[Ellheisen: This time the answer revealed a lot of information. [

Dixia: At least I know that there are six types of item cards. [

Xino: They are very analytical, especially Dolly and Nilu, who even remember the content of the barrage and use it to infer the correct answer. [

Kaiya: It seems that in the future, the content that everyone posts in the barrage area will also be remembered in their minds.

[Mika: But Bennett and Wendy fought too hard, and they directly gave up all the problems that followed.

[Diluc: No way, I am not surprised that Bennett just got this card, and the bard is best at touching fish. [

Twalin: Seeing him drink like that, I feel ashamed of him! 】

【Condensing Guang: Alas~~ Xingqiu and Chongyun are still too young, and some thoughts are too simple. 】

【Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun: Young people, you still have to go through some training. 】

【Zhong Li: They are all powerful stones in Liyue's future, and they can take this opportunity to temper themselves. [

Yorumiya: Mr. Manyo's words are excellent, it is really ironic that Lord Thunder first cast a god's eye in the affirmation of Mr. Wanyo's friend's wishes, and then was denied. [

Ray Movie: Alas ~ The matter of giving God's eye has nothing to do with my will. What is important is the "desire" of people, and...]

[Kazuto Arataki: I don't understand what you say, but... How is Miss Sheena's voice a little... Forehead... Neuter? [

Koji: Maybe it's because Miss Hina is in the process of changing her voice, so her voice sounds a little strange. [

Kazuto Arataki: So that's the case, no wonder she didn't speak when she was with Miss Hina before. Wait a minute! So, isn't Miss Sheena's age very young!! 【

Coral Palace Shinkai: This Miss Hina ...

[Kujo Jurao: This live broadcast room must be spreading rumors, how can Lord General not cook? 【

Raiden Jin: Kage, did you learn to cook?】 [

Ray Movie: I can do everything, but I really can't cook. 【

Yae Miko: So the consolation prize before was a fully automatic blender.】 】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Brother, your strength value has been questioned~(/snicker)】

【Kamisato Ayato: No way, as we all know, Inazuma Kamisato Ryutai Dao Technique is the inheritor of the sword technique, it's your sister you. [

Yelan: If you find a random charge now to temporarily seal all the industries of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce and the Guhua School, what 'price' will the live broadcast room charge at that time? [

Albedo: A very bold idea, do you want to experiment with this situation? [

Xeno: @纳西妲, should we also temporarily seal the Grand Bazaar and ban all of Dolly's property? [

Nasida: Let's wait for the next live broadcast, only the data of the last live broadcast is still too thin. 【

Ding! 】

【It's time to answer the question! 】 【

The correct answer is: C, C】

【Congratulations to Wendy and Barnett, Nilu and Dolly, Traveler and Paimon all three groups answered correctly! Get two points each! Wendy and Bennett get double points! 【

Congratulations to Xingqiu and Chongyun, Miss Hina (?) ) and Kaedehara Manyo, two groups answered a question correctly, each got one point! [

Since Wendy and Bennett cannot participate in the follow-up questions, they can contact the outside world in the barrage area in advance.

As soon as this news came out, the two groups of Wanye and Xingqiu in the answer space couldn't help but be stunned.

Wanye sighed, "I really didn't expect that person to know how to cook."

Goro patted Manyo's shoulder, "Don't blame you, this is also a matter of no way, after all, this kind of personal question, we will inevitably answer wrong, but we have to cheer up later." Wanye

: "Well, you're right, I know what to do, don't worry." A

similar scene to the above dialogue also happened on Xingqiu's side.

When the answer was announced in the live broadcast room, Xingqiu and Chongyun were still a little confused.

But immediately they thought that they were originally blinded to the second question, and if they answered it correctly, they were lucky, and it was okay to answer it wrong.

Plus they have four item cards in their hands, so they don't worry much.

Now, except for Wendy and Bennett's group, which was out early, the remaining eight are waiting for the next question.

Everyone didn't wait long, and the prompt sound in the live broadcast room sounded again!

Before watching the next video, please answer the third question in five minutes.] 】

【Excuse me: In the parallel world, what does General Raiden not understand besides not knowing how to cook?】 (143411q73s)】

【A:Inazuma dialect


】【C:Forging sword


】【E:Puppet Mechanic】Questions

about parallel worlds, the eight people in the answer space were shocked!

All eight people have seen two live broadcasts, and they are very familiar with the videos created by this parallel world.

That's as outrageous as it gets.

Although people in that world will more or less respect the basic settings when they create.

But in the end, the answer to every second creation question was unexpected by everyone.

Knowledgeable travelers and Paimon are equally troubled by this problem.

Paimon stuffed the otherworldly cake into his mouth while saying, "Traveler, use a prop card for this question."

"Well, I thought so too, let's get rid of a few wrong answers first."

I don't know if it's because the traveler knows too much, he is exactly the same as the prop card obtained by Paimon, and the effect is very ordinary.

All of them are randomly removed from 1 to 3 incorrect answers.

Originally, I thought that no matter how bad luck was, I would remove two wrong answers, but I didn't expect it....

【Ding! Item cards used successfully! The E option has been removed. Empty

: "............"

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