Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 573: 【573】Unknown Moon Civilization

A terrain detector shows that Jiang Le is not at all panicking about the moon’s bottom. He has also turned on the thermal imaging function of the Skyeye Live Broadcaster. If there are any alien monsters under the moon, only the opponent has body temperature. It can't escape the detection of Skyeye Live Broadcaster.

So Jiang Le's situation is still very safe, but to outsiders, it looks extremely thrilling.

Climbing all the way along the edge of the fissure, after a few hundred meters, Jiang Lecai actually stepped on the ground and landed completely.

At this time, the depth is already beyond the reach of your fingers, and you can't see the light that diffuses from the outside. Fortunately, Jiang Le has night vision ability, but it will not be affected in any way.

I have to say that the underground of the crater does not look much different from the valleys on the earth, except that it lacks plants, and everything that looks bald will look a little bit unique.

Following the route displayed on the terrain detector, Jiang Le began to search for the passage leading to the mysterious space several kilometers away. Through the display of the terrain detector, you will find that the moon goes deeper. The more fissures there will be, and to describe it, it is almost like an ant's nest.

The terrain here is intricate and rugged, and if there is no terrain detector like Jiang Le that can see all the roads, even if the person with a good sense of direction comes in, he will get lost in less than half an hour.

After finding the right path, Jiang Le went all the way, very fast.

On the moon, because there is no atmosphere, the temperature difference between day and night is very large. At night, the average temperature at night will drop to -153 degrees Celsius, and the lowest can even reach -180 degrees Celsius.

For astronauts going out, leaving the spacecraft at night is simply looking for death. Even if the spacesuit has its own function to adjust the heat preservation, you can't withstand the severe cold.

Although Jiang Le’s physical ability is very strong, he can’t guarantee that he will be able to withstand such a low temperature, so Jiang Le has set a standard time for himself. Once it’s close to night, he must hurry back. Otherwise, once night comes, it will be really dangerous.

In the gravitational environment of the moon, Jiang Le's speed is very fast, and he can easily reach four times that of when he was on the earth. It seems that a distance of several kilometers, but in fact, he arrived in less than ten minutes. When the fissure ended, a huge darkness When the space was exposed in front of Jiang Le's eyes, he instantly stopped in his footsteps, his face tense.

This is an obviously artificially created underground space. On several sides of the space, there are still aluminum panels. With Jiang Le's eagle eyes, you can even see an alloy-like pipe exposed outside the wall.

"This!" Jiang Le's eyes widened.

Below where he was standing, there were still many odd-shaped pillars and some rectangular soil bags.

【I am not wrong, right? Those are metal plates and pipes? 】

[Fuck, the fact that there was a civilization on the moon this time has been proved as a mountain, who would dare to refute?]

[I’m stupid, this is really a global nuclear explosion. It’s hard to say that aliens, anyway, there was a civilization on the moon, it’s awesome! I’m very fortunate to live in the age when Brother Jiang is here. He has released this secret to the public for us]

[Then what reason did this civilization disappear in the first place? I'm curious】

Jiang Le slowed down, calmed down his mood, and started walking towards the pillars and mounds below.

Generally speaking, pillars have decorative elements in any civilization. If you can find information about who made this place from these pillars, then Jiang Le’s trip will be significant. Broke through.

When he came to a pillar closest to him, Jiang Le began to look at the surface of the pillar. Looking at it from a distance, he wouldn’t feel that these pillars were large, but as soon as he got closer, you would find these pillars. The roots are more than ten meters high and surrounded by three people. There are many patterns like circuit diagrams on the surface.

With his previous expedition experience, Jiang Le can conclude that this is definitely some kind of communication writing, and it is even older than cuneiform writing.

At this point, it is not Jiang Le that can be cracked by relying on the light blue 1. This involves another core carrier of a new civilization. Unless the power of all mankind is used, it will be difficult to make a breakthrough in hundreds of years.

The lines on each pillar are different. Jiang Le asks the Tianyan Live Broadcaster to make a full range of shooting records, and he walks to a rectangular mound not far away.

These mounds are piled up on the square. This kind of effect cannot be built without professional tools. Taking out the terrain detectors, there seems to be opaque objects inside these mounds. In his curiosity, Jiang Lebian stretched out his hand and started digging the mound, intending to dig the mound with his own strength.

This is a long process, but fortunately, Jiang Le still has time to stick to it for a few more hours, but if he can’t dig after a few hours, then he can only set off to return to the Yutu, and wait until the night has passed. Come back again to continue homework.

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