Looking down, the thin and tall old man who wanted to find was not being ridden under this human bear, his chest was directly sat flat by the human bear, and the internal organs and intestines were all sprayed out from the wound of the abdominal cavity rupture!

The next moment, the human bear roared, without thinking, two bear paws the size of a basin slapped at the

thin and tall head! You know, the human bear is far larger than the ordinary black bear, and the human bear prefers to walk upright, thin and tall nearly one meter nine tall, in front of the human bear like a child!

"Ahhh!!" The

tall thin man only had time to let out a miserable howl, and his head no longer belonged to him.


was completely exploded, just like throwing a watermelon on the concrete floor from a height of hundreds of meters, and the entire brain tissue sprayed out at least ten meters away!

On the branch of a tree, hung two thin and tall eyes.

On another tree, there was a scalp that was grabbed by the thin and tall bear's paw! However, this human bear was obviously completely irritated by the thin and tall man's "rude" behavior, even if he had smashed his human head with a palm, he didn't have any intention of letting go of his corpse, and his huge body jumped sharply and stepped directly on the thin and tall body!


In the forest not far away, the remaining few people were even more dazed

, just now, they suddenly heard the thin and tall screams that stopped abruptly, and then they heard this earthquake-like impact.

"Damn, go see what's going on!"

Zhang Qiangren gritted his teeth, waved his hand, and rushed over with a few of his subordinates.

But who knows, a moment later.


mournful scream, accompanied by fierce gunfire, shattered the silence in the old woods.

Not far away, in the middle of the mountains and forests.

"Lying groove, there is a cry over there!" "

It's so miserable to listen to this voice, little brother, let's go over and take a look." The

fat man was shocked and looked at the forest where Zhang Qiangren was in the distance.

Not long after they left, there was a miserable scream from the other side, could it be, is there really something terrifying

?" "Little brother, do you have to wait?" asked the little Buddha.

Qin Chuan shook his head, his eyes flickering slightly: "Go!

The voice fell, and several people immediately rushed in the direction where the screaming sound sounded.

However, when they arrived at the place, the faces of several people changed in unison.

I saw this old forest, as if it had experienced a cruel war, full of broken towering ancient trees, and broken corpses everywhere.

Severed hands and feet, broken heads, and a few torsos that I don't know whose ones it was!

Only two well-preserved heads remained, and their eyes were also full of horror.

As if, as if they saw some terrifying picture before they died

, as if it was a purgatory on earth, there was a corpse, and even the appearance of the corpse was completely indistinguishable, and it was directly trampled into meat paste by something!

"I, Nima, this, what the hell did this thing do?"

Thanks to the little brother, they took a step in advance, otherwise, I am afraid that the little brother will also suffer now!" In

the live broadcast room, netizens were also shocked when they saw this scene, no one expected that the mountain chasers who were talking with Qin Chuan a few minutes ago would now die so miserably!

"Is this your revenge?" At this

moment, looking at the corpses and remains all over the ground, Qin Chuan's gaze suddenly turned to a certain direction in the forest and said slowly.

This is... Hearing

this, everyone's hearts were shocked

! What do you mean? Could it be that little brother already knew the fate of

these people! And just now, Qin Chuan suddenly left, not because he was worried about being framed by these people, but completely because he knew what was about to happen next!

Who did they offend?

Almost at the moment when Qin Chuan's words had just fallen, there was a low roar that made people palpitate in the forest opposite.


, the little Buddha and the few people can clearly feel that the things in the forest are talking to Qin Chuan!

"Uh..." At

this moment, a cry of pain suddenly sounded, and several people hurriedly walked over, only to see a large tree that had been pushed under a tree, pressing one of the people who had just driven the mountain.

"No... Not me...... I didn't

touch the woman..." "I didn't touch the woman... It's them......... It's them..."The

man who was pressed under the tree, the entire chest cavity has been completely suppressed, and the stomach has been scratched by something terrifying and hideous, and even the intestines have come out!

At this moment, they finally understood why the little brother suddenly left with them and waited for a while.

It turned out that Qin Chuan had already seen that they were lying, so he left because Qin Chuan knew that they had done that kind of vicious thing!

"Good is rewarded with good... Evil is rewarded with evil..."

"It's not that you don't report it... The time has not come..." In

the minds of several people, this ancient saying sounded again.

Perhaps, this is their end, and the moment they plant the evil consequences, they will bear all that comes with it.


people left here with mixed emotions, crossed a ridge, and finally reached Hutou Mountain.

"This is..." Looking

at the ancient building in front of them, a trace of doubt flashed in everyone's eyes.

"It looks like the bandit mountain gate in the pre-founding period, but here, why can you faintly smell blood."

Liu Xinyan frowned, she consulted a lot of historical materials before entering the Daxing'an Ridge.

This Great Xing'an Ridge has been rich in bandits since ancient times, and the land of beards, there are recorded bandit gangs not one hundred or eighty.


this, the fat man's eyes immediately lit up, hurriedly walked to a dilapidated house, and then kicked the door open!

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