Extract Impurities, Bedbugs Become Real Dragons

Chapter 145 The Whereabouts Of The Three Women

Western Regions.

Xianyun Island.

A little girl and a little fat man sneaked to the beach and were about to leave by boat.

Looking carefully, these two were exactly the girl who wanted to learn from Lin Feng at the beginning.

And Xiaoya's friend Xiaopang.

However, before the two of them boarded the boat, an old woman came from the sky and landed steadily in the middle of the boat.

"Grandma Hua, why are you here?" Xiaoya smiled awkwardly.

"Little girl, are you planning to leave Xianyun Island, find the entrance of Tianyun Battlefield, and save Lin Feng?"

The old woman called Granny Hua frowned and said, "Even the island owner can't find the entrance to the Tianyun Battlefield. Do you think that with your strength, you can find the entrance to the Tianyun Battlefield?"

"Besides, even if you find the entrance to the Tianyun Battlefield, you won't be able to break through the Tianyun Battlefield and rescue Lin Feng."

"Grandma Hua, Xiaopang and I know what you said!" Xiaoya clenched her fists tightly and said with moist eyes, "But it was Mr. Lin who brought me into martial arts at the beginning."

"Whether Mr. Lin recognizes me as an apprentice or not, I will always regard Mr. Lin as a mentor."

"Mr. Lin is now trapped in the Tianyun battlefield, how can I stay on the island with peace of mind."

"Little girl, it's useless even if you are anxious. Now you can only rescue Lin Feng in the future if you practice seriously with the island owner." over people."

"I can't wait so long!" The little girl clenched her teeth and said, "I'm going to save Mr. Lin now."

Just when Xiaoya was about to leave, a man came in midair.

After the man whispered something in the old woman's ear, the old woman smiled and said, "Little girl, you don't need to look for Lin Feng, Lin Feng has already come out from the Tianyun battlefield."

"Lin... Mr. Lin walked out of the Tianyun battlefield?" Xiaoya's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

"Little girl, speaking of it, this Lin Feng's talent and strength are indeed terrifyingly strong." The old woman smiled and continued: "He actually broke through the sky by relying on the strength of the fifth level of the Emperor Realm. battlefield."

"Moreover, even the Heavenly Sword Sect, Iron Fist Sect, Meteor Sword Sect, Zhang Family, Wang Family, Huang Family and other forces were all wiped out by Lin Feng for chasing and killing Lin Feng's sister."

"Lin... Mr. Lin is already so powerful..." Xiaoya blinked her big eyes, shocked.

The island owner once said that even a powerhouse of the ninth level of the Xuanzong Realm cannot break through the Tianyun Battlefield in the Tianyun Battlefield.

But Lin Feng did it.

Now, how strong is Lin Feng?

"Little girl, can you go back now?" At this moment, the old woman's voice sounded again.

Xiaoya suddenly came back to her senses, nodded and said, "I'm going back to practice now!"

"The next time I see Mr. Lin, I must give Mr. Lin a surprise!"

After finishing speaking, the little girl has already run back like flying.

"Little girl, wait for me." The little fat man wiped his nose, and quickly chased after him.


Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons.

There are all kinds of poisonous fog here.

Poisonous insects are everywhere, everywhere.

Neither warriors nor monsters can survive here.

But at this moment, a young girl's figure flickered, and she moved freely among various poisonous mist and poisonous insects.

If you look carefully, you can find that this girl is Wang Xinyan who left Yanyun Pavilion not long ago.

"Xiao Xi, you wait for me, I will save you now!" Wang Xinyan looked at the exit that was already looming, and murmured: "Mr. Lin is now trapped in the battlefield of Tianyun, I must replace Mr. Lin and protect you !"

"Xinyan, where are you going?" At this moment, an old woman wearing a half-face mask suddenly blocked Wang Xinyan's way.

This old woman is the owner of the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons, Old Man Wan Du.

At the same time, she is also Wang Xinyan's master.

"Master, I heard that Lin Xi and the others were hunted down, so I will naturally help them!" Wang Xinyan clenched her fists tightly, her expression extremely firm.

"Xin Yan, with your strength, what can you do even if you go out?" Elder Wan Du said suddenly.

Wang Xinyan clenched her teeth and said, "Even if I can't do anything, I will do my best to help Xiao Xi."

"I don't think you want to help Lin Xi, you want to protect Lin Xi for your young master Lin, right?"

"Master, this is my own business!"

"Another silly girl who is trapped by love."

The old man Wan Du shook his head and sighed softly: "You don't have to help Lin Xi anymore, the six major forces that hunted down Lin Xi have already been wiped out."

"Master, are you lying to me? How powerful are the six great strengths, how could they be wiped out?"

"I don't have time to lie to you. Lin Feng broke through the Tianyun battlefield and learned that Lin Xi was hunted down, so he immediately went to wipe out all the six major forces."

"Lin... Mr. Lin broke through the Tianyun battlefield?!"

Wang Xinyan's beautiful eyes were wide open, and her eyes were full of astonishment.

She never expected that the Tianyun battlefield, which even a warrior of the ninth level of the Xuanzong realm, could not break through, was actually broken by Lin Feng.

Moreover, even the six powerful forces were wiped out by Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin's strength has become stronger again." Wang Xinyan murmured to himself.

In her heart, she couldn't help but envy Lin Xi.

Lin Xi was hunted down by the six major forces, and Lin Feng could destroy the six major forces for Lin Xi.

Then if she was hunted down, would Lin Feng take action to help him kill the people who chased her?

"Xin Yan, can you go back and continue to practice now?" At this time, the old man Wan Du suddenly spoke.

Wang Xinyan recovered, nodded and said: "Master, I will go back to practice now."

"Until I defeat you, I will never leave the mountain!"

Wang Xinyan gritted her teeth, turned around and returned to the Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons.


Tianyou Mountains.


A young girl was following a small team to encircle and suppress a monster.

With everyone's efforts, the monster was finally killed by everyone's joint efforts.

"Xiao Lan, your strength has increased a lot."

"Xiaolan, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be able to kill this third-tier monster."

"Xiao Lan, thanks to you this time."

The girl was surrounded by warriors like the moon surrounded by stars.

Looking carefully, this girl is Xiaolan who left Yanyun Pavilion not long ago.

During this period of time, Xiaolan has walked through most of the Tianyou Mountain Range on foot, and has been practicing in the Tianyou Mountain Range.

And Xiaolan's strength has also improved a lot.

Today, she is already a third-tier martial artist.

"Everyone, come here and share this monster." At this moment, Xiao Lan spoke.

With her own hands, she distributed various parts of the monster's body to the surrounding warriors.

After doing all this, Xiaolan took out some dry food and started eating.

As for the other warriors, they whispered aside.

"By the way, have you guys heard about Mr. Lin recently?"

"Mr. Lin? Which Mr. Lin?"

"It's Mr. Lin from Yanyun Pavilion."

"Isn't he trapped in the Tianyun battlefield?"

"How can young master Lin be trapped in the small Tianyun battlefield? Young master Lin broke through the Tianyun battlefield with one move."

"Huh? Mr. Lin is so powerful?"

"Of course, after Mr. Lin walked out of the Tianyun battlefield, he directly attacked and wiped out the six major forces of the Heavenly Sword Sect, the Iron Fist Sect, the Meteor Sword Sect, the Wang Family of Yunhuo City, the Zhang Family of Tianning City, and the Huang Family of Xianfeng City."

"Even the six major forces have been wiped out by Mr. Lin?"

The voices of the warriors did not hide the slightest.

Xiaolan naturally heard clearly.

Her eyes were moist, and she said excitedly: "Mr. Lin, I knew that you can come out."

"When I succeed in cultivation, I will definitely go back to see you!"

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