Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 795 [Tevat Interstellar Development Council]

There is a grand event in the desert,

Many forces have received this news,

But there are not many forces that can go to participate in this grand event.

In addition to the orthodox members of the Seven Kingdoms and the various races attached to the Seven Kingdoms, the rest are the Dragon Clan.

If it weren't for this grand event, many people would never have seen so many dragons in their lives.

Tens of meters long wind-eroded sandworms travel through the sea of ​​​​sand, setting off waves of sand, like a train traveling through the sea of ​​​​sand. If you look closely, you will find that these wind-eroded sandworms are also tied with something similar to a seat. , there are people sitting on it.

Wearing rock armor, the rock dragon lizards are like ancient warriors practicing battles in armor. The thick and solid aura continues to spread, inheriting the ability of Ruotuo Dragon King, allowing them to forcibly absorb the power of other elements and turn them into weapons in their palms. , the elements vibrate and resound throughout the venue.

The alien dragon lizards and the deep sea dragon lizards were swimming in the canal, playing and playing, and from time to time they would pick up fat river fish and throw them onto the passing fishing boats, causing bursts of laughter on the fishing boats.

"If you hadn't known that this was his country, I would have believed you if you said this was the resurrection of the Dragon Court."

"That one is telling everyone that he treats many intelligent races equally."

"This is our opportunity as well."

"Oh, I just ask not to be killed by a big sun."

"Then it depends on whether you are sensible or not, and offer Him our only loyalty in exchange for a new way out."

"Outside the Dark Sea... I don't want to stay any longer."

Several figures shrouded in black robes gathered together to communicate,

From time to time, desert people passing by would look at them strangely.

Although they couldn't see their appearance clearly, the smell of the sea on these people was simply...'refreshing'.

at this time,

A group of heavily armed holy warriors passed by with Inazuma's delegation.

Among the envoys, the Yae Shenzi glanced at these black-robed men in surprise.

"The evil god of the outer sea?"

As Ina's wife, Narukami Omiyaji, she is very familiar with these 'people'.

The fishy smell of the sea is stronger than her fox smell.

While Yae Shenzi was looking at each other, these men in black robes were also looking at her.

"The descendants of the God of Thunder."

"Do you want to take action?"

"Don't make trouble. This is His kingdom, and everything is under His eyes. Do you believe that if you do something, the sun will fall immediately?"

"Forget it, I don't want to become a reservoir like Longshou and the others."

"Let's wait for now. After the whitewash is successful, we will have plenty of time to fight against them."

"Just being antagonistic?"

"Otherwise? Can you beat Thor?"


The two parties with different stances passed each other, and both restrained their desire to take action.

Everyone knows that this is His kingdom, and no one can do anything under His eyes.

Chisha Headquarters

The statue of the Lord of Red Sand stands here.

Even during the day, the statue emits a hazy white light.

In front of the statue, in the wide square, large numbers of red sand people, mixed with a few outsiders, were worshiping.

“King from the land of plenty, we fall down and worship you,

Dedicate your wealth, freedom and life, only you are the savior.

King who stands on the sea of ​​sand, we fall down and worship you,

Past, present, and future will always exist. You alone are the Lord of Light.

King of the endless sea of ​​knowledge, we fall down and worship you,

Praise the wisdom, mystery and authority, you alone are the Lord of inquiry.

King who sits on the throne of God, we fall down and worship you,

King of Holy Might, Lord of Eternal Glory, you are the only one worthy of worship and reverence

King of Dharma, Lord of Mysteries, we exalt your holy name forever. "

Countless people prostrate themselves in front of the statue and sing praises.

The idol releases a hazy light,

Transformed into streams of light containing many concepts such as "goodness", "righteousness", and "benevolence\

,"Descend from the sky and fall among the people.

As warm as a mother, as safe as a father,

The prostrate believers raised their heads and stared at the infinitely great statue of God.

"Praise to the Lord of eternal glory, holy power, law and mystery!"

"Praise to the Lord of eternal glory, holy power, law and mystery!"

"Praise to the Lord of eternal glory, holy power, law and mystery!"

The most important thing in the country is to sacrifice to the army.

After people witnessed a grand sacrifice with their own eyes,

That solemn and sacred scene will linger in his mind.

This gradually affects his outlook on life.

The same goes for outsiders who witnessed the red sand salute.

In today's world where gods really exist,

The impact of such a praise is no worse than that of a god’s personal visit.

"I have no doubt that they will be willing to die for you." At the lakeside of Chisha headquarters, Navilette looked at the tribute not far away and couldn't help but say.

Wang Daoyi looked calm: "I don't need them to die for me. If possible, I would prefer to downplay my existence."

He didn't lie,

If possible, he would rather the Red Sand people didn't believe in him so much.

The unlimited expansion of divine power is likely to bring about the closure of wisdom.

As a sharer of wisdom and authority, Wang Daoyi does not want to see this situation arise.

If possible, Wang Daoyi would prefer that the red sand people would question him.

Only when there is doubt can there be research, and only when there is research can there be progress.

After a pause, Wang Daoyi looked at Navilette: "If you want, the dragon lizards will also be willing to die for you."

Villette also looked calm: "I don't need them to die for me. If possible, I also want to downplay my existence."

Villette is to the deep-sea dragon lizard what Wang Daoyi is to the red sand people.

It is the existence that they worship and pursue infinitely.

And Navilette's thoughts were surprisingly consistent with Wang Daoyi's.

Rather than letting these people crawl under their feet, they are more willing to let their people become self-reliant.

"It's nice to say that you came to me just for them." Wang Daoyi sneered.

The fact is that Navilette wanted the dragon lizards to be self-reliant, but when something happened, he couldn't help but stand up for the dragon lizards.

After noticing the appearance of deep-sea dragon lizards in the desert, Navilette knew that this was the dragon lizards looking for a new way out.

Therefore, he found Wang Daoyi and hoped that Wang Daoyi could accept them.

At least give them a chance.

"It's not bad for you, is it? Since we want to develop externally, the more united the internal people are, the better.

You will replace the existence of the sky in the future. Whether they are humans or dragons, aren't they all your people?

So, if you give them a chance, what impact will it have? "

In fact, Villette is not good at persuading others. After all, the Supreme Judge's basis is the law, not eloquence.

Eloquence is the lawyer's business, and the judge only needs to judge.

But for the sake of the dragon lizards who admired him, he still tried hard to persuade Wang Daoyi.

"I never said I wouldn't give them a chance. Villette, care will lead to chaos. You can't even see it as clearly as those seafoods."

Even the evil god of the outer sea can see that he is prepared to treat intelligent life equally.

But Villette couldn't see clearly. What was this if it wasn't concern or chaos?

"You mean you agree to the participation of the deep sea dragon lizards in your plan?"

"Of course, the dragon lizard itself is a highly intelligent life with strong adaptability and learning ability. Naturally, I will not refuse."

Wang Daoyi never doubted the potential of Dragon Lizard.

The dragon lizards in Yuanxia Palace have already proved that this race has great potential.

If people take the initiative to invest now, Wang Daoyi will naturally accept them.


[Yuan] will inherit part of the origin of the Nibelung roots. These dragon lizards will also be their own people... their own dragons in the future.

Wang Daoyi had no reason to reject them.


Wang Daoyi was so easy to talk to, and Villette didn't know what to say next.

Originally, he was prepared to exchange some of the Dragon Clan's heritage.

As a result, Wang Daoyi didn't give him a chance at all.

"Hahahahaha." Wang Daoyi stretched out his hand and patted the alien dragon lizards surrounding him, looking at Villette, "If it was a year ago, I would not have accepted too many intelligent races, because this would inevitably Affecting Chisha’s power structure,

But now, my sight has expanded from a corner of the desert to the entire Teyvat.

In this way, no matter how many intelligent beings there are, as long as they are willing to coexist peacefully with other people, then I will accept them. "

Seeing Wang Daoyi's heroic smile, Villette's expression was slightly moved.

"I kind of understand why you got to this point."

Villette sighed,

"Don't worry, the Dragon Clan won't hold you back."

Wang Daoyi smiled and nodded, his eyes bright: "I believe you."

Qianhe Sandy Land

Dama Mountain area,

A huge camp rises from the ground,

The never-ending sandstorm turns in place,

"Liyue's seat is on the right, please follow the staff's guidance."

"Mond's seat is second from the right, please follow the staff's guidance."

"Ina wife..."


"Everyone from the Dragon Clan, please follow me. Your seats are on the left..."

One maid after another walked through the camp, guiding envoys from different countries, powers and races to their seats.

If you look carefully, you will see that these maids are not mortals. They are either messengers of evil spirits or holy warriors.

Only these powerful female warriors can be favored by Felicis and trained as future priestesses.

On the podium,

Felicis still looked as beautiful as ever, quietly watching the envoys take their seats.

As the person in charge appointed by the Lord of Red Sand,

She will be responsible for everything that follows.

Although the scene was huge, it was nothing to Felicis.

As a relic of the ancient times, she has seen many big scenes.

Time passes little by little,

As the last group of men in black robes took their seats,

Felicis patted the microphone in front of her,

"Everyone has been seated, so let this meeting begin. I am Felicis."

As he spoke, his eyes scanned the venue,

Some people lowered their heads under her gaze, while others met her gaze.

“Some of you should know me, but some of you don’t, so let me introduce myself first.

Felicis, a relative of the Mistress of Flowers, a great town spirit, and the oasis governor of this desert. Of course, these are not important. What is important is that I will be responsible for all the next matters. "

Felicis' words caused some commotion in the crowd, but it quickly subsided, and no one would make a noise at this time.

"It seems that everyone already knows me. So, the first item to start the meeting. In view of the different civilizations, ideologies, technological levels, and cultural levels of everyone, I will first introduce the main body of this plan, the spaceship, and then When I introduce, please do not speak casually. After the introduction, there will be a unified time for questions."

There was silence in the audience, but everyone's eyes were fixed on Felicis.

"But before introducing the spaceship, I think it might be better for you to see it with your own eyes."

As she said that, Felicis looked to the side: "Your Excellency Nicored, please notify the spacecraft to land."

Not far away, Nicored looked back at the other side, nodded to Felicis, and then gently tapped his ear: "Void, inform the main station to let the spacecraft land."

At the VIP table,

The giant eagle tilted its head: "Reindot, is this your child too?"

"Can't you see clearly?" Reindot asked back.

"Ha, I really didn't expect it. It seems that the fate between you and the Lord of Red Sand is really deep." The giant eagle (prophet) said with a smile.

"Shut up." Reindot cursed lightly.

However, her eyes did fall on Nicored.

‘Are those failures swallowed by Du Lin re-conceived by Du Lin? Well, jealousy, hatred, resentment... It turns out that after a failure experienced various encounters, he reconciled with himself and became more like a human being. It's really interesting. ’

Reindot's eyes flashed with light, and in just a few breaths, he looked at Nikolaid.

It can only be said that she has a very good understanding of her works.

Even though Nicored has been out of her control for a long time.

Not long after,

A low roar came from the sky,

Everyone looked up subconsciously,

A giant metal beast fell majestically from the sky,

Under the roar of the engine, the hot breath began to spread,

Although none of the people here were ordinary people, Felicis still stretched out her hand and the water vapor from the Grand Canal flowed, turning the place cool again.

In order to ensure the landing of the spacecraft, there is another special open space next to the camp.

Soon, the spaceship stopped.

On the podium,

Felicis clapped her hands: "Okay, now everyone has seen the spaceship. This is just the basic one. We will have better ones in the future. Now, let's continue the meeting.

First, let’s talk about what the spaceship is used for, what we can do with it, and why we should do it. "

Felicis's voice spread through the microphone to the entire camp,

"The Chisha-1 spacecraft has a total length of 230 meters, a maximum width of 180 meters, a height of 30 meters, a weight of 58,000 tons, and can carry 2,000 people..."

First, he introduced the various performance combinations of the spacecraft, and then continued,

"Currently, we can use the spacecraft to leave the world of Teyvat, go to the starry sky, travel to the nearby asteroid belt, and also collect resources."

"Although the world of Teyvat is prosperous, its resources are still limited, so we have the current plan to expand outward and obtain more resources from the universe to ensure the ecological health of the world of Teyvat."

Felicis talked endlessly on the rostrum. Her speech was clear and everyone's eyes brightened when she heard it.

Some people saw a new way out, some noticed new wealth,

Different people had different opinions, but everyone was interested.

After Felicis finished speaking, she looked at everyone and said, "Let's start asking questions now. If no one asks questions, move on to the next item."

Soon, someone at the VIP table raised their hands,

It's none other than Keqing,

"Ms. Felicis, I would like to ask, is the spaceship technology exclusive to Chisha, or will it be announced?"

As one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, Keqing's questions can be described as tricky.

Everyone was also attracted and looked at Felicis.

"This is a good question. According to your instructions, after the establishment of the Interstellar Development Agency, the spacecraft technology that is two generations behind will be disclosed to the public, and the spaceship technology that is one generation behind will be made available to the members of the organization. Organization members can exchange their contributions for a new generation of spacecraft technology. As for the content related to contribution, we will mention it later." Felicis replied.

As the saying goes, a generation is behind, a generation is serving, a generation is ahead, and a generation is envisioned.

According to this rule,

The spaceship technology of non-organization members will always be two generations behind, but they will still have the opportunity to look into the stars.

The technology of the forces that are members of the organization will be one generation behind, but they will be more advanced than the forces that are members of the organization.

The agency's own spacecraft will be a new generation, and it will be enough to suppress other forces.

The leading generation technology and envisioned technology will not be made public.

Keqing nodded: "Okay, I have no problem here."

Felicis looked at the others again. Seeing that they were silent, she clapped her hands again: "Since there are no other questions, let's move on to the next item, the division of seats and the establishment of different powers and responsibilities within the organization."

When she said this, everyone below cheered up.

Compared with understanding the spaceship before, this issue is the most important now.

“Still the same, when I am speaking, please do not speak casually. If you have any questions after the speech, feel free to ask them and I will answer them.

The full name of the organization formed this time is tentatively named [Teyvat Interstellar Development Council].

The parliament tentatively establishes a chairmanship, two deputy seats, and 12 member seats.

The chairmanship is appointed by Your Majesty, and I am currently taking my place.

There are two deputy seats, one for the dragon race and one for the human race.

Twelve parliamentary seats, free competition.

Except for these seats,

In addition, a research and development department was established, adapted from the current spacecraft research department, responsible for future technology research and development and application, and will still be managed by Nicoreid.

Establish an Armed Operations Department to be responsible for external development operations and protection. The minister is tentatively appointed.

Establish a logistics management department to be responsible for scheduling and coordinating logistics matters. The minister has tentatively decided.

Establish a talent training department to be responsible for cultivating the talents needed for interstellar navigation. The director is tentatively appointed.

Establish a Department of Discipline Inspection to be responsible for internal self-inspection of parliamentary institutions, with fifteen members of Congress directly responsible.


As Felicis's speech on the podium became faster and faster,

The people in the audience gradually became short of breath.

Although they are usually calm and dignified people, facing the interests of the entire universe makes it difficult to calm down.

"The above is about the content of the meeting. Okay, now if you have any questions, you can ask them."

Felicis put down the phone and looked at the audience,

"Let's start from Liyue's side."

It was probably the impression Keqing's previous speech left on Felicis.

This time, Felicis chose to start with Keqing first.

"Okay, thank you, Chairman. My question is, are the positions of the two vice-chairmen appointed by the Lord of Red Sand, or are they elected by other means?" Ke Qing stood up and asked.

In the entire meeting, apart from beings such as gods and dragon kings who were not directly involved, the chairman and the two vice-chairmen undoubtedly had the greatest rights.

Therefore, the first question Keqing chose was the most attention-grabbing one.

Felicis: "The positions of the two vice-chairmen will be decided by the dragons and humans. The Lord of Red Sand and other gods will not interfere."

Keqing's eyes flashed slightly: "Okay, I understand."

Make your own decisions, that is, have room for exchange of interests.

Keqing has already begun to plan for the position of deputy chairperson on the human side.

After Keqing sat down,

There was a slight silence for a while, and it was obvious that everyone had a similar understanding to Ke Qing.

However, in addition to humans and dragons, there are many other forces present.

A man in black robe raised his hand,

Felicis's eyes flashed slightly and she pointed at him: "Please speak."

"I want to know how to compete for twelve parliamentary seats. Is it based on power, personal strength, or resources?" The man in black robe's voice was hoarse, as if his throat had not been used for a long time.

Felicis: "The development of conferences requires resources and support, and the position of a member of the assembly is very important. Therefore, power, personal strength, and resources are all part of the competition. If someone wants to run for assembly, submit your advantages. Give it to Void, Void will select members according to the needs of the parliament,

Of course, please do not submit the information of the corresponding force repeatedly to different individuals of the same force, as this will cause your weight to decrease.

During the selection period of the members, the void system will be managed by His Majesty Buyer and other gods to eliminate any possibility of cheating. "

The man in black robe nodded silently, and then continued: "You also know that we are no longer in the main continent. Do we still have the qualifications to stand for election?"

Felicis: "Since you can sit here, it means that Your Majesty doesn't care about your origins. The Dark Sea is also a part of Teyvat, so you are naturally qualified."

"Okay, thank you, Chairman, I understand." The man in black robe didn't care about the surprised looks of the people around him. After thanking Felicis, he sat down on his own.

Soon someone raised their hand and asked: "If you want to join a department under the parliament, how do you apply?"

Felicis: "Currently, only the R\u0026D department is running. Those who join the R\u0026D department only need to pass Nicoreid's test.

As for other departments, selection will be open after the managers are in place.

As for how department heads will be selected, we support self-recommendation. If you are confident in managing a department, you can nominate yourself after the selection of members. After passing the corresponding examination and obtaining the consent of at least half of the members, you can serve as a manager. "

Someone raised their hand: "Can we go visit the spaceship now?"

"After the meeting, the spaceship will be open to the public, and there will be members of the spaceship team to receive you."

Between questions and answers, time passed little by little,

It wasn't until no one stood up to ask again that Felicis clapped her hands.

Leaf-shaped void terminals were sent to everyone.

"If you are interested in the position of a member of parliament, please wear it, and then say silently in your heart [May I be able to listen to the voice of God's wisdom], then you can use the Void Terminal to run for election, and the Void will submit your campaign plan to Bu Your Majesty Yael." Felicis said.


Some of the leading people (dragons/other beings) put on void terminals one after another.

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