Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 786 Goodbye ‘Tianli’

"Headquarters, the engine has been warmed up and Chisha No. 1 is requesting takeoff."

"Received from the main station, permission to take off, wish you good luck."

In the underground base,

Countless people gathered in the big meeting,

Looking at the spaceship on the projection,

This giant beast crawling in the launch channel,

Now it has begun to show some ferocity,

The dazzling particle beam was ejected from the engine, driving the huge spacecraft to slowly slide.

And inside the spacecraft,

Hundreds of staff are carrying out operations in an orderly manner.

"The engine is ignited, power 10%, power 20%...power 50%..."

"Everyone, return to your work station and wear the stabilizing device. The spacecraft is about to take off."

"Countdown to takeoff, take off."

In the huge happening channel,

The huge spaceship suddenly sprayed out a stream of incandescent particles,

The powerful power will instantly propel the slowly gliding spacecraft.

It flew out instantly along the slightly inclined launch channel.

In the underground base,

"The spaceship has left the warehouse and started to connect to the spacecraft void device..., connecting..., connected, Chisha No. 1 spacecraft team, this is the main station, please report the current status."

And at this time,

The people sitting on the spacecraft only felt a slight loss of center of gravity, and then recovered quickly.

The stabilizing device inside the spacecraft protected them very well.

After hearing the order from the main station,

The staff on the spacecraft responded quickly.

"Headquarters, this is Chisha No. 1. According to the display, we are currently at an altitude of 5,689 meters and are driving smoothly. There are no abnormalities. Please ask for next instructions."

In the underground base,

Wang Daoyi frowned slightly,

More than five thousand meters, which sounds very high, but in fact... it has not even left the troposphere.

To put it bluntly, Wang Dao's kick is higher than this.

"Give the order, start climbing, stay at each level for ten minutes, collect data, and then continue climbing." Wang Daoyi said.

Soon, the main station issued instructions to the spacecraft,

"Chisha No. 1, this is the main station. Please accept the order and continue climbing. Then, stay for ten minutes at each level in the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere, and exosphere to collect data."

There was no question on the spacecraft about the instructions from the main station.

"Chisha 1 has been received and will make its first climb in three minutes, with an estimated altitude of 10 kilometers."

"Received from the main station, wish you good luck."

The spaceship that was cruising in the sky shook slightly,

Directly below the spacecraft, several engines were started.

The spacecraft began to climb straight up.

Five thousand meters, six thousand meters, seven thousand meters...

In the face of the powerful engine power of Chisha-1, the tropospheric height of the first level is not a problem at all.

It soon broke through the height of eight thousand meters, and gradually stabilized after reaching ten kilometers.

"Collection team, start collecting data, stay for ten minutes this time."

The staff inside the spacecraft became busy.

"Headquarters, this is Chisha No. 1. We have reached the troposphere, at an altitude of ten kilometers, and are collecting data. We expect to make a second ascent in 15 minutes."

"Received from the main station, wish you good luck."

Soon, the collection team completed the data collection.

The spaceship began to climb again,

This time, the target is the stratosphere with a lower limit of 8-18 kilometers and an upper limit of 50-55 kilometers.

The spacecraft repeated the previous actions again, and there were still no accidents. Everything went smoothly.

The spaceship continues to climb,

The middle layer of 50-55 kilometers below and 80-85 kilometers above has been successfully broken through.

The ionosphere, which is 80-85 kilometers below the horizon and 800 kilometers above the horizon, entered smoothly again.

And time has passed five hours.

From the underground base, it was already night time.

Now, only the final exosphere of 800 kilometers from the lower boundary to about 3,000 kilometers from the upper boundary is left.

As long as it breaks through here, the spacecraft will officially break through Teyvat and enter the universe.

But Wang Daoyi knew that the current difficulties were about to come.

The false heaven is in this position.

Wang Daoyi wanted to see if the spacecraft could break through False Sky's interception without taking action himself.

"Issuing the command, the spacecraft crew takes a temporary rest, the spacecraft hovers, and checks the status of the spacecraft. It will officially begin to break through the ionosphere in 12 hours."

"Yes, let's notify the spacecraft team."

The spacecraft crew that had been operating for a day finally came to a standstill.

But they did not rest immediately;

A large number of people began to inspect various modules and components of the spacecraft.

The instruction from the gods to rest for twelve hours made them feel some pressure.

Even the gods allow them to rest. Does this mean that the current difficulties are waiting for them ahead?

unknown space,

sky island,

"He's testing me again."

The weak light and shadow were slightly distorted, and a very obvious anger echoed in this space.

The maintainer with white hair and golden eyes lowered his head: "You are still too weak now, and I am no match for him."

There were many wounds on her body. The injuries she had received from Wang Daoyi not only failed to heal, but were even more serious.

The power of the Destroying Sun has been destroying the vitality of the maintainers.

This forced Tianli to allocate part of his strength to heal his men.

"...But we can't do nothing, otherwise we will only fall into passivity." Tianli said calmly.

Beneath the calm was suppressed anger.

He knew very well that Wang Dao was forcing him to take action as he kept pushing further.

However, what can we do if we know it? What can we do if we are clear?

His power continues to dissipate, and his foundation is gradually lost as countless time passes by.

He is no longer the original one who just came to Teyvat.

The original has long been shattered in successive wars,

Today's heavenly principles are just the 'biggest piece'.

If not, He would not have continuously weakened the four heavenly rulers, resulting in no one in his hands to use.

If the four original rulers of Heaven were still there, how could Heavenly Law remain motionless on Sky Island?

Just the action of Istaru, the ruler of time, can stir up trouble in Teyvat.

But it is a pity that this powerful help has been given up by Tianli himself.

"Should I take action and shoot down that spacecraft?" the maintainer asked.

As Tianli's last subordinate, she is well-informed and naturally knows the spaceship.

Although she was very surprised that a spaceship could be built in the barren desert, that was all.

It's just an ordinary spaceship, she can handle it.

Tianli hesitated for a moment, then the hazy light and shadow shook his head slightly: "No, you can't go. Once He takes action, you won't be able to escape. I will go there myself."

"But you..." The maintainer was a little anxious.

If Tianli takes action and is caught by Wang Daoyi, everything will be doomed.

In the hazy light and shadow, Tianli seemed to be smiling: "Don't worry, He can't catch me. On the contrary..."

He seemed to have remembered something, and the light and shadow turned to look at the maintainer: "I want you to go to the source. If something really happens to me, destroy it."

"Why should I leave something to others if I can't get it? Ten thousand years of planning... how can I make clothes for others."

At this point, Tianli's voice turned gloomy.

The maintainer lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

"Go ahead and keep an eye on the Origin Sea."

Tianli waved his hand, and a portal opened.

Through the gap in the portal, you can see a dark sea area on the opposite side.

But the sea water there is made up of the convergence of origins and laws.

Unfortunately, these origins and laws have no vitality and are instead lifeless.

If a great being with authority sees this scene, you can understand why.

Above the origin sea,

Where is the suppression in a relatively small space?

And in space,

Countless shrines stand,

Some are complete and some are broken,

Among them, the five sacred thrones in the center shine brightly.

If Wang Daoyi were here, he would sigh that when he came before, there were still seven.

Yes, this is one of the biggest secrets of Tianli, the divine throne space.

Wang Daoyi once sublimated when he ascended to the gods, and once he experienced it in a spiritual state, he could never find this space again.

Wang Daoyi didn't know much at the time. He didn't even know that the devil was not a native product of Teyvat.

Therefore, the throne space cannot be conceived by Teyvat itself.

In fact, this space is one of the changes made by heaven to the law of Teyvat.

Before he established the seven consuls, he had already established the system of divine thrones.

Countless demon gods who were originally transformed have a place here.

With the help of the power of those demon gods,

Tianli easily suppressed the Origin Sea.

Later, Tianli promoted the war between demons and merged countless original fragments.

Finally, the seven greatest divine thrones were condensed.

This is the seven-ruling system.

After the Seven Consuls took over the lax Demon God system, the Origin Sea could no longer make waves.

The power of the seven gods plus the power of the throne,

The Origin Sea is suppressed to death and can only be demanded by the laws of heaven.

According to Tianli's plan, after He harvested the seven gods and the Dragon King of the present generation,

The dead Origin Sea will no longer be able to breed the next round of Dragon Kings.

Then the [immortal] divinity will naturally not be able to escape again,

And He also completed the collection of [Immortal] divinity.

Then, he can merge with his divinity and ascend to the sky in one step, becoming the Star God.

It's a pity that such a good plan often encounters problems.

First, some of the ‘taxes’ from Mondstadt and Liyue could not be collected.

Then the forces of the abyss became more active,

The original plan to harvest the God of Water was broken.

He wanted to clear out the Red Sand Lord who was not in his destiny, but the Star God came and was beaten by the opponent instead.

While he was still recovering at home, the throne belonging to the God of Rock also collapsed in the throne space.

In just one year, Tianli has been extremely unlucky.

Thousands of years of planning were violently torn apart.

This made Tianli very uneasy.

That’s why He sent the maintainers into the Origin Sea. If He really failed, He would do whatever it takes to kill them all.

After the maintainer left,

The hazy light and shadow cast his gaze outside the space,

"Why are you forcing me? You walk on your sunny path and I'll cross my single-plank bridge. Isn't it great?"

He has forgotten,

In the beginning, it was He who forced Wang Daoyi.

If He hadn't forced Wang Daoyi to leave Teyvat and go outside the world,

Wang Daoyi will not attract Bo Shizun's attention.

Nor would He fall into such passivity.

The root of everything stems from his ill will towards Wang Daoyi.

If Tianli had chosen to let Wang Daoyi go instead of destroying Wang Daoyi, would Wang Daoyi still go against him?

"It will still happen. Tianli's plan is very grand. Once he succeeds, Teyvat will cease to exist. The people I cherish are all here, so I must be his enemy."

In the underground base, Wang Daoyi answered Albedo’s doubts,

"Is that so? I thought it was what happened last time that made you full of malice towards Tianli." Abedo suddenly realized.

He also always thought that Wang Daoyi dealt with Tianli because Tianli dealt with Wang Daoyi first.

In fact, once Wang Dao knew that Tianli wanted [immortal] divinity, it was impossible for him to reconcile with Tianli.

In order to ensure that the secret of [Immortality] is not spread, the laws of heaven must kill people and silence them.

Although Teyvat has lost his [Immortal] divinity and has little value,

But in order to protect its own foundation, it is impossible for heaven to allow Teyvat to survive.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi must fight against the laws of heaven for the people he cherishes.

This is also the reason why Wang Daoyi started to pursue the victory again after defeating Tianli once.

Because the laws of heaven are full of dangers for Teyvat, and you don’t even know when this danger will come.

Time flies, twelve hours turn around and pass by,

The underground base became tense again,

"Chisha No. 1, this is the main station. Is the self-inspection completed?"

After a while,

A response came from the spaceship crew,

"Head office, this is Chisha No. 1. The self-inspection has been completed and you can continue to leave at any time."

In the underground base,

The people at the reception desk looked at Wang Daoyi,

They are waiting for the order from the Lord of Red Sand.

"Give the order, continue to climb, try to break through the false sky, and prepare them for the attack."

"Yes, my God." The person at the reception desk responded, then picked up the microphone and said,

"Chisha No. 1, this is the main station. Now give the order to continue climbing and try to break through the false sky. Please be prepared for the attack."

"Chisha No. 1 has received it and is preparing. It is expected to start climbing in five minutes."

After giving the order, the main station controller turned to look at the Lord of Red Sand.

But he found that the place where the god originally stood was empty.

Over the desert, about 800 kilometers away,

A spaceship is docked here,

It's said to be anchored, but actually it's more like hovering.

But soon, the engine that was originally outputting slowly began to roar,

The huge spaceship began to rise slowly,

above it,

It is a false sky that reflects the endless starry sky.

"It is expected to break through the ionosphere and enter the exosphere in three minutes. Operations Department, please remain alert."

"The Operations Department has received it, the protective device has been turned on, and the energy radar has been turned on..."

"We are about to break through to the exosphere. Please pay attention to collecting data from the collection department."

"The collection department has received it and the probe has been released..."

"The escape layer is about to be broken through. Please return to the work station for non-special personnel and take protective measures. The spacecraft is about to accelerate."

"10, 9, 8, 3, 2, 1...the spacecraft is accelerating..."

The huge spaceship shook slightly,

The engine below sprays out a powerful stream of particles,

With the help of terrifying power, the spacecraft instantly broke through the barrier between the ionosphere and the exosphere.

"This... is the false heaven that my god said?"

on the spaceship,

Except for the people from the war department who were still on alert,

Everyone else couldn't help but leave their workstations and walked to the protective window to look out.

This is endless emptiness,

But more of them are the stars that connect into a star field,

Like a pig, like a butterfly, like a kitten,

Like a water bottle, like a kite, like a bow and arrow,

There are animals, plants, and all kinds of weird things.

Facing such a beautiful starry sky,

The people on the spaceship team couldn't help but become a little crazy.

"Such a beautiful starry sky... is it fake?"

Someone couldn't help but murmured.

Even the fake starry sky is so beautiful, so how magnificent should the real starry sky be!

In a state of excitement, the captain began to issue new instructions: "Communications Department, contact the main station and report the situation.

Operations Department, continue to be vigilant,

Collection department, collects data.

Others, return to their workstations and continue working. "

When the people on the spacecraft were having an excited exchange with the main station,

Wang Daoyi was stepping on the spaceship.

With a smile on his face,

"I thought you didn't dare to come."

On a level invisible to the ship crew,

A hazy light and shadow is standing in the void in front of the spacecraft,

Endless dark chains are surrounding Him, like...a bully dog.

"Why, why do you provoke me again and again? As you are, you can just leave Teyvat. Is there any place in the endless universe that you can't go to?"

The hazy light and shadow issued an angry question.

As Wang Daoyi?

That's right, the Genius Club and the identity of the Intellectual Envoy can naturally allow Wang Daoyi to run rampant in the universe.


Does this conflict with Wang Daoyi's takeover of Teyvat?

Not yet.

"Ha, stupid, as long as I eliminate you, Teyvat will be mine, and I can go to the universe." Wang Daoyi sneered.

Only children make choices, he wants them all.

The hazy figure was furious, and the dark chains surrounding him felt his anger, and they bared their teeth and claws even more, spreading towards the spaceship under Wang Dao's step.

Wang Dao glanced at him and said with a cold look: "Presumptuous."

The next moment, golden chains spread out from the void,

The golden chains were winding, as if they were spiritual. Seeing that they were old rivals, they all shot toward the dark chains.

Two chains, one gold and one black, intertwined with each other,

The gold and black colors keep collapsing,

Turned into little bits of light and disappeared,

But overall, the golden chains still have the upper hand.

However, neither Wang Daoyi nor Hazy Light and Shadow cared about the chain war.

As soon as Wang Dao looked at him, the authority deep in his soul continued to vibrate.

The power from [the authority of inquiry] continues to extend with the hazy light and shadow, trying to dig out the true heavenly principles.

Yes, this hazy light and shadow is just a projection, not the true form of Tianli.

The hazy light and shadow also looked at Wang Daoyi, seeming to be deducing something.

"Damn it, I still can't figure it out. Where did this kid come from? The origin of Teyvat has been suppressed by me. How can he still give birth to such a demon?"

Tianli cursed inwardly.

He really didn't want to believe that the Lord of Red Sand was the demon god conceived by Teyvat.

(Being pregnant does not mean being born a demon. Anyone who ascends the throne of God in Teyvat is considered to have been conceived in Teyvat.)

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