Inazuma Castle, men and women, young and old, are enjoying tonight's wonderful night tonight, and the vicinity of Gankin Island is even more bustling like the temple fairs in the past.

But at this time in the castle tower, the atmosphere was somewhat unusual.

Raiden Zhen and the two sisters of Lei Movie sat face to face, and Yae Miko lay a corpse not far away, showing no sign of waking up at all.

Inazuma has healing powers, only Coral Miyashin Kai of Kaijima Island and Kuki Shinobu of the Arataki faction.

But the former is too far away, and the treatment of the latter is to use thunder element plus mingweed, which has certain side effects.

And those 'healing' light novels obtained by Yae Miko are all piled up not far from the room.

A moment later, Raiden Shin spoke first, "Kage, when I was just called back by you, Miko told me about Inazuma's situation once. But judging from today's live broadcast, there are still some things you haven't told me. "

Shadow knows what her sister asked, but to be honest, about that kid, she also learned today that she had made such a doll to wander outside.

"A hat should be his pseudonym, just like Goro Kaijima's other identity is Miss Hina, his real identity is the wanderer in the live broadcast room."

"I also speculated from the golden feather, the marks on the back of his neck, the little doll and other clues."

"I once came into contact with a mysterious technique from Canrea and used it to create Raiden General."

"However, due to the limitations of this puppet technology, I abandoned the design of placing the heart of the gods, severed the connection with Sky Island, and gave it to the god son for safekeeping."

"I see." From these words, Lei Dian Zhen immediately deduced the ins and outs of the matter.

The Wanderer in the "World... Forget me" video appears, when he has the Shadow God Heart in his hand, and even tries to snatch the God Heart of the Grass God.

But the wanderer in the video is very different from now, both in terms of appearance and dress.

Raiden Zhen speculated that something must have happened behind him, allowing the wanderer to enter and use the power of the world tree, eliminating his existence from this world.


Raiden really suspected that the wanderer might have done a lot of bad things to finally come to this point.

Ray Movie also thought of this, but the wanderer has not returned to Inazuma, and without his personal explanation, it is useless to think about it more, it is better to take care of the current matter first.

"What's wrong with the Son of God? I only knew in the answer space that she ate a dish from another world, how could it become like this? "

Er... She's fine. Raiden really couldn't answer this question, so he diverted the topic and pointed to the cane that was placed beside him.

"The Son of God has obtained a Divine Charm, and you have also obtained a resurrection scepter, then the resurrection Sasa Lily and the other three should have no problem at all."

"Well, just wait for Miko to wake up." As soon as he thought of being able to get together with his friends again, Kage's expression softened.

But just as the two sisters were discussing how to wake up Yae Miko, Yae Miko suddenly disappeared in front of the two.

The sisters were stunned at first, and the next second they thought of the reason.

Lei said: "It seems that the 'price' has begun to take effect, and the Miko has been teleported to Alice's side, hoping that in the next seven days, nothing will happen to her." After

saying that, Ray got up, walked to those light novels, and casually picked up a book called "Extremely Black Brünnhilde" from it.

"What are these books going to do? Do you want Yaedo to print and sell directly? Ray asked his sister while watching the movie.

"Well..." Lei Dian really thought for a moment, "or sell photocopies of these books abroad, such as Liyue, because I like that Miss Ganyu very much."

"But the most important point is that the people of Liyue are very rich! Let's get the ones recommended in the live broadcast room before, just tomorrow is the day when Wanwen Ji House purchases novels. "

At this time, in another unknown place.

Alice, who was determining the delivery address with Qiliangliang, suddenly felt a fluctuation in space.

Then, the unconscious Yae Miko appeared in front of her.

"Oh, the action in the live broadcast room is quite fast." Alice quickly came to the front of the Miko and carefully observed the condition of the Miko.

"I'm still in a coma, this is not okay, I want to drink it again with you."

"Yae little sister, you know my medical skills, and I promise to let you jump alive tomorrow, hehe~~~"


Unlike the happy atmosphere of the three countries of Mond, Rigetsu, and Inazuma, the situation in Meru is the worst now.

Although the live broadcast room temporarily made everyone immune to the negative state, after all, it was only two weeks.

The demon scale disease is like a dark cloud, hanging over everyone's heads.

In the Palace of the Supreme Good, Nasida's fingers raced to manipulate something on Xino's laptop.

Half a day later.

"Yes! It seems that there is no problem with my vision. Nasida smiled happily.

"Little Auspicious Grass King, what experiment were you doing just now?" Saino asked.

Nasida looked up at everyone, "Remember how the Void System works?"

Xeno: "Of course, the Void System consists of two parts: 'Void Terminal' and 'Void Server', the former can obtain corresponding knowledge by thinking about specific content. Tinari

continued, "The latter is driven by the heart of God and unites the wisdom of the whole people and gives knowledge to the people.

Nasida nodded and picked up the two newly acquired books, "That's right, these two books also mention a very interesting term, called holographic online game!"

"Simply put, it's a non-invasive brain-computer interface, also called a neuroconscious link device, is this similar to the void system?"

"In addition, the book also mentions data connection, antivirus software, locked folders and other knowledge, which is really two rare good books!"

Al Haisen, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "Lord Kusanagi, don't you want to connect your consciousness with this notebook?"

"Worthy of Ellheisen! You're right! Use myself as a 'data cable' to connect us! And the two characteristics of this notebook are that it will not be damaged in any way! And unlimited energy! "

This is a bold experiment for Nasida.

The World Tree is equivalent to a large terminal server, and 99.9% of everything that happens on the continent of Tivat must be uploaded.

And the Great Compassion Tree King is connected to the consciousness of the World Tree, so the Great Compassion Tree King, which absorbs all the taboo knowledge, is equivalent to a computer virus.

As long as the virus is not cleaned clean, then the server will keep reporting errors!

It is precisely because of this that the Great Compassion Tree King will let the world completely forget her.

Now that the Great Cishu King has been remembered again, it is equivalent to browsing a website with a virus!

Then just find a way to kill the virus again.

And her ability is just enough to connect the consciousness of every living being.

Nasida just experimented, and she can indeed connect to this computer!

Nasida said firmly: "Once the Great Compassion Tree King was able to gather all the taboo knowledge in himself, and now I can do it too!"

"If the time comes to do it properly, I can be 100% sure that all of Meru's lives will never be affected by forbidden knowledge again."

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