Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 819 Extra 1 Interstellar Trade Agreement

Chapter 819 Extra 1·Interstellar Trade·Trade Agreement

After a banquet where host and guest enjoyed themselves,

The envoys from the company were sent to luxurious rooms,

This is the resting place prepared for them by the Council.


According to the employee code of Interstellar Peace Company,

When company employees go on business trips, they have the right to spend 1.5 times the premium on accommodation on the corresponding planet.

This consumption is considered normal activity consumption and can be reimbursed by the company.

It can also be seen from this that the company's treatment of regular employees is really very good.

(Interstellar Peace Company Employee Code, partially leaked terms.)

In a luxurious room,

The drunkenness shown by Sha Jin at the reception disappeared, and the chips in his hand slipped and rolled around the room silently.

As the chips returned to his hands, a smile appeared on Shajin's face: "There is actually no surveillance. It is indeed a planet with geniuses. It is much more civilized than those barbaric places."

As one of the ten Shi Xin people in the strategic investment department, Sand Jin has made countless investments for the company and has also had to buy back countless non-performing assets.

Many times, in places where the company’s power cannot be radiated or where its power is weak,

Many local forces even take actions to spy on company employees.

Generally speaking, the final outcome of these forces is not very good.

Interstellar Peace Company, although it carries the word peace,

But at its heart, this is a truly violent institution.

Those forces that attempt to plot against the company will eventually perish under the company's crushing force.

"However, it's normal. In just three years, they have developed from a planet-level civilization to a universe-level civilization. The battleships they displayed before are no longer weaker than the company's regular frigates.

Moreover, there is an envoy-level genius behind them. They are more willing to express an open and cooperative attitude towards the company rather than use some unsavory tricks. "

On the velvet woven sofa, Sha Jin rubbed his eyebrows,

"The information given by the exploration team shows that the Lord of Red Sand does not seem to be a hot-tempered guy, but... is their information really accurate?"

"Why are the people in the marketing department so useless? They don't even understand how many powerful people there are on this planet. They are really... trash."

Sha Jin said words of complaint in his mouth,

But his eyes were unusually bright,

That's the feeling,

A faint sense of crisis kept driving him, and he felt alive.

Shaking his head slightly, he pushed away his inner thoughts and started planning again.

When you see the messenger genius, how should you communicate so that you can complete this mission?

at the same time,

A huge interstellar pioneering mothership returned to the star port through the cosmic wormhole channel.

Felicis, the acting chairman of the Interstellar Development Council, responded to the Red Sand Lord who came down from the mothership.

"It seems I'm not late?" the Lord of Red Sand said with a smile.

Felicis lowered her head: "Of course, the formal meeting will be held in sixteen system hours."

After a pause, Felicis added: "If you want to meet Mr. Gold Placer in advance, he probably won't refuse."

"Oh, no need. Let's wait until the meeting starts. Help me prepare a room." The Lord of Red Sand waved his hand.

He didn't want to discuss business matters with anyone.

Felicis: "Your room has been kept."

As the Lord of Red Sand, he naturally has a room here.

"The mothership has brought back some new materials and minerals. Remember to divide them up and distribute them according to contribution. In addition... tell the guys outside the sea that their stationed planet has been confirmed and they should move as soon as possible to avoid facing the thunder movie in fear."

Felicis: "Okay, I will notify the overseas councillors."

After waving his hand, the Lord of Red Sand left alone.

Felicis, on the other hand, was busy with the things he asked her to do.

Fortunately, as the great town spirit, Felicis would be fine even if she didn't sleep.

Sixteen system hours later,

Teyvat Liyue time at four o'clock in the afternoon,

The first Teyvat Interstellar Peace Company Business Cooperation Conference was held in the Starport Conference Hall.

The parties present were:

Members of the Teyvat Interstellar Development Council, however, some members participated in the form of projections.

On the other side are Sand Jin, the envoy of the Strategic Investment Department of Interstellar Peace Company, and some company employees.

Parliament begins,

Felicis sat on the chair and looked at the company representative: "Mr. Sand Gold, although we have learned something about you through the information given by the Lord of Red Sand, in view of the fact that the two parties are about to cooperate more closely, Please introduce your situation in more detail."

Sha Jin stood up from his seat and nodded slightly to Felicis: "Of course, Mr. Chairman, as you can see, I am from the Interstellar Peace Company.

The founders are: Louis Fleming and Dongfang Qixing

The supreme goal of the company's establishment: to provide all help for Amber King's wall-building behavior and to dedicate everything to Amber King.

The headquarters of Interplanetary Peace Corporation is located in: Bright Star of Fortune, Pierpoint

Please allow me to be a little arrogant. The company's business network spans the entire universe.

Regardless of human beings, alien species, or omnics, they all communicate in this giant network.

And under the glory of the Amber King, we...have never had an opponent. "

As a preface to the cooperation between the two parties,

Sand Gold's words are actually very dangerous. He described Interstellar Peace Company as a behemoth.

This may be seen as a threat to the Teyvat Interstellar Development Council, which has never seen other cosmic civilizations.

"...Mr. Placer Gold, from your description, I did not see that you are a business company. On the contrary, I feel a strong threat."

On the council seat, the Evil God of Waihai spoke.

The smile on Sand Jin's face remained unchanged: "Of course, Your Excellency, but the universe has always been like this, and it is precisely because of this that Interstellar Peace Company has the ability to maintain such a huge business network.

As a partner, the strength of the company is the strength of everyone. "

If you cooperate, you are one of your own, and the company will naturally protect you and fulfill your destiny of protecting you.

If you don't cooperate, you are not one of our own. The company can shout about the glory of Amber King and then eliminate you.

The purpose of eliminating you is to protect the security of the interstellar trade network. Isn't this a kind of protection?

Councilor Waihai Evil God was slightly silent. The environment of Waihai where the jungle prevailed made him very much agree with Sand Jin's words.

Only the strong can protect their own interests,

In the cosmic environment, Interstellar Peace Company is undoubtedly the real powerhouse.

If the Teyvat Interstellar Development Council joins the company's trade system, the company's strength will be beneficial to the council.

"Mr. Placer Gold, if we join the trading system you are talking about, what can we gain?"

Another council member spoke up. It was Reindot from the Witches' Association. She appeared as a projection and her true body was not here.

Sand Jin looked at her: "Madam, please allow me to be a little more arrogant. As long as you can give a price, the company can bring you any product in the universe."

After a pause, Sha Jin said mischievously: "Of course, except for the Star God."

Reindot's eyes lit up: "So, what about the essence of life? If I want such knowledge, can the company also do it?"

"The essence of life? As far as I know, Ms. Ruan Mei from the Genius Club is good at this subject. If you can afford the price, the company can help you contact this genius. However, this will be a very scary amount of money. "

The smile on Sha Jin's face became even brighter. He wasn't afraid of the difficulty, just that you didn't ask for it.

"Genius Club? Well, I have an impression. I remember Wang Daoyi belongs to this club." Reindot thought for a while, and then said, "Thank you for your answer, but I think I can contact this club through the Lord of Red Sand. Ms. Ruan Mei."

Sha Jin's expression froze, but he didn't expect that he could be cut off from business like this.

"Mr. Placer Gold, if we establish a trading system with the company, can Teyvat retain our own currency system?" Keqing asked from his position.

Sha Jin nodded: "Of course, every planet has its own financial system. Under normal circumstances, the company will not interfere. Moreover, I have learned about your currency, called Mora, which seems to be a high-level catalyst. Materials are value currency and can be circulated as goods even in the cosmic market, so you don’t have to worry about your currency being impacted.”

Mora is not a credit currency. It is an advanced catalyst material suitable for various fields.

Under normal circumstances, it will not depreciate.

"Wait a minute, you seem to be...not Ms. Keqing." Sha Jin suddenly looked at the seat where he had just spoken.

Keqing was obviously at the banquet yesterday, but today it became a projection.

This is not normal.

"Sorry, my true body is still inside Teyvat, so I can only meet you in this way."

Keqing's projection gradually changed, and what reappeared... was Zhongli.

"To reintroduce myself, I am Morax, and I was once the issuer of Teyvat currency."

Not only was it gold, some of the projections and people around him couldn't help but tremble.

Apparently, no one expected Morax to be here.

"Morax?" Sand Jin looked at the projection that transformed into a young man in front of him, "You exist in my information. The people from the exploration team marked your death. They are really... idiots."

In front of outsiders, he still didn't call him a waste.

And Sha Jin's eyes showed a hint of wonder,

Although it is just a projection,

But he can also confirm that behind this projection, there is definitely an existence that is not weaker than the envoy.

"The members of the expedition team said that the planet was trapped, so they could not confirm the actual strength division inside the planet. Now, after escaping from the trap, they are recovering the strength they should have."

"Among them is this Morax."

The aventurine in his arms was shaking slightly,

Generally speaking, at this time, there is a high chance that a guardian order user will appear next to him.

Sand Gold didn't know if Morax was the Guardian Order, or if he was glanced at by Amber King.

But Sha Jin can be sure that in the three years since the other party came into contact with the universe, he must have reached a place on the path of survival that others could not reach in their lifetime.

In the information submitted by the company's inspection team, there was a description of this person.

Protected the country named Liyue for three thousand and seven hundred years.

Supporting the weak with the strong and protecting civilization are all concepts included in preservation.

Once Morax like this embarks on the life of [protection], it is even unimaginable how strong he will be despite his accumulated experience.

After Morax lifted the concealment on the projection, several more projections changed.

On the three projections of the human race, the one in Liyue is Morax, the one in Inazuma is Lei Momo, and the one in Mondstadt is Barbatos.

Facing the forces from the universe, they all chose to come forward on their own.

On the three seats of the Dragon Clan, Dragon King Ruotuo, Navilette, and Apep also appeared at the same time.

On Chun Shui's seat, the Pure Water Elf looked at Navilette on the other side with a confused expression.

"Haha, it seems that I won't hide it this time." On the seat of the Extreme, the hazy projection turned into a giant eagle, and [Prophet] Visefnir spoke.

Then the prince of the abyss, Sora, appeared,

After Sora appeared, Ying also appeared naturally.

All of a sudden, there were almost no congressmen from the past in the entire meeting hall. Some gods or dragon kings hidden behind took over the position of congressmen.

As for Sand Jin, the corners of his mouth could not help but twitch.

What did he see?

A group of beings close to the envoy, and...three immortal descendants?

"To be honest, everyone, I was a little scared." Sha Jin did not hide his inner shock at all, and looked at everyone: "With such a number of powerful people, you can occupy a place even in the universe."

Even without the blessing of the Star God, this order of magnitude of emissaries and false emissaries is enough to ensure one's own safety in the universe.

(Pseudo Orders, just like the Stone Heart Ten, are not Orders themselves, but can use some means to burst out Order-level power.)

Moreover, placer gold has not been forgotten yet,

The main target of his trip, the genius club member named Lord of Red Sand, has not yet appeared.

"Everyone, maybe we can have a frank discussion. Is His Excellency Wang Daoyi here?"

Sha Jin raised his head and looked around at everyone around him.

After a slight silence,

A figure walked out.

"He's not here, but I am."

It's the Lord of Red Sand. He has been in the venue from the beginning, but no one can see him.

"Who is your Excellency?" Although the other party's appearance has already matched the information brought back by the expedition team.

But Sha Jin still asked,

After all, the existence of this large group of emissaries and pseudo emissaries shocked him too much.

"You can call me the Lord of Red Sand. Of course, if you insist on calling me Wang Daoyi, I have no objection." The Lord of Red Sand said.

Sand Jin frowned slightly, confused for a moment, and then asked: "Are you Wang Daoyi's clone?"

The Lord of Red Sand nodded: "You can understand it this way."

"Okay, anyway, the main body and the clones are the same. In that case, everyone is here now."

Sha Jin spoke, and looked around again, seeing no one interrupting his words.

The Lord of Red Sand also said, "please tell me."

Sha Jin continued: "Let me be honest. The company gave me two bargaining chips. One is that you can price the goods independently and sell them to other forces through the company's trade network. This is economic autonomy.

The second bargaining chip was that the company gave me very high investment authority. This was an investment equivalent to an interest-free loan, and the number was extremely large.

Okay, now that I have finished speaking, please make your decision. "

When you are involved in a completely unfamiliar and somewhat out-of-control gambling situation, perhaps sincerity is the biggest bargaining chip.

Wisps of green flicker, like streams of light, brushing over the placer body,

Finally, he fell next to the Lord of Red Sand: "He didn't lie."

It's Nasida.

The guardian of the World Tree rarely left Teyvat.

Sand Gold's eyes narrowed and he glanced at Nasida fearfully, but didn't say anything.

Nacida's ability to distinguish between true and false made him think of some bad things.

As a gambler, what I hate the most is this ability to see through people's hearts.

"Okay, thank you." The Lord of Red Sand nodded to Nasida, and then looked at Sha Jin, "For the company's goodwill, I will respond on his behalf. Like Ms. Black Tower, he is willing to have a certain degree of cooperation with the company. cooperation.”

Sand gold smiled,

The exploration team's information finally confirmed that this genius is indeed quite easy to talk to.

At least he is easier to talk to than most other geniuses.

"Thank you for your generosity." Sand Jin took off his hat.

The Lord of Red Sand shook his head: "You have paid a sufficient price first, so naturally I will not refuse this kindness."

Although Interstellar Peace Company is not necessarily a good person, they really give a lot.

Wang Daoyi naturally would not refuse them. His bottom line was that he could not miss the Black Tower too much.

Once this bottom line is achieved, everything can be discussed.

"Okay, you can talk about the rest among yourselves. I'll leave first."

After saying that, the Lord of Red Sand left.

Sand Gold didn't seem to have any objection, and everyone in the company had adapted to the genius's behavior.

Ms. Heita will even suddenly withdraw from the doll's will during certain company meetings, causing chaos in the meeting.

For these geniuses, ordinary rules are not enough to restrain them.

After the Lord of Red Sand left, Nasida also disappeared.

She is not interested in any space trade,

After the world of Teyvat gradually recovered, Nasida was bent on expanding the World Tree beyond the world.

There seems to be some results so far.

The projections of other gods and the Dragon King also flickered and disappeared.

The previously normal MPs are back online.

Keqing seemed to know what had happened before, and she smiled: "Then Mr. Gold Placer, let's discuss the specific content. I think we have many high-quality projects waiting for your investment."

Who doesn’t want huge interest-free loans?

Keqing didn't hold back at all, just like taking the first bite.

Other members of Congress followed suit, trying to get a bite of the feast.

On the main seat, Felicis looked down at everyone without saying a word.

She is Wang Daoyi's spokesperson and knows that it is best to let them fight for themselves at this time.

In this way, you can separate yourself from the competition for interests.

When someone has a dispute, it's time for her, the chairman, to come forward and help divide the cake 'fairly'.

The uproar in the chamber continued for days.

Fortunately, everyone was very strong and persevered.

The forces represented by each member of Parliament have obtained sufficient benefits.

And Sha Jin also gained the friendship he wanted.

Everyone is happy.

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