"This woman, it's so ruthless

!" "One bite down, directly bite off the whole face

!" "Hahaha, the spicy chickens who have a good life in the little life, let you run to the forbidden land of our dragon country to pretend

!" "Well, it is estimated that he will live with this faceless head for the rest of his life!"

In the live broadcast room, the netizens of the Dragon Kingdom who saw this scene couldn't help but mock.

After watching the live broadcast for such a long time, it can be said that these netizens have a certain immunity to this kind of picture, but such a scene is still relatively bloody.

"Damn, I already said that woman

is weird!" "Kill her!" "

It's so disgusting, it's an eyeball, it's a mouthful!" Some

foreign netizens were also scared enough, especially the weird smile that this weird woman showed after biting her eyes, it is estimated that they will have nightmares to sleep tonight!

That Nakagawa Masao scolded in shock and anger, raised a foot and kicked at

the weird woman! But who knows, this weird woman's reaction speed is even faster, opening the mouth that is cracked to the back of the head, aiming at Nakagawa Masao's naked foot is a mouthful!

The fast flesh and blood were directly bitten by this strange woman, and then tore violently, and were torn off directly from Nakagawa's leg

!Masao Nakagawa screamed, and a American explorer next to him hurriedly came to help, but who knows, he just took a step, but his feet jerked, as if he was caught by something.

This American explorer subconsciously looked down, but only saw that a pair of miserable white little hands stretched out from the sand and rocks underground, grabbing his two naked feet!

This American explorer couldn't help but snort all over his body, slowly, his skin turned blue and white, and his eyes began to turn miserably white!

"Corey, Corey, what's wrong with you?" Another

American explorer came over with a puzzled face, he was so decent, his body suddenly trembled non-stop, what was going on?

I'm fine..." Who

knows, this explorer called Corey shuddered, and the faint voice slowly sounded

, "Shhh!!" "

Your dragon country dialect, when is it so authentic?"

the American explorer asked with a puzzled face.

After all, these ghost guys, even if they know Chinese, are very lame, but now, the words in Corey's mouth, except for a weird point, are pronounced very similar to Longguo dialect!

Because......... I am...... Dragon Kingdom.........

The next moment, with Corey's sharp voice sounding, Corey turned his head sharply, a pair of miserable white eyes, staring at his companion deadly!


With a terrified scream, even in the live broadcast room, those foreign viewers couldn't help but be frightened and exclaimed

! And the American explorer only saw Corey's eyes white at the moment, and the fangs in his mouth grew madly in an instant, and then aimed at his head and bit down fiercely!

"Hee-hee!" Just

then, a creepy laugh suddenly sounded.

It's like a naughty child who has done something naughty.

I saw that the two small blue and white hands that grabbed Corey's bare feet quickly released them, and then disappeared into the sand.

Not far away, the infant child seemed to come to life, and he slowly stood up from the ground, a pair of strange eyes carved wood, staring at these explorers.


hee hee..." "Hee hee hee..."

It's laughing, it's emitting a numb, extremely weird laugh!

And at this moment, Corey in the moment when those little blue and white hands let go of his naked feet, his eyes quickly flashed a clear light, but he only felt a thick smell of blood in his mouth, and a lot of warm and sticky, liquid-like things!

"Oh buy ga, what is this in my mouth?

Corey couldn't help but exclaim, but at this time, he suddenly saw that in front of him, a companion's head had been shattered, and the contents had at least disappeared by half!

Please give me a burning flame and purify my evil soul!" The

next moment, Corey collapsed

, he personally crushed his companion's head

! Although it was not caused by his subjective intention, he was only manipulated by the strange wooden child!


took out a bottle of concentrated fuel from his backpack, which was used to bake fire in the wild, or to bake food, but now, all of them were dumped on his body by Corey!

The next moment, flames erupted from Corey's body, accompanied by the smell of burnt flesh!


Corey is struggling like a burning man, his clothes are ignited, his skin is bursting with "human oil", and he is rolling on the ground in pain

!!!Corey, first controlled by the evil child, bit the head of his companion, and when he lost control and came to his senses, he couldn't accept what he had done

! So he chose to self-immolate to relieve this sinful pain

! It's

not Corey's self-burning action, but that weird wooden child

! He can manipulate people!


Hee hee..."The next moment, the child's strange laughter sounded again, and the wooden child's narrow eyes stared at Corey, who had burned into a burning man, and let out a burst of joyful laughter!

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