Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 812 Speculations about Bo Shi Zun

On the long river of time,

A rainbow-like band of light surrounds Wang Daoyi,

Higher concepts from different fates in the universe are gradually being unified,

Finally, a divine ring formed behind Wang Daoyi,

[Destruction] [Preservation] [Happiness] [Synchrony] [Nothingness] [Memory] [Hunting] [Intellect] [Abundance]...

With the most central [knowledge] as the center,

Other destiny paths become embellished stars,

The divine ring keeps spiraling and rotating, appearing and disappearing after Wang Daoyi.

The originally closed eyes opened slightly,

Wisps of light flashed in Wang Daoyi's pupils,

Stretch out your right hand,

On the palm of his hand, as Wang Daoyi's thoughts changed, different fate powers appeared and disappeared.

"I can flexibly control the power of my destiny, but..."

Wang Daoyi looked at the power that was disappearing and appearing in his hand, and shook his head slightly.

"Except for [Intellect] and [Destruction], the intensity of other destiny paths is not high. If you want to go further, you need to solve the laws of nature and explore the deeper knowledge of the universe."

In addition to the status of the wisdom envoy bestowed by Bo Shi Zun,

Wang Daoyi's other destiny powers were all copied from Tianli.

However, these destiny forces are forces that hinder Him on the side of heaven.

In the hands of Wang Dao, it becomes a power that can be used.

One increase and one decrease,

On the contrary, Wang Daoyi's advantage became even greater.

Letting Wang Daoyi come into contact with the power of destiny is also one of the things Tianli regrets the most.

Who knew that the power called [Inquiry] could analyze and copy even the power of destiny.

"Boshizun originally said that I have characteristics that are different from others. This is the reason why He chose me.

Later, when she contacted Heita, she said that Bo Shizun silently calculated everything in the universe. He knew the answers to all questions, but he never said,

So, could the trait in me be something that even Bo Shi Zun has not evolved the answer to?

That is..."

Wang Daoyi thought silently, and the power of fate in the palm of his right hand began to fade away.

A ray of gold blooms again,

Behind him, a starry shadow began to loom,

The huge humanoid figure hugged his hands, and a secret book floated in the starry sky.

"It must be the power of my birth seat."

"The biggest secret in me is the identity of the time traveler and [Authority·Exploration],

The identity of time travel is considered mysterious among mortals, but to Bo Shi Zun, it is probably nothing.

That is to say, the identity of coming from Aqua Blue Star may be interesting.

The existence of [Authority·Inquiry] is my true foundation. "

Thinking of this, Wang Daoyi's eyebrows showed a hint of worry.

After communicating with the Black Tower, Wang Daoyi learned many secrets in the universe.

One of them, the star god with a narrow destiny, may be swallowed up by a wider destiny.

The power displayed by Wang Daoyi's [Authority·Inquiry] matches the authority held by Bo Shizun.

What is the authority of Bo Shi Zun?

It's evolution, calculation, deduction, summary, and finally an answer.

What Bo Shi Zun is doing is to search for things that don’t exist yet, but can exist.

And what about Wang Daoyi’s authority?

Parse, read, trace back, understand.

What Wang Daoyi can do is to use what already exists for his own use,

Looking at it this way, the powers of both parties complement each other perfectly.

If Bo Shi Zun is willing to open his database to Wang Daoyi,

Then Wang Daoyi can become the second Bodhisattva.

If the king's wisdom always synchronizes his own authority, the destiny of [wisdom] will be broader.

Of course, the above is the result of cooperation between the two parties.

If Bo Shizun does not want to cooperate and has a trace of malice,

He can forcibly push Wang Daoyi to the position of Star God and open up the life path of [exploration].

Then engulf [Inquiry] with [Intellect] and enjoy it all to yourself.

Wang Daoyi thought that even if he ascended to the Star God, he would never be able to defeat Bo Shizun.

The accumulation of both sides is not at the same level.

"Huh, maybe it's just my imagination."

Wang Dao suppressed the matter with a flash of light in his eyes.

"I don't know if Tianli has revealed his flaws. We have to deal with him quickly and then open up the universe."

After murmuring something, Wang Dao moved his thoughts, and the rushing river of time began to dissipate.

His figure returned to reality.

In the vast and majestic Red Sand Temple, light falls through the tall glass windows.

Scattered on the ground, forming spots of light.

"Kalenkasa, ask Cid to come see me."

The god's voice passed through the heavy door and reached the ears of the two maids outside.

The two sisters looked at each other,

In the end, the old rule was that the younger sister stayed and the older sister went to call someone.

In fact, the two sisters didn't know why the Lord asked them to call West Germany every time.

Just click on the empty space.

However, the sisters did not dare to say, let alone ask.

Not long after,

The sister brought Sid to the temple.

"My God." West Germany bowed and saluted.

Wang Daoyi lowered his eyes: "Have the spaceship routes with other countries been opened?"

"We are negotiating, and Mond is willing to open an area for us near Fengqi Land.

Liyue asked if our spaceship can carry out commercial cargo, and they are willing to invest in this.

Inazuma is willing to allocate part of the land on the outlying islands to build a flight port.

The same is true over at Fontaine.

As for Nata and Zhidong, there is no response yet.

On the other hand, the congressman from Anwaihai stated that he is willing to build a maritime flight port and does not need our funding. He has paid all the money. "

Syd replied.

The establishment of the spaceship port,

On the one hand, it is to facilitate communication between countries, and on the other hand, it is also to make ordinary people familiar with this product.

The main thing is to lay the foundation for future interstellar development.

"Keep everything simple. It doesn't matter if you give away some of your interests. Over there in the Anwaihai Sea... just let them prepare on their own. There is no need to contact Nata and Zhidong anymore." Wang Daoyi said in a deep voice.

The establishment of a flying port is beneficial.

Apart from anything else, the simplest thing is, if you come to take a spaceship, do you need to buy a ticket?

This ticket price needs to be negotiated between the corresponding country and the operator.

If Chisha, as the operator, is willing to transfer some of its interests, other countries will naturally be more willing to speed up construction.

"Yes, my God." Syd lowered his head and responded.

His original intention was to gain more benefits for Chisha, but he would not refute even if the gods spoke.

"How is the earth's veins lately?" Wang Daoyi asked again.

Sid raised his head and replied: "After communicating with Ms. Clolind, I modified the order to clean up the ley lines to slowly release the ley lines, use ley line suppression stones to suppress the ley lines, send soldiers to garrison, and release the ley line energy at regular intervals. .”

This can ensure sufficient activity of leyline energy,

Abilities that are active enough will be sent to the origin sea by the earth's veins.

And Navilet, who has been monitoring the flow of the earth veins, can roughly calculate the coordinates of the origin sea based on the direction of the flow of the earth veins.

"Okay, let's do this for now. You can make your own decisions about other things."

Wang Daoyi waved his hand and then disappeared directly into the temple.

Syd's eyes were clear, and he still bowed respectfully to the empty throne before leaving the temple.


On the other side, inside the final ruins.

As the final door of the laboratory is opened,

Archaeological team members rushed in and began to record the findings here.

Facing the instruments used for experiments thousands of years ago, the archaeological team occasionally exclaimed that the instruments here were too sophisticated.

Far superior to the instruments used by some modern alchemists.

While the archaeological team kept making exclamations of exclamation,

Zhongli and Dragon King had quietly left the laboratory,

Along with these two people, there is Ying,

Paimon, on the other hand, followed the archaeological team enthusiastically, seeming to want to secretly hide some treasures.

"Okay, there's no one else here, come out."

The Dragon King suddenly spoke.

Ying's face was full of confusion, who was the Dragon King talking to?

Just when Ying was puzzled,

The surrounding dust floated slightly and gathered on the Dragon King's broad shoulders.

A mini finally appeared.

She sat on the Dragon King's shoulders, dangling her bare feet, and held the Dragon King's hair with one hand.

"Hey, long time no see, Ruo Tuo."

Ruotuo Dragon King's expression moved slightly, and his eyes even turned red: "In the end..."

"Don't act like a little girl."

The little mini finally smiled playfully and reached out to brush the corner of Ruotuo Dragon King's eyes.

"No, no, wait, what on earth is going on?" Ying looked confused.

She originally thought that Zhongli had obtained some important information in the laboratory, so she walked to this deserted corner with the Dragon King.

But the information was not seen, instead a mini-figure appeared.

The most important thing is that the name [In the End] is not unfamiliar at all.

Just before, she had discussed this name with Zhongli.

Moreover, the ruins they explored this time were not the final laboratory.

Why is there still a living person coming out?

"Haha, this is the Traveler, Morax has already told me about you."

The mini one finally jumped from the Dragon King's shoulder and jumped onto Ying's head.

He reached out and rubbed Ying's head.

"He is also a very gentle person."

He was rubbed on the head by Gui Zhi and was praised again.

Ying's little face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Haha, I'm so shy.\

,"After all, the narrow smile made Ying realize that this legendary demon god might not be so dignified after all.

Playing pranks is also one of her hobbies.

"No, wait, what the hell is going on?"

Ying looked confused and asked deep questions.

The minion on her head finally jumped down,

fell to the ground,

The dust began to gather, forming a small dust devil.

Finally, the grayish-yellow dust revealed the color of white jade,

A hazy figure appeared here,

He waved his exaggerated sleeves and smiled at Ying: "I've heard about his reputation for a long time, Traveler."

Ying's expression was tense, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

A demon god who had been dead for thousands of years appeared in front of her and told her that she had heard about his name for a long time.

Even though I am well-informed, I have never seen such a thing.

"You, I..." Ying hesitated for a while, then recovered, and nodded towards Gui Dian, "Hello, I'm Ying."

"Haha, hello, hello, I am Gui Zhong. You can also call me Hagentus, but my friends all call me Gui Zhi."

The girl with wide sleeves was smiling.

"Gui... finally, aren't you?" Ying still couldn't hold back the doubts in her heart.

"Am I dead?" After all, he raised his eyebrows at Ying, "Hehe, you remember correctly, just because I'm dead doesn't mean I can't be resurrected."

Ying: "Huh?"

Having witnessed Hutao’s understanding of life and death,

During my journey, I saw many tragedies caused by the delusion of resurrection.

Ying is essentially resistant to resurrection from the dead.

She has also heard that the devil is immortal.

But for now, the dead demon has never been truly resurrected in front of her.

After all, it is the first.

Looking at Ying's strange and awkward look, he finally raised his eyebrows slightly: "What? Is it weird?"

"You are the first resurrected demon god I have met." Ying said honestly.

"Oh, do you still know about those dead demon gods?" He finally became interested.

This is Ying's strength,

He immediately raised his fingers,

"That's a lot. In Mondstadt, I heard about the demon god of tornadoes. After coming to Liyue, I also saw the remains of Heulia. After I went to Daozhu, I even saw the remains of Orobas..."

Ying clasped his fingers and counted them one by one. Others listened and realized that this number was quite a lot.

Basically every country has one or two dead demon gods.

Some are good, some are bad, and some are indefinable.

But there is no doubt that no demon god has been resurrected.

"Oh, you are indeed a well-informed traveler."

After all, he gave Ying a thumbs up, and then raised the corner of his mouth: "It's not that they can't be resurrected, but they don't want to, or it's too late."

"There are two types of death of the Demon God. One is voluntary death. For example, Heulia you mentioned, she was abandoned by her people, her self-will was dim, and she chose to die. Therefore, after her power dissipated, even the resentment of the Demon God was gone. There is nothing left,

Some demon gods did not die voluntarily, but because the death came too suddenly, their bodies could only disintegrate, and their souls sank into the earth's veins, leaving behind things like the demon gods' resentment.

If they can accumulate enough strength, they may be able to be resurrected.

However, under the purge of later generations, it is difficult for the demon's resentment to accumulate enough power. "

After a pause,

Finally, he finally explained: "But I am different. I learned about my death from the Mystic Lord very early. Therefore, I prepared my backup plan early. If death had not come unexpectedly, I would have been resurrected long ago." .”

As mentioned before,

For the devil, the most important thing is authority and status.

After all, before he died, he sent his clone into Wuwangpo's [Deception] array.

Use distraction to stabilize your position.

And the power of dust was finally scattered in the heaven and earth before falling.

When he finally recovers and returns,

She took back her authority and status very easily.

When you are fully prepared, death is really not the end for the devil.

"Okay, let's talk about the rest when we go back. They are coming out."

Zhongli suddenly spoke.

Ying also looked at the door of the laboratory,

I saw Sister Wan coming out with a happy face.

And behind her, there was Paimon,

Paimon crossed his arms, and it looked like he had a lot of good things in his arms.

"Ying, you've made a fortune, there are so many gems." Paimeng's eyes were filled with golden light.

Ying frowned and turned around to ask about the outcome, but found that the person who was there just now was gone.

When Sister Wan saw Ying's frown, she thought she was angry with Paimeng.

He quickly explained: "We have checked. These gems should have been some kind of high-energy energy crystals. After thousands of years, they no longer have much energy. They are just beautiful and not of much value. If Paimon wants it, just Give it all to her.”

After a pause, Sister Wan added: "I guess it won't work if I sell it to an antique store, but the jewelry store will probably accept it."

In fact, I just wanted to thank you for bringing someone over to help me and give you the benefits in private.

Compared with the large number of precision instruments in the laboratory, these failed energy gems are really nothing.

The energy structure inside is broken and cannot be used or reproduced. The archaeological team has already checked it, otherwise it would not be possible to give it to Paimon.

Please explain it to Ying.

Sister Wan looked at Zhongli again: "Mr. Zhongli, thank you very much this time. The exploration of the ruins here will still take some time. When it is over, I will definitely pay you a visit."

Zhongli raised his hand and waved: "I have also benefited a lot from this trip and gained a lot of knowledge. It can be said to be a win-win situation. Sister Wan does not need to say thank you."

This man is handsome, well-informed, and speaks nicely.

Sister Wan couldn't help but feel excited. ,

However, she was not too excited, but looked at Zhongli very seriously: "Without Mr. Zhongli's help, we may not be able to pass the first barrier. When I finish here, I must come to thank you. Don't you?" reject."

"Sister Wan, you're welcome. I'll welcome you at home." Zhongli cupped his hands, and then said, "Since the archaeological team is busy, we won't disturb you and will go ahead."

Sister Wan wanted to stay, but the archaeological team really couldn’t spare the manpower to continue entertaining the guests.

He could only watch Zhongli and others leave.

Oh, and Paimon is holding a bunch of gems.

With Sister Wan seeing her off, everyone left the ruins and returned to Liyue Port.

On the way, Paimon was still pestering Zhongli to help her find a buyer so that she could get rid of all the gems in her hand.

Entering Liyue Port and returning to Feiyun Slope,

Until the path to the Hall of Purity,

The appearance of a familiar figure interrupted Paimon's endless desire for money.

"Dao Yi, why are you here?"

Paimon looked surprised.

"Originally, I came here to have a look, but now, I'm here to meet old friends."

Wang Daoyi smiled and said to Paimon,

Then he looked at the empty seat next to Zhongli,

"Welcome back, finally."

Paimon looked confused as he watched Wang Daoyi talking to an empty space, chattering all the way.

Along the way, no one showed up, so Paimon really didn't know there was another person (the devil) here.

In Paimon's surprised and confused eyes, wisps of dust gathered together, and the color of white jade shone in the gray-yellow dust.

The broad sleeves stretched out from the dust, and the stars were reflected in the sleeves.

"Long time no see, Mystery Lord."

After all, he looked at Wang Daoyi with a smile and waved his broad sleeves happily.

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