Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 565: 【565】Arrived on the moon

After entering the space formally, all forward power has to rely on the fuel installed in the energy compartment at the bottom of the rocket, and in order to maximize the rocket’s forward distance, every time a fuel-filled compartment is exhausted, this rocket compartment will be used. It will fall off directly and float in space, which can not only reduce the weight of the Yutu itself, but also allow the rocket to have a faster forward speed.

Fortunately, the SkyEye Live Broadcaster is a high-tech product of the system mall, otherwise it would be impossible for Jiang Le to broadcast live in space.

As soon as he entered space, Jiang Le felt the weight of his whole body suddenly lighten, and his whole body floated up and down uncontrollably, like a balloon full of air.

This is a well-known space phenomenon, weightlessness!

"It's so interesting." Jiang Le swayed his limbs in mid-air like a swimmer, moving forward and backward, flexibly like a fish.

Seeing him playing so happily, the water friends in the live broadcast room are naturally envious. This kind of opportunity to become an astronaut to the moon is something that many people will never experience in their entire lives.

[It’s so interesting, if I’m 30 years old, I really want to change my life goal to be an astronaut]

[Astronauts are really cool! If you can leave the earth once, this life is really worth it! 】

[Envy and envy, Brother Jiang is really awesome, able to ascend to space as an ordinary person, it is estimated that this is the only person for decades]

[Brother Jiang has shown the pinnacle of ‘play’ for all mankind. If you can play to this point, I only serve Brother Jiang.]


After playing in a weightless state for a while, Jiang Le grabbed the armrest on the bulkhead and slowly pushed himself back on the chair. At this time, the excitement in his heart had almost subsided.

The distance between the earth and the moon is 384,000 kilometers. When the Armstrong astronauts of the beautiful country went to the moon for the first time, they spent 75 hours and 50 minutes. The "Chang'e 1" launched by the Eastern country took 13 days and 18 hours.

Now Eastern China’s aerospace technology has grown to a very proficient level. It is estimated that the Yutu can officially reach the moon in about 10 and a half days. In 10 and a half days, even if you take a train, you will feel bored. Not to mention that Jiang Le would ride a manned rocket, and he couldn't move as freely as he stayed on the earth.

Therefore, the next ten days will be very boring. Jiang Le has already been vaccinated by Yang Zong during the special training, so he is conscious of it.

No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it will be boring to watch for a long time. After wandering in space for ten days, the water friends in the live broadcast room have become numb to outer space. They only look forward to when the Yutu will arrive. To the surface of the moon.

In space, you can't feel the passage of time. Everything here is still life. Unless you are lucky, you can't see anything that moves in space.

The only change is that the figure of the moon becomes larger and larger in the lens of the SkyEye Live Broadcaster, and gradually people have been able to see the craters on the surface of the moon clearly.


Another section of the fuel tank fell off, and the Yutu has successfully entered the moon's range, and at the same time it began to follow the moon's orbit and land vertically to the surface of the moon.

Jiang Le floated in front of the window excitedly, with a very excited expression. After waiting for half a month, he finally came to this planet 384,000 kilometers away from the earth.

The manned cabin was released by the main cabin, and the cabin with all the astronauts was dropped directly on the ground. As the entire cabin shook abruptly, it meant that Jiang Le and others had officially landed at this moment.

At this moment, he is a traveler from the earth.

The red light on the bulkhead is constantly flashing, which represents assembly and preparation for exit.

Jiang Le proficiently floated out of the single cabin where he was staying, and came to meet the other astronauts outside the cabin door.

The purpose of the two sides coming to the moon this time is different. They have to build a monitoring station here, while Jiang Le is going to explore more distant places. So Jiang Le’s situation will seem more dangerous, after all. The moon is so big, if Jiang Le encounters any danger while exploring alone, no one can save him.

"be safe."

The moment the door opened, the receiver in Jiang Le’s helmet rang out from his companions. Several astronauts trained together for four months, and they all developed extremely good friendships, so everyone didn’t want to see Jiang. Happy accident.

"I know, don't worry." Jiang Le smiled confidently, and then jumped out of the hatch first.

Because the moon has a smaller mass than the earth, its own gravity is also small. The gravity on the surface of the moon is only one-sixth of that of the earth, which means that the weight of a person on the earth is 6 times that of the moon.

When it comes to the moon, everyone is a super athlete who can jump five or six meters high in one step, and dunking is even easier.

In the eyes of several astronauts, Jiang Le bounced towards the distance like a superman, and soon disappeared behind a crater.

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