"No, Miss Hina, Miss Hina, ahhh


Unlike Arataki Kazuto, Yae Miko endured the pain with laughter, so much so that tears almost came out.

A few seconds later, Yae Miko collected her facial expression and came to Arataki Kazuto's side.

"Although Miss Hina was 'lucky' to be selected in the live broadcast room, we can still see it from the light curtain. Why don't you take this opportunity to publicize Miss Sheena's beauty in the barrage area?" "

I think when Miss Hina comes out and knows your behavior, she will be greatly moved." When

Arataki heard this, he was immediately resurrected in a state full of blood.

One of the rules of the Miss Hina Support Association is to publicize Miss Hina in various ways.

"As a big fan of Miss Sheena, I must let all Twalt know how good Miss Sheena is!"

At this time, the people of the whole continent of Teyvat, because of the update of version 1.2, are all in heated discussions.

[Qin: From this update, we can see that the interactive live broadcast room has indeed been listening to our opinions. [

Kaia: Except for the first one, the other ones are very interesting.


Twalin: Wendy's drunkard who doesn't do business was actually chosen? [

Mona: One is the person who cannot be seen by the seat of fate, and the other is the touchstone of fate, this combination is a little interesting. [

Diluc: The way to form a team is also very humane, if you are not satisfied with your teammates, you can change them at will.

[Lisa: Then again, what is the effect of that drunken fairy wine?]

[Diluc: I don't know, because making this wine is actually to consume physical strength, but the light curtain has always reminded me that my physical strength is not enough. 】

【Yinger: The famous night hero, young will not have enough physical strength, how can he keep luck ~~ blessing in the future. [

Timaeus: Sorry Lord Diluc, Ying'er she talks like this, there is no other meaning, you don't go to your heart. [

Diluc: ...]

[Walnut: Ahhhhhhhhhh [

King Qiuqiu: @胡桃, you devil! actually sent away my little brother in such an unorthodox way!

] [Tian Tiezui: @岩盔丘丘王, the emperor has personally carried the coffin, what are you still dissatisfied with?] [

Zhongli: @达达利亚, the last time you came to Liyue to sell toys, I thought there would be three days of happy time together, hey ~ it's a pity. [

Walnut: You miss people's wallets!]

[Dadalia: Haha, it's nothing, it's just that time is urgent, returning to the winter overnight, and cooperating with a few days of experiments.

[Collet: Experiment? [

Amber: @柯莱, I haven't had much contact recently, are you very busy?]

[Collet: Well, the master and the little auspicious grass king are doing experiments, and I helped record with the senior of Hua Lushan, that is, the master worked hard. 【

Xino: Now the experiment has begun to bear fruit, and it has indeed saved a lot of manpower and material resources. 【

Tinari:(/Almost squeezed dry)

】【Coral Palace Xinhai: @全体, the Haiji Island tourism project officially started today! Welcome friends from all over the world to travel

!】【Not only is the scenery beautiful, there are novel food, and the surrounding monsters have all been cleaned up! And due to the introduction of the new law, the price is also very cheap!】【

Lei Dien Jin: @全体, after Inazuma ends the lockdown, the overall environment will become more and more agreeable, and countries are welcome to invest in Inazuma's construction. [

Ray Movie: @全体, but if someone with bad intentions comes to make trouble, you must be prepared to be slashed by me. 】

【Kazuto Arataki: @全体, everyone looks to me, I'll say something!】【

If you have any troubles, you can try to contribute to the Q&A column of Yaedo's "Gossip Monthly", where Miss Hina will definitely give you a heartwarming answer. [

Nobuhiro: That's right, Miss Hina is gentle, understanding, and occasionally naughty like a little devil... In short, she is a very perfect being

!] [Koji: We are gathered here today to let all of Tivat know the beauty of Miss Sheena

!] [Yuka: Miss Hina! Come on!]

[Seleus: Does Haijima plan to develop tourism? [

Kavi: I heard that on the day of the Battle of Kaiji Island, there was a long-lasting dragon sound, is this the inheritance of the Dragon Palace?]

[Albert: So this is Inazuma's star-chasing method? But why did the live broadcast room put a question mark after Miss Hina's name?】

【 Kazuto Arataki: It seems that the live broadcast room is also a fan of Miss Hina, because the first rule of the Miss Hina Support Association's guidelines is that Miss Hina's identity cannot be detected in any way, so this question mark was added to the live broadcast room.

[Dina Zeid: That's the case, so Miss Sheena must be a perfect woman. [

Toma: Miss Hina?Is there still such a existence in Inazuma Castle? How did I not know?】【

Kamisato Ayaka: You can see from the light curtain that she is indeed a very cute and beautiful person. [

Kujo Chora: This person... How do I feel a very familiar feeling, could it be that I once met her plain face when I was patrolling Inazuma Castle?]

[Yae Miko: (/ Covering her mouth and laughing)]

and in the answer space at this time.

Kaedehara Manyo looked at Miss Hina in front of him playfully, "Are you..." "

I'm not!"

Although Goro vehemently denied it, Wanye knew as soon as he heard that he guessed correctly.

I didn't expect my friend to have such an interest.

Kaedehara Manya smiled and waved his hand, "Miss Hina is very similar to a friend of mine, but now it seems that I am mistaken." Goro

saw that Wanye did not debunk him in person, and he was a little relieved.

But as long as he thought that this was a live broadcast in front of everyone in the whole Teyvat continent, he couldn't wait to carry his luggage overnight.

There are very generous rewards for answering questions to the end.

Goro took a deep breath and slapped his face twice.


Orobas bless! As long as my true identity is not exposed in the live broadcast room!

On the other side of the answer space, there is a big drama for travelers.

Wendy: "I haven't seen the traveler for a long time, how are you doing recently, do you want to team up with us? I can tell you a big secret about the statue of the seven heavens afterwards~~

" Xing Qiu: "Traveler, after the last Sea Lantern Festival, Chongyun and I also miss you very much, and have always wanted to get together with you again, so this time the answer question, do you want to join us?" Dolly: "Traveler

, come to us, and when you get the reward, I will give you a lot of money~~." of remuneration. "


Travelers have traveled to various countries and surely know a lot of things that others don't.

If you team up with travelers, you will have a great advantage in answering questions in a while.

Seeing that the traveler was embarrassed, Chongyun said: "Or forget it, I think the two people assigned in the live broadcast room are also very good to team up."

Bennett: "That said, no matter who the traveler teams up with, it's going to be difficult." Nilu

: "Moreover, if the problems are related to the second creation, then even if it is a traveler, it will definitely not know." As

soon as everyone thought about it, they gave up continuing to invite travelers.

Sora breathed a sigh of relief, but Paimon on the side saw that no one had invited her, and crossed her waist angrily.

I travel with travelers and know a lot of things! Damn! I'm angry!"

After that, Paimon flew to the answer area where they belonged and munched on the otherworldly food provided by the space.


!】【Preparation time is up!

】【Since the contestants did not change the team, they will cooperate with two people to answer the questions according to the previous team list.】 【

Next, please watch the video first - The lonely journey chasing the thunder!】【

3... 2... 1...]

"In the midst of the storm, return with a knife and walk barefoot." A

teenager with white hair and red eyes appeared in the video.

Sitting on the mast of a large ship, with a knife at his waist, he gently swung his legs and beckoned to the travelers below.

And before stepping into the endless thunderstorm, the wandering samurai told a story of the past....

"He was my best friend.

He asked me that day, but had he ever heard a thoughtless knife.

"I said naturally, that sword will only be seen when the divine punishment of that dear friend descends." "

That sword is the ultimate in Raiden General's martial arts, and it is the strongest symbol.

But he said that the knife may not be unattainable.

"There will always be creatures on the ground who dare to face the power of thunder!"

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