Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 588: 【588】Great Power Weapon

Holographic screens, a technology that has only existed in science fiction and science fiction movies so far.

This kind of technology is like a mirror image for humans. It seems that human technology can achieve holographic projection screens within a hundred years, but it may not.

But now, ready-made and mature holographic screen technology is in front of everyone. This is a fruit that is easy to pick. As long as Jiang Le and the others can bring this tank back to the eastern country, the scientists of the eastern country can In a very short time, I learned this black technology from this tank.

At that time, smart phones will usher in a cross-century upturn, just like the iPhone was used by Nokia in the past, and the holographic projection screen technology will directly eliminate smart phones.

Looking at the scenes inside and outside the screen, every astronaut in the tank became hot at this moment. Wherever they stepped on a tank, it was a priceless treasure of science and technology!

The muzzle moves, the tank is adjusted left and right, and the tank rotates... Many functions are slowly tried out by everyone, just like a child who gets a toy for the first time. Everyone is playing with every button in the tank. It was a joy.

At this moment, the muzzle suddenly violently burst, and a white light blasted directly from the muzzle, blasting upward at an oblique angle.

Even if there is no sound transmission in the vacuum environment, everyone in the tank can still feel a huge kinetic energy pushing the entire tank out to the rear.

It went back a few meters.

"Wh, what's the situation." Jiang Le turned his head and looked at the holographic screen. He saw that in front of the tank, a channel that was four to five meters wide and three to four meters high and exuding heat quietly appeared in everyone's. In the eyes.

Just a few seconds ago, there was still a solid mountain wall in that place, but now, there is such an extra thing on the mountain wall.

The passage is a **** with a gradient of only 20 or 30 degrees, enough for the tank to drive in, and then drive all the way up the ramp.

"Good guy, what kind of energy does this alien tank shell use? It's amazing!"

"This power is hard to describe. Although it is not as powerful as a nuclear bomb, it has surpassed most intercontinental missiles. The most important thing is that this weapon is similar to a laser, cutting and lethality are concentrated in one point, and its destructiveness is more terrible than intercontinental missiles. many."

"If this tank can be brought back to the country in its entirety, it will definitely not be a problem for our country to become the world's largest power in the future. This is the hope for the revival of the rise of a great power."

For a time, all astronauts were thinking about was how to bring this tank to the ground intact.

Jiang Le looked at the **** shot out by the tank, and directly controlled the tank to drive in. With the weapon of the tank, he might be able to open a way back to the surface directly.


Moon, this label has become the most searched, most searched, and hottest word on the Internet in the past week. It is Jiang Le who brought this moon frenzy.

In the days when he did not open the live broadcast, everyone was curious about what happened on the moon, what was happening, and whether Jiang Le discovered something mysterious and interesting on the moon. Ordinary people were curious about it. Scratching his head for it, fidgeting.

It happened that the manned rocket they sent out was still some time before reaching the moon. During this time, no one knew what Jiang Le and the group of astronauts from Eastern countries would do to the ruins of lunar civilization they found.

If you can't get some oil and water from it, then it is a thing that is greatly unacceptable for these countries that have moved the rocket lift plan to the table in advance.

As a result, some superpowers, in the name of joint cooperation, took the initiative to apply for exchanges with Eastern countries, hoping that the other party could share some information about Jiang Le’s exploration progress on the moon, so that they could know whether Jiang Le is still on the moon. What new things have been discovered.

Naturally, it is impossible for Eastern countries to agree to this kind of application. After all, there are some benefits that can only be enjoyed by oneself, and neither brothers can share them, let alone those embarrassed and ambitious superpowers. Who can call them not in their country? A top explorer like Jiang Le was born.

The refusal of the Eastern country naturally made many countries feel anxious. Each one is like an ant on a hot pot, wishing to force the Eastern country to share information.

It is possible that the current strength of the Eastern countries cannot be threatened by any country. Once the frictions are not dealt with, then the new world war will inevitably break out. In this atmosphere, those countries can only I can choose to forbear silently, and at the same time hope that my manned rocket can reach the moon as soon as possible, and compete with the group of Jiang Le for the treasures of lunar civilization, and try not to let the Eastern Kingdom eat all the benefits.

But these countries don't know that they are moving fast, and the Eastern countries will not slow down. Just on their way to the moon, Jiang Le has already started carrying things.

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