Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 516: 【516】Records of alien visitors


[Fuck, fuck]

[Is there really a god? I do not believe】


Sure enough, when Jiang Le said his findings, the entire live broadcast room exploded in an instant, and everyone was madly sending out their own barrage.

Gods are the most frequent material in the history of human civilization.

There are Olympus gods in ancient Greece, nine pillar gods in ancient Egypt, heaven gods in Babylon, heaven and immortals in the East, God in Islam, God in Christianity, three major gods in Hinduism, and Nordic gods in Northern Europe...

People have always described the **** system of their own country very exaggeratedly, which can destroy the world at every turn.

But from the perspective of modern science, many things are impossible. For example, in any **** system, the sun has a sun **** who controls the sun. This sun **** and the moon **** together control the trajectory of the sun and the moon. East rise and west fall.

But from a modern perspective, do you think it is possible?

There is only one sun in the galaxy. If there is any **** that can control it, humans on the earth are no different from ants in his eyes, and the sun **** is not the most powerful in many **** systems, and there is still very powerful on it. Gods.

If these gods existed, the Milky Way would not be enough for them, let alone a small earth.

In this way, it is entirely possible that the gods are the descriptions of aliens by ancient humans. With the changes of history, it is only now that they have slowly changed their taste and become the story characters of various countries.

"I'm not so sure, because I personally don't believe that there are gods and ghosts in this world, but judging from these cuneiform writings, the two giants were originally on this ship waiting for the gods to pick them up. They, think about it, on the vast ocean, what do they have to rely on to pick up people?"

[Aircraft, UFO! 】

[I firmly believe that there must be civilized planets other than the earth in the universe, they have been in contact with the earth a long time ago]

[Speaking like this, it seems to make sense]

[Maybe those lost civilizations, Atlantis and Maya civilizations were all supported by aliens, and then because of unknown reasons, the aliens destroyed these civilizations again, just like humans kicked them down. Like an ant nest]


There was a big brainstorm in the live broadcast room. Following this atmosphere, Jiang Le also expressed his own inference: "The aliens let the two giant man-made ships, and then promised to pick them up in a few days, but then I didn’t know what happened. What accident caused the aliens to not arrive as expected, and the two giants finally starved to death on this ship. This secret has been hidden to this day."

The contact of aliens with the earth is not a phenomenon unique to modern times. As early as the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there is such a record in the "Supplementary Notes":

‘The Shi Huang is a good god, there are people from Wanqu, who arrive in a snail boat. The boat is shaped like a snail, sinking to the bottom of the sea, and the water is not immersed. It is a "wave boat". The people of the country are ten feet long and weave the hair of birds and beasts to cover their shapes. When the first emperor spoke with him, it was as if he had witnessed it when the world first opened. He said: "When the minister was young, he walked and walked thousands of miles a day. He was old and old, and he sat down to see things beyond the heaven and the earth. The minister country had no place for 90,000 miles in Xianchi, and long live is a day. On its sunny day, the sky suddenly cracks, and Geng Ruo Jianghan. Then there are black dragons and black phoenixes flying down. At night, burning rocks follow the sun.

This stone emerges from the burning mountain, and its earth and rocks are all bright and clear. Emperor Xiyan began to eat raw food and used this fire. Chinese people today offer this stone. Or throw the stone in the stream, then the boiling foam will flow in dozens of miles, and the water is called Jiao Yuan. The minister went to the hill of Xuanyuan for 100,000 li, and the son of Shaodian picked the copper from the first mountain and cast it into a large tripod. The minister first looked at his country's golden fire and gas, rushed to look at it, and the Sanding was completed. I also see that Jizhou has a strange qi, deserves a saint life, and if you have a happy life, you will be born. Seeing Chi Yun entering Yu Fenghao, walking and looking towards, there is indeed a symbol of Danque Ruichang. "Shi Huang said: "This is also a **** and man. "Mixin Xianshuyan."

The translated meaning is:

Qin Shihuang was very interested in the affairs of immortals, so there was a country called Wanqu Country. He sent people to Qin and took a spiral-shaped vehicle. This spiral-shaped ship could go to the bottom of the sea, but water would not enter. In the boat, the people of Wanqu country were very tall and their clothes were made of bird and beast feathers. They made a deal with Qin. Qin gave Wanqu people the resources they needed. In return, they would collect copper from far away. Qin Shihuang cast a great cauldron that could never stop breathing fire. This cauldron has many magical effects and was deeply loved by Qin Shihuang.

The story in the Supplementary Notes is extremely consistent with the aliens and their aircraft. It is really frightening to think about it. As early as the Qin Dynasty, it was impossible for aliens to come to the Eastern country.

In addition to the Eastern Kingdom’s records, the Sumerian King List of the Sumerian civilization is also a ‘pending evidence’ that aliens once existed on the earth, making many people who insist on the fact that aliens have come to the earth regarded it as a myth.

The Sumerian King List is an ancient document found in the Mesopotamian plains and written in cuneiform script. This King List lists the rulers of the Sumerian civilization and the time they ruled. Strange things, It comes from these times.

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