Dongling pilgrimage.

East Palace.

A middle-aged man is flipping through a book.

This middle-aged man was tall and straight, dressed in a Chinese robe, he was Ji Changkong, the prince of the Dongling Dynasty.

"His Royal Highness, something is wrong, something is wrong!" At this moment, a eunuch came in panting, bowed and said, "Lu... Lu Tianyun is dead!"

"Lu Tianyun is dead?" Ji Changkong slowly pulled down the book in his hand, revealing a handsome face, and said calmly, "Who killed him?"

"Reporting to His Royal Highness, Lu Tianyun died at the hands of a young man named Lin Feng."

"Young man?" Ji Changkong frowned slightly.

"His Royal Highness, the other party is only sixteen years old, and he is indeed a young man."

"Can kill Lu Tianyun at the age of sixteen?!" Ji Changkong frowned and said, "What is his cultivation level now?"

"As far as I know, Lin Feng has just broken through the first level of Wu Zong Realm."

"One level of Wu Zong Realm can kill Lu Tianyun, who ranks first in the Wu Zong list of the Dongling Sacred Dynasty?!" Ji Changkong raised his eyebrows slightly: "The boy named Lin Feng must have also been seriously injured, right?"

"Your Highness, the young man named Lin Feng is unscathed." The eunuch smiled wryly, "Lin Feng didn't use all his strength when he killed Lu Tianyun."

"If Lin Feng uses all his strength, all the existences above Wu Zong's realm may fall into his hands."

"Wu Zong's first-level cultivation, killing me the first person in the Wu Zong list of Dongling Sacred Dynasty, has not used his full strength yet?!" Ji Changkong was shocked.

But the eunuch said again: "His Royal Highness, are we going to send someone over to avenge Lu Tianyun?"

"Revenge? Why do you want to avenge Lu Tianyun?"

"But... isn't Lu Tianyun a member of His Highness the Crown Prince?"

"How can a dead person compare to the value of a peerless evildoer?"

"His Royal Highness, what do you mean..."

"Go and prepare some gifts." Ji Changkong put down the books in his hand and said, "I want to visit that Mr. Lin in person."

"No!" The eunuch bowed to accept the order, turned and left.


Prince Ning's Mansion.

"King Ning, I lost again." The old man looked at the chessboard, feeling helpless in his heart.

The middle-aged man on the opposite side laughed loudly and said, "Senior Zhou, you are not deliberately giving way to this king, are you?"

"The old man didn't let you."

"Haha, it seems that my chess skills have improved."

The middle-aged man called King Ning laughed loudly and said, "Come on, let's continue."

Speaking, King Ning and the old man have continued to play chess.

"King Ning, the list of Shenji Pavilion has been updated again." At this time, a guard walked up quickly holding a scroll.

King Ning looked at the chessboard and said without turning his head, "Which list is the Shenji Pavilion updated this time?"

"Wu Zong list."


The chess piece in King Ning's hand stopped in the air.

He took back the chess piece, and casually took the list from the guard's hand.

When he saw the ranking on the list, he was completely dumbfounded.

In the entire Wu Zong list, only Lu Tianyun, who ranked first, was replaced by an unfamiliar name called Lin Feng.

For the rest, there was no change at all.

Of course, what shocked King Dening the most was Lin Feng's cultivation level and age.

At the age of sixteen, he had already reached the first level of cultivation in Wuzong Realm.

And it also ranked first in the Wu Zong list. What kind of terrifying talent is this? !

"Who is this boy named Lin Feng?" King Ning's voice sounded.

The guard bowed and said respectfully: "Reporting to King Ning, Lin Feng is the former prince of the Great Xia Dynasty. He killed Lu Tianyun, and thus replaced Lu Tianyun's position."

The guard thought for a while, and added: "Besides, as far as I know, Lin Feng didn't seem to use all his strength when he killed Lu Tianyun."

"Wu Zong killed Wu Zong at the first level, and he hasn't used his full strength yet?!" After a brief shock, King Ning looked at the old man on the opposite side and said, "Senior Zhou, today's chess game, I'm afraid it can only be played. That's it for now."

"Prince Ning, are you going to recruit Lin Feng?" The old man reminded: "Lu Tianyun belongs to the Crown Prince. If Lin Feng killed Lu Tianyun, the Crown Prince might do something to Lin Feng."

"The prince is not that stupid. A genius like Lin Feng, the prince may also want to take him under his command." Ning Wang sneered and said: "If the prince wants to do something to Lin Feng, then the king will rescue Lin Feng, which will be more beneficial." This king wins over Lin Feng."

King Ning stood up, looked at the guards beside him, and said in a loud voice, "Go and prepare gifts and flying artifacts. This king is going to visit that Mr. Lin now!"

"No!" The guards bowed slightly and immediately got ready.


Qi Wangfu.

"I didn't expect that Lu Tianyun, who ranked first, would be killed by a young man of Wu Zong's first rank." A middle-aged man muttered to himself with his mouth twitching.

This middle-aged man is none other than the eighth prince of the Dongling Sacred Dynasty, Qi Wang Ji Minghao.

"His Royal Highness King Qi, I heard that His Highness the Crown Prince and King Ning have rushed to the Great Xia Dynasty with presents." At this moment, a guard suddenly spoke.

"The speed of the prince and King Ning is really fast enough." Ji Minghao sighed: "However, a genius like Lin Feng is indeed worth recruiting by them personally."

"His Royal Highness, do you... want to go there?"

"Naturally." Ji Minghao said as a matter of course: "For a genius like Lin Feng, this king will naturally go to recruit him personally."

Ji Minghao looked at the guard and continued, "Go and prepare gifts and flying artifacts. This king will go to the Great Xia Dynasty himself now."

"No!" The guard bowed slightly, turned and left.


Great Xia Dynasty.

Lin Fu.

Lin Feng sat cross-legged in the black tower of time on the avenue, and took out the space ring obtained from Lu Tianyun and others.

"Now, it's time to take a look at the treasures in these interspatial rings." Lin Feng said to himself, and then glanced at the treasures in the interspatial rings with his spiritual sense.

It has to be said that the treasures of Lu Tianyun and others are indeed very many.

Even if the treasure houses of the two Great Xia dynasties combined, there are not as many treasures as Lu Tianyun and others.

With these treasures, although it is impossible for Lin Feng's cultivation base and strength of ten thousand soldiers to be greatly improved as before, they can also be improved a lot.

Shaking his head, Lin Feng took out all the spirit crystals, spirit stones, spirit weapons, and spirit treasures to remove impurities.

Since there are so many treasures this time, the burden on Lin Feng's soul power is too great.

So Lin Feng spent a full whole day to remove all the impurities from the treasures.

However, in the process of removing impurities, Lin Feng discovered a jade slip.

On this jade slip, "Star Jue" is impressively written.

After Lin Feng scanned the jade slips with his spiritual sense, he realized that this "Star Jue" was exactly the method used by Lu Tian to condense the power of the stars.

I have to say that this "Star Jue" does have some tricks.

But for Lin Feng, it was not of much use.

"System, detect the star art."

"Ding~ 1291 loopholes have been detected in the Art of the Stars, please select the part to be removed."

"All loopholes are removed."

"Ding~ The extraction is successful, and the Star Jue becomes the Star Swallowing Heaven Jue."

"Remarks: Star Swallowing Heaven Art can swallow the power of stars, improve cultivation, and temper the body."

In Lin Feng's mind, the information about "Star Jue" began to be revised rapidly.

Until the end, the entire "Stars Swallowing the Sky" had completely become the "Stars Swallowing the Sky".

"I didn't expect Star Swallowing Heaven Art to rely on the power of swallowing stars to improve cultivation." Lin Feng's mouth turned up, revealing a smile.

The cultivation method of warriors has always been to improve their cultivation by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

There has never been such a technique that relies on absorbing the power of stars to improve one's cultivation.

With this exercise, Lin Feng will be able to use two prongs in the future, absorbing spiritual energy and the power of stars at the same time to improve his cultivation.

In this way, Lin Feng's cultivation speed will be greatly improved!

Moreover, since the power of the stars is already very powerful, after devouring this power, not only can one improve one's cultivation, but also refine one's physical strength.

This Star Swallowing Heaven Art is almost equivalent to a kung fu method of both martial arts and body cultivation!

"Now, it's time to look at this Yun Tianyi." Lin Feng turned over with one hand, and took out the sixth-order Houtian Lingbao, Yun Tianyi, which he got from Lu Tianyun.

"System, detect Yun Tianyi."

"Ding~ It has been detected that Yun Tianyi has 321 impurities and 1231 loopholes. Please select the part to be removed."

"Impurities and loopholes, all removed!"

"Ding~ The extraction was successful, and Yun Tianyi became Yun Kongyi."

"Remarks: After using the Cloud Wing, you can temporarily hide in the void."

Yun Tianyi in front of Lin Feng had slight cracks.

When the cracks shattered, a pair of brand new wings shone with a bewitching luster, appearing in front of Lin Feng.

Today, Yun Tianyi has completely become Yun Kongyi.

"Yunkongyi can actually make warriors hide in the void." Lin Feng raised his brows slightly, shocked.

Only warriors who have comprehended the avenue of space can temporarily hide their bodies in the void.

Lin Feng did not expect that Yun Kongyi could break through this barrier.

Allows the user to temporarily hide in the void.

If Lin Feng suddenly hides in the void during a battle, the opponent will completely miss the target.

When Lin Feng makes a move next time, he will be able to surprise and win with one move!

"Now, it's time to devour this pile of treasures." Lin Feng came back to his senses, and let the Heaven-devouring Blood Gu swallow the spirit crystals and soul crystals beside him.

As for Lin Feng, he silently activated the Thousand Soldiers Swallowing Spirit Art, devouring the mountains of spiritual weapons and acquired spiritual treasures in front of him.

Of course, under the blessing of the forty-eight cyclones, the spiritual energy and the power of the stars between the heavens and the earth also frantically poured into Lin Feng's body.

At this moment, Lin Feng's breath rose rapidly.

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