Above the canopy, in the memory of that reincarnation.

Xuantian Continent was actually whining at this moment.

The original radiant Immortal Court was only gray at this moment, and the space storm rolled up by the power of the three emperors was raging in the air, and even the wind had to stop.

In the gray world, Ye Changsheng’s figure appeared, as well as the ink scroll that swallowed endless Hongmeng qi.

Heaven and earth are majestic, but at this moment he is the only one, and endless loneliness and sadness cleanse the heaven and earth.

Ye Changsheng’s eyebrows drooped slightly, he couldn’t see any expression, and the ink scroll behind him opened and closed slightly.

An ink light suddenly spread down from the sky, covering the approaching space storm in the distance, and the entire Immortal Court was also dim.

The Jade Emperor Immortal Emperor’s spiritual sense was so huge, when the ink color had just fallen, his soul was like falling into an ice cellar.

He was shocked in his heart, and when he wanted to remind the other Immortal Kings and Immortal Emperors to retreat, he was still one step slower.

The moment that ink light met that space storm, it directly exploded into countless black matches.

Under the combined power of the three emperors, the spatial storm that had only gathered above the Immortal Court was only a breath, and it exploded in those countless horses, stretching for thousands of miles!

“How is this possible!” Dozens of Immortal Emperors and Immortal Kings froze in place.

“That son of luck has not just entered the Great Emperor! At this moment, he was able to block the combined force of the three immortal emperors?! ”

“Impossible… This must not be possible!!”

The pale Immortal Emperor, at this moment, a pair of round eyes were angry, like madness agitating the power in his body, wanting to step forward to help the three Immortal Emperors.

Beside her, the young child before was even more like seeing a demon god, trembling and looking at the picture in front of him.

Before that young man, even if he sacrificed his life, it was simply not enough for an immortal emperor to see, and even the immortal emperors used him as food and competed for him.

And at this moment, that son of luck is standing in the sky far away, alone against the three immortal emperors?!

How can he accept this!!

“Several Immortal Emperors!”

“Please go all out! Strangle the arrogant! ”

The Immortal Kings and Immortal Emperors pleaded with the three Immortal Emperors standing in the sky in a low voice.

It’s just that after counting the breaths, there is really no response.

“… Immortal Emperor? An immortal king stared in horror and looked at the three juxtaposed figures in the sky.

As the divine sense of an immortal emperor probed, the immortal emperor’s pupils violently shook. Beside him, the remaining Immortal King Immortal Emperor was briefly stunned, and in the next moment, countless divine consciousnesses rushed towards the three Immortal Emperors in the air.

However, their reactions were no different from the Immortal Emperor who was the first to probe!

“Dead? Those three Immortal Emperors… All dead?! ”

“Didn’t the Jade Emperor Immortal Emperor say that the son of luck is also the strength of the Immortal Emperor?! How could he kill three Immortal Emperors with one move?! ”

The group of Immortal Kings and Immortal Emperors were surprised, and Ye Changsheng’s figure in the sky did not move, his expression was still as ancient as that waveless.

On his side, the countless black exercises had not yet dissipated! The Immortal King Immortal Emperor looked at Ye Changsheng with that step of thousands of miles, and he walked towards the depths of that Immortal Court, leaving heavy footprints on that space with each step.

Suddenly, a black light flashed in front of him, and he could no longer make the slightest sound.

“Hahahaha! I feel really relieved when I look at it! On the Xuantian Continent, a cultivator looked at the picture on the sky screen, and his heart was particularly happy.

“Emperor Ye entered that ancient chaotic land like this, it was really a blessing in disguise!”

“That Jade Emperor Immortal Emperor is still thinking of joining forces with other Immortal Emperors, so it seems that it is just that! It was the sacrificial path that the Great Emperor had reached… What kind of realm was that that could crush the Immortal Emperor! ”

“Whatever strength he has! I just want Emperor Ye to have a smooth ride next, and it is best to be invincible to this world!” ”

All the monks looked at the picture of reincarnation, and their hearts were happy.

The ruthless emperor silently looked at the lonely Ye Changsheng in the picture, and his heart was full of thoughts.

In this life, he was too bitter.

Those opportunities that are placed on others, extremely eye-catching, and even give birth to a heart of contention, are placed on his body, but people can’t give birth to a trace of jealousy.

As if he deserved it.

The picture of reincarnation is still playing.

In front of Ye Changsheng, the entire picture of the entire Immortal Court also appeared in the sea of knowledge.

Countless qiongyu structures, heavy and extremely brilliant halls, large and small, staggered.

And that ancient chaotic space is just a corner in this immortal court!


Above the boundless immortal garden, the white mist of the Dao Dao was ethereal, Ye Changsheng’s clothes were fluttering, and the blue clothes of his body swayed slightly with the white mist.

Those countless palaces were scattered in the immortal court, and the various palaces trembled slightly in this white mist, and the invisible power of laws was connected in the palace.

The vast aura instantly gathered and contracted in the Immortal Garden.



As if wound up, all the palaces were turning at this moment.

Ye Changsheng stood above the Immortal Court. And in the Immortal Court below, countless palaces frantically flowed throughout the Immortal Court, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for more than 10,000 miles was emptied by a small hall in the middle of the Immortal Court like a whale!

Under the condensation of his eyes, Ye Changsheng did not make unnecessary movements. Gently stretched out a hand and pulled it in the void.

Below, the rapidly flowing palace stopped in response, and five rays of light suddenly appeared in front of Ye Changsheng.

“Who is blocking my big array!”

In the Xuan light, an old voice spread throughout the heavens and earth.

“Interrupt my sacrificial array, spoil my great affairs! Today, the Creation God Ancestor will not be able to save your life! ”

Another sound like thunder exploded, but it sounded quite young, it should be a middle-aged man.

Several rays of Xuan light dispersed, and in front of Ye Changsheng, there were suddenly five people of completely different ages and Xuan Xi.

Among them, there was the middle-aged man who scolded Ye Changsheng for ruining his big thing.

The middle-aged man had a pair of blue eyes, and the endless void in his eyes was surging, full of indifference, and he didn’t take immortality seriously at all. Between the closed eyes of the gods, the aura of chaos flowed on the side of his eyes.


The Hongmeng Qi around Ye Changsheng’s body suddenly trembled, and even the surrounding space was directly shattered into residue, revealing a black, void!

“That was… What power?! ”

Rao is that the emperors are already in good spirits, and seeing this scene in their memories instantly tensed up the spirit that had just been relaxed.

Several emperors who were meditating and recovering their Xuan power suddenly rose from their concentration.

“What is the origin of these five people?! Why can one blow shock the breath around Emperor Ye?! In the eyes of Emperor Yangyan, lava rolled by.

“Emperor Ye Tian dealt with the Dark Emperor Venerable of the Heavens before, but the breath on his body did not move! Why hasn’t this middle-aged man moved yet, and the space around Emperor Ye Tian is that scene?! The delicate face of the Taihua Female Emperor was full of shock.

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