Chapter 0085 – The Flame Ignites, the Fusion of the Core of the Lawyer, and the Power of the Explosion!!!

There is no doubt about it…

Now, Kiana’s situation in the video is very painful and depressing.

Facing the suppression of the sea of people of the ‘Law of a Thousand People’.

Even getting up from the ground was extremely difficult.

But at the same time…

Kiana’s companion, however, was still under the torment of the Thousand Laws, and let out a wail of pain.

Even, the other party can use the power of the epidemic gem of his most beloved teacher ‘Aunt Himeko’.

All kinds of factors are conveying to Kiana a… An emotion called ‘despair’!

But what is even more shocking is… Even in such cases.

Kiana, she still hasn’t given up fighting.

The will in my heart has never yielded!

Because Infinite Tower Himeko once told her to live strongly.

No matter what thorns lie ahead, overcome them.

Make this imperfect world what you want it to be!……

Outside the video, inside a special space called ‘Paradise of the Past’.

Looking at the video, her eyes are still extremely determined Kiana.

A certain pink leprechaun lady, she said.

However, it can also be seen… Kiana’s will did not give in.

“Perhaps, she can really defeat this seemingly invincible opponent!”

Can tell…

Alicia is looking forward to some special changes in Kiana’s body.

On the other side, in the office of the dean of St. Freya College.

Looking at the tortured Bronia and Fu Hua. And…… Kiana fighting in despair.

Teresa, she was even more distressed.

As the head of the school, but unable to protect his students.

Again and again, this happens.

“The future me… What the hell are you doing!?

The students are suffering and suffering, but I can’t protect them like me, am I still qualified to teach these children? ”

What Teresa doesn’t know now is…

In the future timeline, in fact, she will also need to recuperate for a long time to wake up because she is seriously injured.

As for the Law of a Thousand People, Teresa was unable to fight alongside her students because the entrance to the ‘theater’ was closed.

As a result, she really failed to protect her students.

But she also has her own force majeure reasons.

It was Infinite Tower, who still did not give up fighting when she saw Kiana in such a desperate scene.

Can’t help it.

The corners of Infinity Tower Jizi’s mouth rose slightly.

“It seems that Kiana’s kid remembered my words well.”

When she ushered in, she would find that the world was different, no longer beautiful, but…

Just live, just keep going.

One day, you can change the world into what you want it to be! ”

Limitless Ta Himeko, she is full of confidence in Kiana.

She believes that this child will definitely be able to defeat ‘Honkai’!……

Go back to the video.

Kiana’s body was scarred.

The two twisted braids were also scattered.

But her eyes are still so determined. Clenched teeth and never let go of a breath! The silk thread of the Thousand Laws pulled her body.

But Kiana never gave up resistance!

But the mocking voice of the other party is still trying to break through Kiana’s psychological defense.

The sharp, seeping voice of the Thousand Men kept echoing in Kiana’s ears.

“We’re all losers… Human beings are losers…”

The breath of despair, as if he wanted to crush Kiana completely…

But Kiana’s clenched fists declared that she was still fighting.

Her hope has never been extinguished.

“No… I won’t, give in to you! ”

Kiana’s tone is still so firm! Looking at his own words, it seems that it can’t make a difference.

The Thousand Men Law Man suddenly came up with a better way.

“They’re all down… You, are the last! ”

Take advantage of the fall of your companion and try to break through Kiana’s psychological defenses.

It can only be said that the Thousand Laws are indeed very good at attacking the heart.

After all, the Law of a Thousand People is a shadow that really exists in the heart of mankind, unspeakably ugly!

Outside the video, in Lin Hao’s classroom.

Looking at the thousand-person lawyer in the video, she actually took her companion and her friend out to say something.

All at once!

Kiana’s anger also surged in her heart.

“How despicable, that guy…

Not only meanness in battle, but also meanness in psychology.

Holding Aunt Himeko’s epidemic gem, he also caught Bronia and Fuhua’s squad leader.

Irony of my persistence with their failures! Really, it’s so abominable!!! ”

In Kiana’s opinion, this style of acting by the Thousand Laws is indeed very disgusting.

But if you say how to counteract… This also seems to be a difficult problem.

On the other side, on the lunar side of the other timeline.

Looking at Kiana’s complete disadvantage.

Celine made a mocking voice without mercy.

“Hmph! It’s just a part of the power of the lawyer who controls it. However, no amount of garbage is still garbage.

The Law of a Thousand? I can wipe them all out without much effort.

That’s Kiana, she needs to waste so much time! ”

Whatever the time and under what circumstances…

As a ‘puffer fish lawyer’, Celine is full of absolute confidence in her own strength!

However, her strength is indeed undoubted.

It’s just that because of her unruly brain, her record is a little ugly.

Continue back to the video.

Listening to the Law of a Thousand People, she mentioned the matter of her companions.

And because of the silk thread that bound her body, and it became more forceful, Kiana’s eyes finally became a little loose.

“I just… Don’t…”

But it seems that it is only Kiana’s body that succumbs.

But her spirit still did not give up!


At a time when consciousness is about to dissipate.

In the darkness…

Kiana, she vaguely saw the back of Infinite Tower Himeko.

Continuing in that weak tone, Kiana said in denial of the words of the Thousand Men Law just now.

“They… I won’t give up…”

The other party mocked herself so much, Kiana didn’t care.

But if it’s mocking her companions, that’s a different story.

Especially Aunt Himeko, she is a person who will never give up in any desperate situation!

Moreover, when recalling the immeasurable Tajiko.

Kiana’s pupils, which were already a little dilated, flashed bright again.

“Now it’s my turn… Do what I have to do!!! ”

In Kiana’s cries and outbursts.

She forcibly broke free from the shackles of the Thousand Men Law and regained her grip on her red great sword.

“Go and tell everyone… There is nothing wrong with their choice!! Next second! ”



In the pile of people of the Thousand Laws, the powerful collapse energy burst out instantly.

In the midst of that roar, countless dolls flew up.

And Kiana, she finally asked for restraints and stood up again.

“Your attacks… Is it over?

Now it’s my turn, no opinion, right? ”

The red big sword in Kiana’s hand pointed at the huge puppet in front of her and said.

But more critically… It was this line that Kiana had just made.

It was the line that Infinity Himeko had uttered when she had saved Kiana earlier

Everything in that battle, Kiana remembered deeply.

In particular, the teachings of the immeasurable Tajiko.

Outside the video, in the office of the dean of St. Freya College.

Looking at Kiana, she finally got out of the predicament and stood up again.

Teresa, her particularly worried expression just now also relaxed a little.

“Finally, finally got out of trouble.” But……

Kiana’s current situation is still not optimistic.

The number of dolls is still so huge.

Kiana’s lawyer powers did not fully reply. ”

Although Kiana in the video is successfully out of trouble.

However, Teresa is still worried about her situation.

After all……

Before the enemy, it is not a rank at all.

As for Boundless Tower’s words, she let out a heroic laugh.

“Hmph haha ~~~ I really didn’t expect ah, did Kiana even learn my lines? It seems that the last lesson is very meaningful! ”

For Kiana, Limitless Himeko is not worried.

After all……

Such suffering and despair could not defeat her.

So, what else is there to worry about?

Now Kiana, she is already invincible!!!

At the same time, in the space of the ‘promised land of the past’.

Although it is said that it is to watch Kiana burst out with great power again.

But Alicia, who fought with the lawyers, she knew very well…

Just with the current Kiana, it is still difficult to defeat the lawyers, especially…

Now a Thousand Man Lawyer, she also controls the power of the Disease Gem! But now, it’s not the climax of the video, is it?

Continue back to the light curtain, back to the video.

After the declaration was issued…

Without any pause, Kiana immediately took a step.

Keep waving the big red sword in your hand.

One puppet after another, it was smashed under her great sword.

In the midst of the battle…

The impression song “MoonHalo” also played the melody.


Some of the deserts on this planet were once oceans


Where the night is shrouded, there will also be light


Occasionally, dying birds are seen falling to the ground


But it also spread its wings and flew high]…

But in the eyes of the Thousand Laws, it is quite unbelievable that Kiana can continue to fight 2.8.

Because…… It was clear that he had already shattered Kiana’s psychological defense just now.

“Why do you have to stand up?”

Such a desperate scene, in the understanding of the law of a thousand people, giving up the battle is the right choice!

While Kiana was still fighting.

One of the puppets quietly released a hook claw and grabbed Kiana’s right leg.

“No matter how much you struggle, the end will not change!”

Next second!

Another hook claw wrapped around Kiana’s body, making it difficult for her to move.

The other puppets seized the opportunity and rushed forward in an attempt to physically defeat Kiana.


But at this moment!


Several blue auroras are released at the same time.

The mechanical dolls that originally wanted to attack Kiana were all shattered and followed the source of the blue light…

It was actually Bronia who fell to the ground.

She is using the power of her ‘Lawyer of Reason’ to fight.

I saw her voice a little weak.

“Kiana, I don’t care what you say… Because she’s a fool, and the fool won’t give up! ”

With Bronia’s voice just fell.



On the red big sword in Kiana’s hand, there was an extra blue gem.

Is that…… The core!!! of the Law of Reason

PS: Continue to start bursting liver, codeword Ji Chong rush!!!

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