Chapter 0101 – Paramecium: Broken, I’m a stand-in for Kiana!?!!

“This story… It can be said to be perfect or imperfect. ”

For Otto himself, there is no better ending.

But, for us as viewers.

More or less also… Some are too sad.

Hopefully, in another world of possibilities, Karen can have a good life as Otto hoped.

Outside the video, in the world of ‘Paradise of the Past’.

Alicia on the pink swing, she was also touched by this story of Otto.

Sure enough, human emotions, although contradictory, are also beautiful…

On the other side, in the office of the dean of St. Freya College.

Looking at Otto, he burned his life in exchange for a whole new ‘world’ for Kalien.

Teresa, tears began to spill out of the corners of her eyes.

“Grandpa Otto…”

Just whispering Otto’s name.

Because of Teresa now, she can’t speak at all.

Although Teresa clearly knows that her grandfather is a ruthless and unscrupulous evil person who will do anything to achieve his ends.

However, Otto’s doting and concern for Teresa is a genuine affection.

Teresa herself cannot deny this…

So, even the current Teresa doesn’t like Otto very much. After seeing him burn his life for his dreams.

Teresa’s heart was also throbbing.

It’s like back then… She lost the same thing she had when she had lost Cecilia.

It was also the immeasurable Tajiko in the office of the dean of the academy.

After she saw Otto’s sacrifice in 09, she didn’t have much grief, just regret.

It is a pity that although Otto fulfilled his dream and let his loved one ‘return’, he could not be by his loved one’s side.

Since he is wicked, he must pay for his sins.

Limitless Tower Himeko firmly believes this.

Moreover, Otto is able to create a new future for his loved ones in the end.

This is already the best ending for him.

Although, this story is still a bit regrettable.

In Lin Hao’s classroom, the three Valkyries of the Royal Three Families.

They are also in grief and regret, and some cannot get out.

“It’s really, so abominable…”

Is this what Otto said in the video, is the malice of the world?

Obviously, he has worked hard to this point, but he is still so far from the last point… If you can’t live with your loved ones, what’s the point…

Originally, Kiana also wanted to say that Otto’s action of sacrificing himself in exchange for Karen was meaningless.

But she reacted…

Whether this choice makes sense or not, in fact, it is up to Otto himself.

It is not as Otto himself, without his experience, he is not qualified to evaluate Otto’s choice at all!

“No miracle in the world is without a price.

Now that Otto has made the Tree of Imaginary Numbers grow new branches, it has opened up new possibilities.

So…… He naturally has to pay the price.

The price of life. ”

In fact, Bronia should have thought of it from the beginning.

How can it be possible that the most mysterious ‘Tree of Imaginary Numbers’ to sprout a new branch.

With the last lightning bud left, she didn’t have much surprise at the end of the story.

Because she had expected such a situation… The sins committed by a person must be paid.

Otto’s ending will never be good.

But for Otto himself, it may already be too perfect to be perfect.

“Otto went to pay for his sins… But hopefully, in that world of other possibilities. Karen will live happily as Otto hoped. ”


Looking at these Valkyrie students in the classroom, their emotions were almost adjusted…

Lin Hao, he finally spoke.

“So, students.

Are you in the mood adjusted?

Next, teacher, I can start the next video.

Oh, right.

Kiana, the next video will be about you. ”

While speaking, Lin Hao shifted his gaze to Kiana’s body and listened to Teacher Lin Hao’s sudden voice.

Kiana, she was also a little surprised.

I saw that she stretched out her right finger and pointed to herself, and asked softly.

“It’s about me… Video? ”

To be honest, Kiana loves watching these videos of the future world happening

However, Kiana doesn’t really want these videos to be related to her.

It’s not selfishness or anything else…

Just because, every video related to yourself.

It’s basically a sad ‘parting’.

Although there are also wonderful moments such as ‘Salary Forever’.

But Kiana, she still doesn’t want the video to have too much to do with her.

Looking at Kiana’s puzzled expression.

Lin Hao only nodded very calmly.

Then he continued to speak.

“It’s really about you… But it’s not a sad story, and you probably know a little.

Once this video starts playing, you should know. ”

With Lin Hao’s voice just fell.

It’s not just Kiana, but even Bronia and Raiden. All three of them showed a puzzled expression at the same time.

Lin Hao’s words were really full of confusion.

There is no way to interpret the meaning of his words.

However, Lin Hao did not intend to explain.

Compared to explaining it by yourself, by dictation… It’s better to hand over this task to the next video.


Lin Hao operated in the system and uploaded the new video.

On the mysterious light curtain, the eye-catching introduction text finally appeared in everyone’s field of vision again.

[She is the most powerful Valkyrie of Destiny! ] 】

[Her name is passed down orally in the organization and is as loud as a mythical hero.] 】

[The experience of the Quantum Sea gives her a powerful talent that ordinary people cannot match! ] 】

[The memory sleeping in the bloodline will wake up the real her! ] 】

[Some inherit Kaslanna’s name.] 】

[And some, inheriting the bloodline of Kaslana! ] 】

[Descendants of Cecilia and Siegfried…]

When the introductory words are written here.

Basically all the ‘air splitting cleaners’.

They all know who the protagonist of the next video is.

At the same time, in the three worlds of Honkai, there are many people who can see the clues.

Inside Lin Hao’s classroom, he looked at such an introduction.

Kiana’s pupils were also instantly enlarged countless times.

Now, she finally knows why Teacher Lin Hao said that this video has a certain degree of relationship with her.

Because the protagonist of this video is ‘myself’.

But Kiana, she has a very strong, bad premonition!

What’s more, some of the words in the introduction are completely incompatible with their own situation…

(Kiana, who set this timeline, doesn’t know her true identity yet)…

On the other side, in a courtyard of the ‘Mandate of Heaven’ branch of a certain timeline.

Looking at the introductory words on the light curtain…

Youlandale, she showed a somewhat surprised expression.

“The most powerful Valkyrie of Destiny?

Experience in the Quantum Sea?

Shouldn’t these experiences be me?

But, Cecilia and Zigfried’s baby? What’s that all about!? ”

Look at the introductory words inside the light curtain.

All at once!

In Youlandell’s mind, countless doubts emerged.

But these doubts of hers may only be answered after the video starts playing.

It’s just that…… When she knows her true background, how will she feel?

Looking at the Yurandell beside her, she suddenly had so many questions standing next to Youlandell, Rita.

She showed a somewhat worried expression.

She’s worried about whether the next video is about Wrandall.

And whether this video will ‘hurt’ Dell.

More importantly, in a certain courtyard of the ‘Mandate Branch’ of the earlier timeline.

Look at the introductory words like ‘Cecilia and Siegfried’.

Can’t help it!

Cecilia’s expression immediately became extremely excited and excited.

Even, the corners of her eyes began to overflow with tears.

A variety of complex emotions surged into Cecilia’s heart at the same time.

“Yes, it’s me and Zigfried’s child?

Sure enough, there will still be such a video…”

For such a 247 videos to appear, Cecilia seems to have expected it early.

It can even be said that when she saw ‘Kiana’ appear, she already had such a premonition.

However, something that differs from her hunch is…

Kiana (K423), who has been appearing in the previous video, is not her real child.

Moreover, just when Cecilia had just made a shocked sound.

Zigfei, who had been standing beside her and said little.

He finally said with a smile.

“Isn’t that good?

Being able to see our children in advance.


Like you, she became the most powerful Valkyrie of Destiny.

I think we must be proud of her in the future!! ”

Just looking at these introductory words now, it is not clear what will happen in the future.

He was simply excited and proud of the future child!

Cecilia, on the other hand, is happy to see her child’s future ahead of time.

But at the same time…

Cecilia also had her own concerns.

I saw that she said in a deep voice.

“I would rather hope that our child is an ordinary child who is no longer ordinary.

A man so ordinary that even Bishop Otto would not take a second look.

Because only in this way can she live a relatively happy and free life.


She was able to become the most powerful Valkyrie like me.

I’m also proud of that…”

Cecilia, because she is the saint of the Shanyat family and has a strong gift, has never had true freedom.

That’s why…

She hopes that her child is just a very ordinary person.

Because freedom is the most important thing!

In the three worlds of Honkai, countless people looked at them with doubts and expectation.

Above that light curtain, striking words reappeared.

And this time it brings the real title text!

[Top 10 Honkai Shocking Famous Scene Ranking! ] 】

[Tied for TOP3: Kiana Kaslana “The Truth of Glorandel Stigmata Space”].

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