millions of dollars in expenses. It is normal to advertise." Xingqiu coughed a few times. Obviously, Wang Daoyi said Every word is correct.


Everyone laughed for a while,

Then Xingqiu continued: "I heard that Ying went to Keqing and said that he wanted to add a program. It seems that he has already received approval, but it was kept secret, so I didn't ask anything."

Do you want to add a program?

Wang Dao just thought about it and knew what it was.

"It must be very exciting. Where will it be performed? The pier?"

"It should be so, but it's strange. I haven't seen any stage added to the pier."

"Heh, maybe they don't need a stage."

Wang Daoyi smiled, but he knew in his heart that after today, the animal dance show will probably start in Liyue.

However, Wang Daoyi was also a little curious about how Jiaming would perform.

"It seems that we have to go to the pier today, but we have to perform in the evening. What should we do now?" Xingqiu continued to ask.

Wang Daoyi thought for a while: "Let's go find Yun Jin and Xin Yan first. If everyone has nothing to do, let's go to the foot of Tianheng Mountain to have a look. I haven't been to the Student Aid Academy for a long time, so I might as well go see those children."

The student aid college at the foot of Tianheng Mountain,

At the beginning, Wang Daoyi brought out some children who should receive education from Qingcezhuang.

Later, we cooperated with the General Affairs Department and the Adventurers Association to provide education for orphans in Liyue.

Wang Daoyi also served as the honorary dean before, and Abatui's laboratory was also set up in it.

However, when Wang Daoyi's business in the desert gradually developed, he no longer paid attention to it.

It is now a student aid college, and its full name should be Liyue Tianhengshan Primary School.

The main funds still come from the General Affairs Department and the Adventurers Association.

But the main target group of education is no longer just orphans.

Many families who cannot afford to go to Tongwen School choose to send their children to Tianhengshan Primary School.

Although the sophistication of education is definitely not as good as those of private schools and Tongwen Academy that has been passed down for thousands of years,

However, with the support of the General Affairs Department, Tianhengshan Primary School still guarantees the most basic education.

"Look at the kids!"

Xiangling's little head tilted slightly, she didn't know what she thought of, and her face quickly turned rosy.

However, everyone had just worked and no one noticed.

Xingqiu became interested and nodded vigorously: "Since we are going to see the children, let me go and collect some supplies."

This is what Xingqiu said subconsciously,

After getting used to his status as a young master of the Chamber of Commerce, it is naturally impossible to go to a place like the Student Aid Academy empty-handed.

It's okay to go there alone, but if we all go there together,

Then his identity dictates that he has to bring something with him.

After all, in public, he represents Feiyun Chamber of Commerce more.

He needed to put a good face on the Chamber of Commerce.

"Ahem, forget it. I don't know if the materials you are collecting now will be used by the other side. When you get there, talk to the person in charge over there and you can donate them." Wang Daoyi quickly stopped Xingqiu. ,

If we really have to transport truckloads of supplies, it won't be fun anymore, and it will become business again.

Chongyun also gave a rare nod: "Daoyi is right."

Xingqiu thought about it and felt that he was a little anxious: "Let's talk about it later."

"Then let's set off to find Yun Jin and the others." After saying that, Xingqiu took the lead and walked out of the store.

Wang Daoyi also stood up to follow, but found that something seemed wrong with Xiang Ling, so he lowered his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiangling, whose mind was full of 'children', suddenly came back to her senses, suppressed her shyness, and shook her head vigorously: "It's nothing, I was distracted, let's go."

The two of them took the rice cooker and followed Xingqiu and Chongyun.

This year Wanmintang won't go to Xiaoshi to set up a stall, so naturally it won't need Guoba's help.

Master Mao also has his social circle and does not need children to watch.

Everyone came to Yunhan Society all the way,

Before entering, I saw Yun Jin and Xin Yan coming out.

Seeing their friends, the two of them happily came over to greet them.

"Happy Lantern Festival, everyone, we are just going to find you."

"Happy Lantern Festival, it seems we are all on the same page."

They exchanged a few words of Happy Hai Lantern Festival,

Xingqiu told Yun Jin and Xin Yan that they were going to see the children.

Both girls are very caring people, so naturally they will not refuse.

So everyone bought some souvenirs, mainly small toys and snacks, and walked down to Tianheng Mountain together.

There are many people coming and going on the road,

However, these people are not going to the academy.

Most of them are from the Immortal Temple next to the college.

During the Hai Lantern Festival, many people are willing to go to the fairy temple to offer a stick of sandalwood in order to wish good luck.

Come to the college,

Although the Hai Lantern Festival has been on holiday, there are still many children who have not left.

These children are real orphans.

Rather than saying that this is a college, it is better to say that this is their home.

When Wang Dao and others came here,

I saw several old gentlemen taking these children to post Spring Festival couplets in the college.

Moreover, Wang Daoyi also saw a familiar figure.

"That's Keqing over there, right?" Xiangling also saw it and said.

Everyone followed Xiang Ling's fingers and saw that there was indeed a croissant girl among the children, who seemed to be doing something.

"Keqing!" Xiangling shouted, and everyone came closer together.

Among the children,

Keqing heard a familiar voice and turned around to see that it was her friends.

The smile on his face became even bigger, and he patted the children beside him: "It's my sister's friend who is here, please give way."

The surrounding children moved out of the way, allowing Wang Daoyi and others to enter the circle.

"Happy Hailantern Festival, who are you?" Xiangling looked at Keqing curiously.

Keqing smiled and said: "Happy Hai Lantern Festival, I will deliver the supplies approved by the General Affairs Department, what about you?"

Everyone like Wang Dao can think of the college. As the real responsible party of the college, the General Affairs Department will naturally not forget it.

Not only this year, but also during the previous Hai Lantern Festival, the General Affairs Department would also send supplies.

"We also came here to see the children." Xiang Ling said, then raised the gifts in her hands, "But we only brought a few small gifts."

With a smile on her face, Keqing patted the children around her: "My brothers and sisters have brought you gifts, but you haven't thanked them yet."

The children laughed and rushed towards the people carrying gifts.

But they were not crowded, but lined up in a very orderly manner.

Everyone would say thank you after receiving a gift from Xiangling and the others.

"Did you teach me this?" Wang Daoyi walked to Ke Qing's side.

Ke Qing glanced at him and then shook her head: "How is it possible? These children learned it by themselves. They are much more sensitive than normal children."

Only after I was actually caught in the rain did I realize the importance of an umbrella.

Before the establishment of the academy, these real orphans were supported by the Secretary of General Affairs and would not go hungry, but they had also experienced the warmth and coldness of human relationships. Therefore, their hearts were more sensitive, and they knew better how to 'please' people who were kind to them. .

They know that if they line up neatly, they will be more liked by their brothers and sisters.

Crowded competition will make others unhappy.

Therefore, what appears to be a very formal scene is actually a projection of these children's sensitive hearts.

"..." Wang Daoyi was silent for a moment, and then sighed slightly, "Learn knowledge here, and when they grow up, they will be more promising."

If there were no academy, these orphans would have to work as laborers or waiters when they grow up.

But things are different now. The establishment of the academy allows them to learn knowledge, and their destiny has changed.

"Yes, they will be promising. As the founder of the academy, will you be happy for them?" Ke Qing looked at Wang Daoyi.

This time Wang Daoyi did not remain silent or hesitate, and said directly: "As long as they grow up and don't do bad things, then I will not only be happy for them, I will also be proud of them."

A long time ago, before Wang Daoyi ascended the throne of God, he used Ying as a chess piece to test the so-called [destiny].

But if we look at the actual situation, these children are the ones whose destiny is really affected by Wang Daoyi.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi has never forgotten them.

"They won't do bad things. I have proposed to the other Seven Stars that after these children complete their preliminary education, select some of them, and then conduct in-depth education, and train them according to their different talents. Some of them will become businessmen, and some of them will They will become scholars or even politicians, but... they will all serve Liyue," Ke Qing said.

Wang Dao's eyes flashed slightly and he did not speak immediately.

He knew that this was Keqing telling him that the General Affairs Department would accept all these children and train them as core 'tool people'.

Well, it can be understood as Liyue's [Hearth House] mode.

After a moment of silence, Wang Daoyi said: "As long as you don't hurt them, I don't care what you do."

He didn't inherit Morax's position, so of course he couldn't control what Qixing wanted to do.

His relationship with these children was limited to his title of honorary dean.

Keqing smiled slightly and said nothing. She left Wang Daoyi and walked to Xiangling to help distribute the gifts.

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