Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 531: 【531】Who?

There are several reasons why Jiang Le had such a guess:

Light Blue No. 1 cannot decipher the text in this building, but it says that the alphabet is similar to the European text system, which is one of them.

Plato was born between 427 BC and 347 BC. He was a great philosopher in ancient Greece, but how did he know about a civilization that was lost 10,000 years ago, and he described it in such detail. This is the second.

Ancient Greek mythology must have been born after the civilization of Atlantis, and the years are very different. There is no possibility of mutual copying. Only ancient Greece copied the Atlantis civilization.

But the myth is plagiarized, and the name of the sea **** that others believe in is also plagiarized. This is more or less impossible. Therefore, there is a high probability that ancient Greece was deeply influenced by the Atlanteans and survived. The Atlanteans of the Great Flood brought the name of the sea **** to ancient Greece, so this makes sense. This is the third.

A civilization that has developed so advanced, even if it is unable to resist the forces of nature and is destroyed by nature, there is no survivor who can die, so it is very likely that the original Atlantis survivor escaped by boat. Western Continent came to southeastern Europe, settled in Greece, Rome, and Egypt, and finally got along with the indigenous people on the European continent, and finally evolved ancient civilizations like ancient Greece and Egypt.

This idea became more and more real and possible in Jiang Le's mind. Jiang Le immediately expressed his conjecture, shared it with the many friends in the live broadcast room, and received a wide range of responses.

[Wow, when I was said by Brother Jiang, I feel like this is indeed the case! 】

[In the beginning, many uncoordinated things were all connected under the idea of ​​Brother Jiang, and became reasonable. Maybe it is true that Brother Jiang said, the truth of history is like this]

[This brain circuit is too powerful, and it will be a shock to modern human history. If the anchor can find conclusive evidence to prove his idea, perhaps the name Jiang Le will be recorded in human history forever In the textbook]

[Impossible, how could the civilization of Greece be led by the Atlanteans? You are completely guessing! 】


Because Jiang Le has now begun to have an international relationship. In addition to domestic water friends, there are also overseas Internet users who watch his live broadcast. The quality of people on the Internet can be high and low. Some people are normal. Naturally, some people are abnormal. After Jiang Le said his thoughts, he was immediately refuted by many people. Some Greek netizens protested directly and refused to acknowledge Jiang Le's thoughts.

People in every country have a very high sense of identity with their own country’s civilization, so they will never admit that their own country’s civilization is an imported product. Jiang Le’s idea is undoubtedly offended to love ancient Egypt and ancient Greece in one fell swoop. Champions of civilization.

But Jiang Le didn't care about these barrages at all. Theory is the basis of practice. His ideas are not groundless without evidence, and are entirely worthy of logical inference.

After all, you can’t explain why Poseidon, the **** of the sea in ancient Greek mythology, is exactly the same as the **** Poseidon of the Atlantis civilization. It’s like 2200, suddenly there was a small African country. Saying that there are Sanqing ancestors and Jade Emperor in their mythological system, no one would think that this is their localized deity. Everyone knows which country these gods came from.

In the mural, in addition to Poseidon, who is the **** of the sea, traveling by the sea, it also paints a huge maritime city. This city has many rivers and dams, and green plants are scattered all over the city.

These murals are like canvases recording epics, drawing people back to the era when Atlantis civilization might have existed.

Looking at the mural and walking forward, Jiang Le finally came to a huge room. In this room, there is an oval floor-to-ceiling window at least three meters high. Next to the window, there is a huge stone statue of Poseidon. Even though so many years have passed, this stone statue still maintains its original appearance, holding a trident in a very domineering appearance.

At the bottom of the stone statue, there is a stone stele inlaid with a person’s name on it, but he hesitated even Light Blue No. 1 could not translate the Atlantis characters, so Jiang Le could not figure out the name. What is it.

Looking at the Poseidon statue at least four or five meters high, even if Jiang Le didn't say anything, the water friends who watched the live broadcast already had a standard answer in their hearts.

Perhaps this place was the lost ancient building of Atlantis ten thousand years ago. It was part of the Great Western Continent. It was accidentally discovered by Jiang Le today. There is no inherent knowledge of the existence of the Tlantis civilization.


At this moment, Jiang Le's shout suddenly sounded in the silent room, and he saw his whole body guardingly looking in a direction on the left hand side with an unusually solemn expression.

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