Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 264: 【264】Soaring platform

"Grandpa, the thunder in the city is so loud every day. It is getting more and more difficult for us to find bird eggs in the mountains. Now we can't find too many bird eggs in such a deep place. What can we do if this continues? "The young man said worriedly to the old man beside him.

The old man wrinkled his face and had a lot of calluses on his hands. It was obvious that he was a hard worker all year round.

The old and the young chatted as they walked, looking up at the trees above their heads from time to time, looking for the bird's nest.

But I was very unlucky. Either there was no bird's nest on the tree, or there was no bird's egg in the bird's nest, and the bird's nest was already empty.

When the two of them complained, Jiang Le suddenly walked out of the hiding place, and his body trembled at the two moments when he was frightened, and then eased down after seeing that it was a person.

"What are you doing sneakily hiding in that place?" the boy asked with a bit of resentment.

"Are you from Xie Matai City?" Jiang Le asked.

"Yes, kid, are you lost?" The old man looked at Jiang Le and said calmly.

"Excuse me, what is the cause of the thunder that always rang around here, and where did those thunders sound."

Upon hearing Jiang Le's question, the faces of both the old and the young suddenly showed a puzzled expression.

Because as long as you are from Xie Matai, you know what thunder is all about. People who don't know this kind of thing are either a newborn child or someone from outside.

Jiang Le knew it was the latter at a glance.

"Are you a foreigner? A rare visitor, Xie Matai hasn't been to a foreigner for a long time." The old man said, "Don't bother about the thunder. You don't know too much about it. benefit."

Jiang Le took out two bags of vacuum-packed braised pork knuckles and threw them at the two: "Tell me about the thunder. As long as the details are detailed enough, I still have food here."

Seeing the braised pig's feet in the vacuum package, the faces of the old two were instantly surprised.

They have not eaten pork for a year. Pork is a precious ingredient in Yimatai. Only the queen and ministers are qualified to taste it. Ordinary people can only eat it once a year.

Therefore, the temptation of pork for the people of Yimatai is extremely huge. Jiang Lequan learned about this when he lived in the camp of the rebels a few days ago.

Sure enough, when he got the braised pig's knuckles, the old man couldn't care about anything, so he told all the things he knew.

"Our place is ruled by Queen Himihu. About four hundred years ago, Queen Himihu of that generation gathered a lot of labor and spent a lot of resources to build a high tower in the city. She called the tower 'Ascension Platform' requires the masons to make the tower exceptionally beautiful.

No one knows what the soaring platform was built for, but that thing is too resource intensive. Many laborers are exhausted in the process of building the tower, making the whole country very angry.

But our anger is useless. Queen Himihu possesses powerful witchcraft, and no one deliberately confronts her. Even if we are reluctant, we have to build an ascension platform for Queen Himihu.

When the ascending platform is built to a height of fifteen feet, the queen will go up to the ascending platform to use witchcraft every once in a while. At that time, thunder will appear in the sky, and the sound is so loud that you can listen to it even in this mountain. Here, the thunder you asked came from the ascending platform. "

Under the temptation of food, the old man gave Jiang Le everything he knew, so that Jiang Leshi received a lot of information.

For good reason, Himihu asked people to build high towers in the city. This is already a very abnormal thing, and it happens that this high tower is also called the ‘Flying Platform’.

It's normal for people in Xie Matai to not know what these three words mean, but for Jiang Le, the information provided by these three words can be lost in a huge amount.

Ascended in the Eastern Kingdom, it has always been a human monk who will do one thing after he has cultivated to a certain level.

As long as the ascension succeeds, the monk can enter the immortal realm and become an immortal, but if the ascension fails, the gods will be destroyed under the catastrophe of the sky, the soul will be scattered, and the eternal life will not be transcended.

Such a term exclusive to the Eastern Kingdom actually appeared in Xie Matai, and a name suddenly appeared in Jiang Le's mind.

Xu Fu!

This matter must be inextricably related to Xu Fu, because in the legend, Xu Fu is a monk, and he is a very powerful kind.

Maybe after Xu Fu's accident in Xiematai, he left behind something incredible, and then he was discovered by the queen of Himihu, thus unlocking some incredible things.

The ‘Ascended Platform’, where thunder often sounds, is the best proof.

All this information was connected together, and Jiang Le's face suddenly showed an excited smile. He had a hunch that he was getting closer and closer to finding the truth about Xu Fu's disappearance.

The ultimate clues to all these must be hidden in the queen of Himihu. Only when she is found can she be able to ask all the secrets from her mouth.

At that time all the mysteries will be able to come to light.

"Here you are." Jiang Le once again took out two bags of braised pig's feet and threw them to the old and young, and then quickly left the place and quickly ran in the direction of Yimatai City.

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