In the picture, something surprising is…

After the big duck duck in her arms, she actually showed a smile just now.

This is something that many viewers can’t expect.

After all…

According to the setting and plot, when he is separated from Xi’er.

Bronia’s “emotional system” is already broken.

But just now there was no doubt that the big duck duck showed a relieved smile.

This made him even more curious about what happened in the world after 8 years.


Off-screen, in the headquarters of the “World Snake”.

Watch the conversation between two Bronia in different times and spaces.

Kevin…… Instead, he just raised his right hand to support his forehead and sighed.

“Finally, there is a chance to talk to your past self, is that all?”

In Kevin’s opinion….

If he can talk to his past self, then he must have countless words to say.

In particular, remind your past self about “Dr. Mei.”

But after Honkai Big Duck, after seeing her past self, she just gave away a “limited edition Roar Dessert Series Clay Man” thing.

This seems to Kevin to be a thing of little significance.


For the big duck, this may be the most significant thing.

At the same time, it can also be reflected….

How important is Kiana’s place in Bronia’s heart.

Even after eight years, this task is still completed first.

The “Limited Edition Roar Dessert Series Clay Man” entrusted to her by Kiana is given to her past self to satisfy that regret.


On the other side, it is still in the world called “Quantum Sea”.

Listening to Sister Bronia, she mentions the existence of a woman named “Kiana” many times.

Even 8 years later, I still haven’t forgotten this person.

Xi’er, her expression also continued to be relieved.

“It seems… Future Bronia sister.

She has also made a lot of good friends.

Sister Bronia, she is really living like we dreamed of it. ”

In the post-collapse world 8 years later, Bronia has indeed almost fulfilled her dream life.

But unfortunately, this dream still has some fly in the ointment….

Because there is no “Xi’er” and “Kiana”.


What’s even more interesting is that in the post-collapse world 8 years later.

An animation production company called “E.T. Studio”.

In the producer’s exclusive office.

Big Duck Duck himself……. She looked at the light curtain that suddenly appeared, and took a sip of the coffee in the teacup in her hand.

Then, put down the teacup….

She also showed a relieved, satisfied expression.

“I wish I could see you in this world… Kiana. ”

Some things do not know to be cherished until they are lost.

In particular, after 8 years, Bronia’s personality has also become more mature.

But it can also make the audience really feel…

To what extent Bronia’s feelings for Kiana have become.


Continue back to the picture.

The future Bronia, her dialogue with the past Bronia, is not over yet.

While the big duck was still showing a relieved smile.

Little Bronia, who was sitting on the sofa, also reacted to her gaffe.

I saw that she quickly said to the big duck.

“I’m sorry, Bronia is a little too excited.

Thank you too for helping to send it over.

Bronia doesn’t seem to have seen you before….

What should I call it? ”

Although the faces are very similar.

But Bronia, she didn’t recognize it…

The woman in front of her, she is who she is 8 years later.


And listen to your own problems in the past.

Big duck duck, she also responded to the other party indifferently.

“I’m just a passing roar lover….

Help out and leave no name. ”

(What, you’re also passing by Kamen Rider?) )

Here, if the big duck says that he is another Bronia from the future.

It is estimated that in this time and space of Bronia, she will not be surprised.

It’s just that the big duck doesn’t think it’s necessary.


“Roar lovers…?

Then this Christmas-only roar will be given to you!

It just so happened that Bronia grabbed an extra copy. ”

Although the two Bronia have only just “met”.

But it seems that some kind of bond has already arisen….

PS: Continue to rush, by the way, daily small requests for flowers, monthly passes and evaluation tickets support encouragement. Without further ado, the little author continues to explode liver !!!

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