“So… The chaotic space can no longer affect Emperor Ye…”

“Emperor Ye always has a good chance.”

The Huafeng Emperor and the Northern Region Female Emperor whispered, almost expressing the thoughts of all the Great Emperors.

He was poor when he was young, but although he has experienced many hardships now, he has always gained something.

And now Ye Changsheng Ye the Great.

For him, this chaotic space was tantamount to the most rare cultivation treasure in the world!

According to what those Immortal Emperors and Immortal Kings in the Immortal Court said…

This ancient chaotic space should directly wipe out Ye Changsheng’s existence…

That strange devouring power has not been able to find the source until now…

And this alien beast….

Emperor Willow frowned.

Even if she jumps out of history, she can’t find any memories related to this space…

Can’t be found.

It was as if he could see Willow’s doubts.

The ruthless emperor said firmly: “This space is not allowed even by those immortal kings and immortal emperors. ”

“Emperor Ye can survive here for a long time, this is not an opportunity.”

Remembering that little old man-like Immortal Emperor pointed at Emperor Ye, who almost disappeared, the ruthless Emperor not only gasped.

Between the great emperors, the difference is nothing more than the understanding of the avenue.

Even the Ruthless Emperor and the Liu God Emperor are both transcendent.

The two of them would never be able to save their luck under that finger.

Immortal King….

Immortal Emperor….

Can today’s avenue really carry such an existence….

The ruthless emperor was silent.

Just one glance at Willow God is the answer.

All these years.

It was as if something was missing between heaven and earth.

The Willow God Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor have been in the extreme realm for a long time.

And these are beyond ordinary emperors.

But if it is said to break the border….

I’m afraid it’s still too late.

Emperor Hua Feng looked at Ye Changsheng in the picture and narrowed her eyes slightly.

“For the Emperor: Nothing good either. ”

“I’ve been alone for half my life… How did I lose you again…”

The words of the Huafeng Female Emperor almost muttered.

If the old friend of the female emperor saw the love of such a son and daughter of the female emperor of Huafeng, I am afraid it would be extremely difficult to believe it.

It’s just that for the Huafeng Female Emperor, the young man who accompanied him and urged him to grow up is long gone.

In the picture of reincarnation, Ye Changsheng collected his mind and carefully comprehended his changes.

At this moment, in the chaotic space, a lilac, extremely pure aura poured into the body.

Ye Changsheng didn’t have time to stop it, and that aura had already turned into a Xuan vein.


The sky-rushing aura almost crushed Ye Changsheng’s cognition!

The strength in the body is increasing.

Constantly improving….

Beyond the Immortal King.

Beyond the Immortal Emperor.

Even…… Surpassed the Immortal Emperor in one breath.

The aura around Ye Changsheng was as peaceful as flowing water, but it was so strong that even the strange beast could not get close.

Go beyond the Immortal Emperor and go straight to the avenue.

The Sacrifice of the Avenue.

This is… The realm of sacrifices.

Ye Changsheng slowly opened his eyes, and countless exotic beasts in front of him roared and rushed over.

Those exotic beasts, the weakest also have the Immortal Emperor quasi-Immortal Emperor level.


Behind Ye Changsheng, a black and white shadow slowly emerged.

This black and white shadow was the ink scroll that Ye Changsheng held in his hand before!

At this moment, it was a slowly shattered void, floating behind him!

Looking at the different breaths, the beasts all rushed in their direction furiously.

The ink scroll behind Ye Changsheng moved slightly, and a large ink-colored character instantly shattered the void.

Countless alien beasts have not yet returned to their senses, and the power of the mountain destruction is to directly turn them into powder!

And Ye Changsheng’s side, the pale ink color and the surrounding devouring qi were not as good as two breaths, and they were already perfectly integrated!

It was just Ye Changsheng’s spiritual thoughts.

This devouring power was like a toddler meekly perched on Ye Changsheng’s side!

The seven-foot-tall plain-shirted man stood quietly like this, and the strange beast that was constantly shattering in the distance disappeared like a splash.

If it weren’t for the fact that the picture of reincarnation was still uninterrupted, ordinary cultivators would almost doubt their eyes!

I thought that falling into this space was the end….

How long had it been since Emperor Ye achieved the sacrificial path?!

Ye Changsheng stood quietly in the air, not avoiding those strange beasts at all!

Many hundreds of millions of cultivators in the Xuantian Continent were puzzled.

“Sacrificial path?? How come I haven’t heard of this realm?! ”

“It’s not that you can’t believe it, you look at the Willow God Emperor and the Ruthless Emperor, which one is not amazed?”

“Wait! Take a look! The breath on Emperor Ye’s body! ”

The monks held their breath.

I saw that strange beast like a mountain pouring out again!

And this time the alien beast, the breath is several times stronger than before!

It was not enough for the right person to disappear, and it was another wave of exotic beasts.

The ink scroll behind Ye Changsheng slowly moved.

And the small flower on the ink roll is even more alive.

It actually slowly dripped down from the silky scroll.

Just the literal meaning of half a ink scroll.

Countless ink treasures flew and intertwined, gradually melting into an ink-colored water dew.

Under Ye Changsheng, countless exotic beasts roared madly.

In the air, the condensed water dew was only for a moment, and it dispersed into a rain of ink.

The ink that falls all over the sky is wrapped in the power of the law.

A drop of ink is to break the void and drive away!

Just for a moment

Countless ink holes pierced the roaring beast, and even the divine soul of the strange beast was instantly shattered!


The chaotic space, which was still extremely violent, was instantly dead silent at this moment.

The rest, those strange beasts, trembling and pacing cautiously, for fear of noisy with the white-shirted man in the distance with the ink rolls fluttering.

A cold wind blew through, and Ye Changsheng in the air could not see any fluctuations in his eyes, as if he had just brushed off the dust on the shore casually.

Those countless alien beasts turned into the purest spiritual energy and flew straight towards Ye Changsheng in the air.

The ink scroll that instantly cut two waves of strange beasts was still fluttering behind Ye Changsheng, as if nothing had happened.


“What exactly is the sacrificial path…”

The female emperor of Hua Feng’s mouth opened slightly, and together with the great emperors on her side, they were all shocked in place and could not move.

How can people suffer from this situation?

Not to mention that the great emperors were in an uproar, just the cultivators on the Xuantian Continent did not understand what was happening.

“His way…”

The Willow God Emperor was stunned, and looked at the familiar mountains and plants on the ink scroll obsessively.

And the spirited boy and Willow.

The plain shirt is light color, just like it was back then.

The boy who sheltered himself from the rain and was reluctant to kill, even though he had become a figure he needed to look up to.

His Word… It has never changed.

When the eyes of the Willow God Emperor and Ye Changsheng touched, it was only for a moment, as if they had returned to the way they had eaten and drunk together.


For the goblin….

Not bad either!

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