[Participants, please note that the reward has been settled. 】

【Congratulations to Zhongli and Coral Palace Xinhai for the highest results, but unfortunately they didn't answer all the questions correctly, and each prize was a defective magic box in the top version. [

Congratulations to Tinari and Diluc for winning the second place and rewarding the Diamond Edition Magic Box.] 【

Congratulations to Dadalia for winning the third place and rewarding the Gold Edition Magic Box.】 As

soon as the voice in the live broadcast room fell, a purple but cracked magic box appeared in Zhongli and Xinhai's hands, representing that this was a flawed magic box.

The magic box of others is the same as when they first answered the question.

Zhongli was the first to open the box.

[Congratulations to Zhongli for obtaining skills: an improved wireless laptop from another world!]

[This notebook has unlimited power and memory, and with a GTX9999 graphics card, you can play all games in another world, but this live broadcast room is highly recommended to play the Cat Leo series, Black Soul series, iwanna series, etc. first. 【

When you play games with this notebook, you can quickly repair any wear and tear.】 【

Tips: This notebook cannot be damaged in any way, and can be lent, transferred, sold, and plundered. When you get together ten computers, maybe something unexpected will happen Oh~~]

As soon as Zhongli's reward came out, many people in the live broadcast room were very interested.

[Wendy: Wow~ can quickly repair wear and tear, really real name envy. ] [

Raiden Jin: For the gods, this is indeed a rare treasure. [

Nasida: It seems that my guess is correct, the rewards given by the live broadcast room are all things we need at the moment. 【

Xingqiu: Games in another world, I really want to see what is in those games. [

Chongyun: Didn't the live broadcast room say that you can make up enough ten, and there will be a chance in the future. [

Walnut: I think no one should be stupid enough to plunder this notebook, right?]

[Kazuto Arataki: Oh oh oh oh ~ ~ ~ A game in another world! Uncle Ben is the best at games. The one who got the second stage must be Uncle Ben!]

[Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: It is indeed a treasure, and now you can release Ruoda with peace of mind. [

Grandma Ping: It's a pity that the Great Sage of Demons, hey ~~]

[Wei: It's okay with me, as long as Lord Zhongli can be fine. [

Xiangling: Why did the master and the Great Sage of Devil Descent say so, could it be that there was also a problem with the Great Sage's body?]

But no one gave her an answer to this question.

After receiving the reward, Zhongli in the answer space immediately took out the computer and related supporting facilities from an unopened box.

After studying the instructions for a while, I followed the instructions and turned on and activated the computer.

Looking at the vast array of games on the computer, Zhong Li sighed: "I didn't expect that there was such a convenient thing in the other world. Then

he followed the recommendation of the live broadcast room, found the cat Leo, and played.

Because the wear and tear cannot be seen and touched, everyone in the live broadcast room does not know whether Zhongli's wear and tear has decreased now.

And I don't know if the live broadcast room is intentional, and the camera is not given to the computer picture, so they don't know what Zhongli is playing.

They only saw Zhong Li's brows furrowed, and Dadalia, who had played two handfuls on the side, seemed to be gritted by this game, eager to smash the screen with one punch.

This makes everyone even more curious about what this game is.

But before they could be curious for long, Coral Palace Xinhai opened her box.

[Congratulations to Coral Palace Xinhai for obtaining a bag of the improved version of the Golden Tomb from Another World, as well as all the inheritances of Dream X Westward Journey Dragon Palace. ] 【The

improved version of Jinguo can greatly improve the condition of the land, resulting in a sharp increase in the output of the land. But if it is not used properly, it will cause serious pollution of the seawater!]

[The inheritance of the Dragon Palace can manipulate the power of water and wind to echo their own potential. But the proficiency of all skills needs to be improved at your own expense. She

doesn't care about the inheritance of that Dragon Palace, anyway, she is not good at fighting.


a bag of golden garbage appeared, Xinhai couldn't care about the pungent smell and immediately studied the above instructions for use.

"A pound of gold rubbish is exchanged for a thousand pounds of water, and then sprayed on the land, the land can be improved on the same day. "

Shh~ that big bag of gold is more than enough to improve the land of the entire island of Haiqi." This time also happens to be the season of farming, and the time is just right.

"Even if you use it, you should be extra careful, otherwise it will flow into the sea, but it will bring a devastating blow to the fishing industry of Kaiji Island." "

When Xinhai thought about who he should send tomorrow to carry out the task of spraying land, he did not expect that Haiji Island was now a mess of porridge.

There are soldiers who are always paying attention to the live broadcast room, and immediately pass on the rewards obtained by Xinhai to increase morale.

"Don't retreat, Lord Coral Palace has obtained the inheritance of the Dragon Palace in another world, and he must hold out until Lord Coral Palace returns

!" "Guard Haiji Island!!" The

wild people also knew the situation in the live broadcast room, and immediately increased their offensive.

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