Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 548: [548] New Delhi meets acquaintances

"As long as Jiang Le is still in our country, everything will have a chance. He came to our country secretly this time. He probably didn't want to return to the country by water. You said, if you want to go from our country to the eastern country, When no one can find out, where is the fastest way?" someone said aloud.

Everyone's expressions changed, showing surprise and joy: "New Delhi!"

New Delhi is only 330 kilometers away from the Tibetan Plateau. With the Tibetan Plateau as the boundary, it is the boundary line between the two countries and the closest route back to the eastern country.

If Jiang Le wants to return to China, he will inevitably pass through New Delhi.

"To send troops and deploy defenses, we must block all the roads leading to the plateau, and we cannot let Jiang Le leave our country with the iron book of Atlantis."

"This person is more cunning than you and I can imagine. It is definitely not so easy to deal with. I suggest sending the most elite agents in the country to intercept him, otherwise once he enters the Eastern Kingdom, we can only let him leave. ."

"Yes, then act now."

After getting rid of Hammerram's hot pursuit, Jiang Le immediately relied on his own ability to pry open a car on the side of the road, and hurried out of Mumbai, heading for the east of India.

Although he didn't know the high-level meetings, he could think of how soon, in the area near the Tibetan Plateau in New Delhi, there would be a large block of police and troops that would intercept him. They only wanted to keep themselves.

So what Jiang Le has to do right now is to race against time.

A few days later, New Delhi.

New Delhi is the capital of India. It is next to the famous Ganges River in the world. It is also the most concentrated place of Indian culture. However, there is one of the most embarrassing places in New Delhi, that is, it is too close to the Tibetan Plateau.

Walking on the streets of New Delhi, Jiang Le dressed in Indian style swaggered on the street, not afraid of being discovered by others.

After not knowing why the police officers came to the door before, Jiang Le subsequently bought more products from the system mall that could help him disguise, and these products were more advanced and more black-tech.

For example, even if you draw your blood for a test, the bionic epidermis, or the fingerprint modified film, will not be detected in the end, which can hide your real fingerprint, leaving only a new fake fingerprint.

With a lot of disguised goods, Jiang Le left India in no hurry for a while. Sometimes the most dangerous place is the safest place. In the past few days, the degree of strict inspection near New Delhi is extremely strict. Anyone close to the plateau. People and cars in the country will be subject to the most rigorous inspections. If you find any suspicions, you will be taken back to the police station for blood tests. India even used satellites for monitoring for this purpose.

In this case, even Jiang Le could not escape to the plateau with a 100% success rate. Instead of this, it is better to temporarily change his face and stay in New Delhi for a longer period of time.

India is a country with a deep religious culture. On the streets here, you can see the statues of Shiva and the gods with the head of the human body everywhere, and occasionally you can even see a white elephant with jewellery all over the street. After passing by, every pedestrian will make way for it, and kneel down and kowtow to the white elephant.

In India, the elephant is a symbol of very noble status, while the white elephant is the noble among the nobles and a symbol of the reincarnation of the gods.

Just when Jiang Le stopped to admire a rare white elephant, there was a sudden uproar in front of him, and a dozen Indian men were chasing after a guy in a baseball cap holding an iron rod.

This movement quickly attracted the attention of everyone on the street. Most passers-by were very dissatisfied with someone making such a noise when the white elephant passed by, but when they saw the group of men holding iron rods, they all bowed their heads in a tacit understanding. , Dare not get involved at all.

"Hurry up!"

"Don't run."

Seeing that the guy with the baseball bat being chased was about to pass by his side, in order not to cause trouble, Jiang Le immediately stepped a little away to the left, unwilling to get in.

But at this moment, the person's eyes suddenly lit up when he passed by Jiang Le. He quickly grabbed Jiang Le's body and threw him behind him, but he wanted to use Jiang Le as his shield.

When this person grabbed his body with both hands, Jiang Le suddenly had a thought in his mind: Woman?

This person’s hands are not big, they are very soft, and feeling the shape of the five fingers, it is easy for people to judge her gender, so Jiang Le can’t help but subconsciously glance at this person. After seeing the other person’s appearance, Jiang Le The expression of Le was taken aback.

How could it be her?

It is also very coincidental that the woman who appeared before Jiang Le at this moment turned out to be the flight attendant Zhou Ye who was killed with him on the desert island.

Since he was someone he knew, or a compatriot of his own country, Jiang Le naturally had no reason to sit back. No matter why Zhou Ye was chased by this group of people, he had to help.

In the next second, Jiang Le rushed directly at the group of people holding iron bars.

Come on, fight!

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