The gate of the observation deck is made of special materials.

This kind of gate is not only heavy, but can also release an extremely powerful dao rhyme.

Even a strong man in the Heavenly Exalted Realm would find it difficult to push him away.

However, according to the previous rules, every holy dynasty needs to send a strong man to push open the gate of one of the observation towers.

In this way, everyone who corresponds to the holy pilgrimage can enter the observation deck and watch the Dabi.

If you can't push it away, you can only sit on the ground outside the viewing platform and watch the competition.

This is an insult to the Holy Dynasty.

Of course, for so long, there has never been a situation where the Holy Dynasty sat on the ground outside the observation deck because it could not push the door open.

"Hehe, everyone, if you don't make a move, then I, Lankong Shengchao, will make a move first."

At this time, Li Shitian, the monarch of the Lankong Sacred Dynasty, came out and said loudly: "Long Feiyang, come and open the gate of the observation deck."

After the major pilgrimages came to War City, the pilgrimage competition had already begun.

At this time, strong men over 5,000 years old are forbidden to make a move.

Therefore, even if the door of the observation tower is pushed open, it can only be done by a strong man under five thousand years old.

And the one sent by the Lankong Holy Dynasty is naturally the third-ranked Holy Dynasty powerhouse under the age of five thousand, and Long Feiyang, who has a second-level cultivation in the Tianzun Realm.

After receiving Li Shitian's order, the tall and straight Long Feiyang slowly walked out of the crowd and came to the highest viewing platform.

This observation tower is soaring into the sky, with a very wide view, it is the largest observation tower in the entire War City.

At the same time, the gate of this observation deck is also the largest and heaviest.

The surrounding Dao Yun is even more terrifying.

It was already very difficult for Long Feiyang to get close to the gate of the observation deck.

"With my current strength, it is impossible to open the door of this observation tower." Long Feiyang looked up at the observation tower, and then turned to another observation tower on the side.

This observation deck is a little lower, and the gate is smaller and lighter.

The surrounding dao rhyme is also weaker.

Long Feiyang came to the gate, put his hands on the gate, and forced it hard.

chi chi!

The violent power and madness surged out of Long Feiyang's body.

Centered on Long Feiyang's feet, the entire land was densely packed with cracks.

But the door in front of Long Feiyang was completely motionless.

"Unexpectedly, Long Feiyang actually chose the No. 2 observation deck this time."

"The gate of the No. 2 Observatory Tower is extremely heavy. Even if a strong person of the fourth-level Tianzun Realm comes, it will be difficult to push it away. Long Feiyang is only at the second-level cultivation of the Tianzun Realm. If he wants to push it away, he may not be able to push it away. Easy."

"Although Long Feiyang's talent and strength are very good, he needs extremely strong physical strength to open the gate. It is too difficult for Long Feiyang to open the gate of the No. 2 observation deck."

The crowd opened their mouths and discussed loudly.

The final result was also as expected by the crowd.

After Long Feiyang tried for a while, he ended in failure.

With his cultivation of the second level of Heavenly Exalted Realm, there is no way he can shake the gate of No. 2 Observation Tower.

"It seems that we can only choose Observatory No. 3." Long Feiyang sighed softly.

Turned to the No. 3 observation deck.

The gate of this observation deck is obviously smaller and lighter.

Under Long Feiyang's push, a small gap finally appeared in the gate.

But just for a moment, Long Feiyang couldn't hold on anymore, and was shocked by the terrifying weight of the gate and backed away again and again.

The door also bangs and closes again.

"Long Feiyang couldn't even open the gate of the No. 3 Observation Tower. It seems that the gate of the Observation Tower has become heavier again."

"The gate of the observation deck is getting heavier and heavier."

"I didn't expect that the gate of the observation deck has become so heavy."

The crowd frowned slightly, with serious expressions on their faces.

The gate of the observation tower is somewhat similar to the material of the gate of the imperial city of Dongling Holy Dynasty.

However, the gate of the observation deck is obviously heavier.

And this kind of material, as time goes by, will continue to devour the gravitational rhyme and become heavier and heavier.

This is also the case, even Long Feiyang, who is ranked third on the strong list, cannot open the door of the No. 3 observation deck.

"It seems that we can only choose the gate of Observation Tower No. 4." Long Feiyang sighed softly, and could only run to the gate of Observation Tower No. 4 in despair, pushing hard.


A powerful force erupted suddenly.

The closed gate of the observation deck was finally slowly opened.

As the light passed through the gap, the columns inside also appeared in front of the crowd.

"Open!" Long Feiyang looked dignified, and exerted his strength again.

In an instant, the entire land cracked with Long Feiyang's feet as the center, and a huge deep pit appeared.

The gate of the observation deck was also completely opened.

"Everyone, I will go to the observation deck first." Li Shitian smiled, and then walked into the No. 4 observation deck with the Lankong Holy Dynasty powerhouses.

After everyone in the Lankong Sacred Dynasty had entered the observation deck, the monarch of the Xueyang Sacred Dynasty, Jiang Wuxi, stood up and said loudly: "Next, I, the people of the Xueyang Sacred Dynasty, will open the gate of the observation platform. .”

As soon as the voice fell, a middle-aged man walked out of the crowd slowly.

This person is Ma Tian, ​​who ranks second in the list of the strongest in the Holy Dynasty, and has a second-level cultivation of the Heavenly Venerable Realm.

He walked slowly to the No. 1 viewing platform, and after watching for a while, he shook his head and gave up.

The weight of the gate of this observation tower has become heavier, and the surrounding Dao Yun is also very powerful.

Even if Ma Tian used all his strength, it was impossible to shake the gate of No. 1 Observation Tower.

So he turned around and went to the gate of the No. 2 observation deck.

"Just this viewing platform." Ma Tian said to himself, and then put his hands on the heavy gate.


A powerful force suddenly burst out from Ma Tian's body.

The dust on the door was instantly shaken off.

Centered on Ma Tian's feet, the ground was densely packed with cracks.

But even so, the door was still closed, without moving the slightest.

"Open it for me!" Ma Tian frowned, and all the strength in his body exploded.

The entire door shook violently.


There was a slight movement sound.

Finally, there was a slight gap in the closed door.

But Ma Tian only persisted for a moment, and he could no longer bear the weight of the gate, and he staggered back from the shock.

The heavy door closed again.

"Unexpectedly, this time Ma Tian was not able to open the door of the No. 2 observation deck."

"The gates of all the observation decks have obviously become a lot heavier. Even if Ma Tian makes a move, he can no longer push open the gate of the second observation deck."

"The gate of the observation deck is getting harder and harder to open."

The crowd opened their mouths and sighed.

As for Ma Tian, ​​he sighed lightly and walked to the No. 3 viewing platform instead.

After adjusting for a while, he put his hands on the door and exerted all his strength.


This time, everything went smoothly.

Although Ma Tian looked ferocious, he was extremely strenuous.

But the closed door was still slowly pushed open by him.

"Open!" Ma Tian's pupils shrank suddenly, and all the strength in his body exploded.

The entire ground was centered on the soles of his feet, and exploded with a bang.

And the door was completely pushed open by him.

"Hehe, everyone, I will go to the observation deck first." Jiang Wuwu smiled, and then led the team and walked slowly into the observation deck No. 3.

"Hu Fengyu, next, it's up to you to push open the gate of the viewing platform." At this time, Gu Yuesheng's voice from Xiang Shaoming, the king of the dynasty, suddenly resounded.

A middle-aged man walked out of the crowd with his hands behind his back.

This middle-aged man is naturally Hu Fengyu, who ranks first on the Holy Dynasty Power Ranking.

His cultivation base has even reached the third level of Tianzun Realm!

Without hesitation, he went straight to the No. 1 viewing platform, and put his hands directly on the gate.


A powerful force erupted suddenly.

The door trembled slightly, and the dust on the door scattered partly.

But the entire door was always closed, motionless.

"I didn't expect that even Hu Fengyu couldn't open the door of Observatory No. 1."

"The gate of Observatory No. 1 has become heavier and heavier."

"The gate of Observation Tower No. 1 may only be pushed open by top experts over five thousand years old."

The crowd secretly sighed.

They never thought that the gate of the observation deck would become so much heavier.

Now even Hu Fengyu, who is number one on the ranking list of the strongest in the Holy Dynasty, can't shake the gate of the No. 1 observation deck.

"I'm afraid that only those who are above the fifth step of the Heavenly Exalted Realm can push open the gate of the No. 1 Observation Tower." Hu Fengyu retracted his hands and sighed softly: "It seems that we can only open the gate of the No. 2 Observation Tower."

After finishing speaking, Hu Fengfeng walked straight to the gate of No. 2 Observatory.

After examining the gate, he slowly raised his hand and landed on the gate.


Powerful power continuously erupted from Hu Fengyu's body.

The door trembled violently, and dust kept shaking down.

"Open!" Hu Fengyu frowned, and the strength in his hands strengthened again.

The closed door finally moved slowly, and a small gap appeared before the eyes of the crowd.

As the sunlight penetrated through the gap and fell on the inside of the observation deck, the crowd could already vaguely see the internal facilities of the No. 2 observation deck.

"Hu Fengfeng's strength has become stronger again." Ma Tian in the No. 3 observation deck couldn't help sighing secretly.

He had exhausted all his strength just now, but he could barely push the closed door open a tiny gap.

But after Hu Fengfeng made a move, he pushed out the gate of No. 2 observation deck by the width of a fist.

If Hu Fengfeng worked harder, he could completely open the door of the No. 2 observation deck.


But at this time, Hu Fengyu was trembling all over, and his whole body was shaken by the heavy stone door and staggered back.

The door that was about to open also bangs and closes again.

"Even Hu Fengfeng can't open the gate of No. 2 Observatory?"

"The gate of the observation deck No. 2 is really too heavy."

"Unexpectedly, this time, Hu Fengfeng couldn't even open the door of the No. 2 observation deck."

The crowd shook their heads and sighed.

Hu Fengyu frowned.

The weight of the gate of No. 2 Observatory has increased too much compared to ten years ago.

Ten years ago, Hu Fengfeng could barely push open the door of No. 2 Observatory.

But this time, Hu Yufeng could only push open a gap the size of a fist.

"No, Hu Fengyu can't push open the observation platform No. 2, and observation platforms No. 3 and 4 are occupied by Xueyang Holy Dynasty and Lankong Holy Dynasty, so Hu Fengfeng can only go to No. 5 observation platform." At this time, someone suddenly exclaimed.

Hu Fengyu ranks first in the list of powerful players in the Holy Dynasty.

But now, he can only fall to the end and push the door of the No. 5 observation deck.

Faced with this situation, not only Hu Fengyu felt aggrieved, but even the entire Gu Yue pilgrimage was extremely aggrieved.

Had they known this, they should have pushed the gate of the observation deck earlier.

In this way, they will not fall into the situation where they can only enter the No. 5 observation deck.


Before the crowd could think about it, Hu Fengyu had already arrived at the No. 5 viewing platform.

With a little force on his hand, the closed door opened instantly.

"Enter the viewing platform!" Xiang Shaoming, the monarch of the Gu Yue Dynasty, clenched his fists and entered the No. 5 viewing platform unwillingly.

So far, the three major pilgrimages have all entered the observation deck.

Now only the Dongling Holy Dynasty is left, and has not yet entered the observation tower.

"Hehe, this time the Dongling pilgrimage can only go to the No. 6 observation deck."

"It's hard to see Dabi clearly from the observation deck No. 6."

"The Dongling Holy Dynasty is about to come again to embarrass itself."

The warriors of the major holy dynasties turned their attention to the direction of the Dongling Holy Dynasty.

Now, they are waiting for Dongling Shengchao to send someone to push open the gate of the observation deck, and the big competition can officially begin.

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