Dongling pilgrimage.

imperial city.

It has been rebuilt here.

All buildings have been completely refurbished.

If it weren't for the fact that there were still some deep pits on the ground that hadn't been filled, no one would have known that there had been a big battle here not long ago.

"After Xian'er left, I didn't leave any clues." Lin Feng searched the Lin Mansion for several days, but he couldn't find any clues.

Where Shi Xian'er and Xiaolong went now, Lin Feng has no idea.

However, if Shi Xian'er dared to go back, she should be sure.

Lin Feng wasn't worried either.

Shaking his head, Lin Feng flipped his hand and took out the Great Way of Time Black Tower, and walked into it.

Now that Lin Feng has broken through to the realm of a saint, he can finally unleash the full power of the Great Dao Time Black Tower.

The speed of time in the Black Tower of Time on the Great Avenue can change up to six hundred times.

In other words, now Lin Feng has been able to control the change of time flow six hundred times in the Black Tower of Time!

Now Lin Feng has been cultivating for 600 days in the Black Tower of Time, and only one day has passed outside.

When he came back to his senses, Lin Feng flipped his hands and took out a bunch of interspatial rings.

Among these space rings, some are the space rings of those strong alien races.

Some are interspatial rings that Lin Feng obtained by raiding his home in the Emperor's Realm.

There are countless treasures inside.

All kinds of innate treasures and holy weapons piled up like a mountain.

There are countless spiritual stones, soul crystals, and spiritual veins.

Even Lin Feng was dazzled.

"There are quite a lot of treasures on the strong aliens." Lin Feng's face twitched violently.

He roughly estimated that there were at least tens of thousands of innate spiritual treasures in the interspatial rings of the alien powerhouses.

There are hundreds of holy soldiers.

There are six spirit veins.

There are countless soul crystals and spirit crystals.

So many treasures are enough to greatly enhance Lin Feng's strength.

However, Lin Feng was not in a hurry to devour these treasures.

Because Lin Feng still has several space rings in his hand.

These space rings are naturally the space rings of Niu Dingtian and others.

These space rings were severely damaged, and some of them had even turned into coke blocks.

"System, detect these space rings."

"Ding~ 23,121 loopholes were detected in the space ring, and 182,911 were damaged. Please select the part to remove."

"Loopholes and damage, all removed."

"Ding~ The extraction was successful."

The space ring in front of Lin Feng began to transform rapidly.

All damages were promptly repaired.

Even strands of black mist appeared on the surface of the space ring.

By the time everything was over, all the space rings had taken on a new look.

As for Lin Feng, he had already scanned the treasures in the space ring with his spiritual sense.

All kinds of treasures appeared in front of Lin Feng in an instant.

Innate spiritual treasures are piled up like a mountain, and holy soldiers can also be seen everywhere.

In addition, there are several pieces of spiritual roots piled up.

With a thought in Lin Feng's mind, all the treasures in the interspatial ring were piled up in front of him.

Now these treasures are all added up, and there are a total of more than 100,000 pieces.

Among them, there are 120,000 congenital treasures.

There are more than 3,000 holy soldiers.

There are more than 30 pieces of spiritual roots.

Lin Feng looked at the treasures in front of him, and said again: "System, detect all innate treasures."

"Ding~ 10121371 impurities and 20131191 loopholes have been detected in Xiantian Lingbao. Please select the part to be removed."

"Impurities and loopholes are all removed."

"Ding~ The extraction was successful."

Bursts of black mist continuously diffused from the Xiantian Lingbao.

When the black mist dissipated, the aura contained in all the innate spirit treasures had become stronger and stronger.

"System, detect holy soldiers!" At this moment, Lin Feng's voice sounded again.

"Ding~ 128,101 impurities and 191,211 loopholes have been detected in the holy soldier. Please select the part to be removed."

"Impurities and loopholes are all removed."

"Ding~ The extraction was successful."

All the holy soldiers began to transform rapidly.

The aura in the holy soldier became stronger and stronger.

Until the end, the holy soldier has been completely renewed.

As a result, several very special holy weapons appeared.

It's like a saber-shaped holy weapon, which contains an extremely powerful time dao rhyme.

Another example is a flying knife on the other side.

It actually contains the space dao rhyme, which can break through the air and kill people, killing people invisible!

In addition, there are many holy soldiers that contain extremely powerful Dao Yun.

Even among those spiritual weapons, there are also some spiritual weapons that contain dao rhyme.

It can be said that Lin Feng's harvest this time is quite rich.

If he can devour all these treasures, Lin Feng's strength will be greatly improved again!

"System, detect the spiritual root!" At this moment, Lin Feng's voice sounded again.

"Ding~ It has been detected that there are 102 impurities and 116 loopholes in the spiritual root. Please select the part to be removed."

"Impurities and loopholes, all removed!"

"Ding~ The extraction was successful."

On the surface of more than thirty pieces of spiritual roots, a pitch-black liquid quickly emerged.

The incomparably pure aura flows rapidly into the spiritual roots like a waterfall.

After a while, the aura contained in all the spiritual roots has become more pure and powerful!

"I don't know how much more than thirty pieces of spiritual roots can improve my cultivation." Lin Feng smiled, and then used the system to remove impurities from soul crystals and spirit crystals.

After doing all this, Lin Feng took out the Heaven-devouring Blood Gu and let it devour the spirit roots, soul crystals, and spirit crystals.

As for Lin Feng, he naturally sat cross-legged, and directly activated the Thousand Soldiers Swallowing Spirit Art, frantically devouring the power of the innate spirit treasures and holy soldiers.


war city.

The meeting hall.

This is the place used to negotiate for the great holy pilgrimage.

At this moment, twelve men were sitting on both sides of the hall.

These twelve people are naturally the monarchs of the Twelve Holy Dynasties.

Ji Chengkong, Li Shitian, Jiang Wuwu, and Xiang Shaoming are all on the list.

Originally, Ouyang would sit down tomorrow to preside over the meeting.

But now Ouyang Mingri has left.

So the position directly above is naturally vacant.

"City Lord Ouyang has left now, so let me start." At this moment, Ji Chengkong put down the teacup in his hand, and said loudly: "I believe everyone knows that the group of old monsters from other races have awakened one after another."

"If we don't join hands again, we will be defeated one by one by foreign races, and in the end, the Twelve Holy Dynasties will also be destroyed one after another."

"So, we must form the Hajj Alliance now!"

"Ji Chengkong, it's not impossible to form a holy pilgrimage alliance, but who should be the leader of this holy pilgrimage alliance?" one of the holy pilgrimage monarchs said.

"The position of the leader of the holy dynasty is naturally determined by everyone's vote." Ji Chengkong didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "I, Dongling Holy Dynasty, elected Lin Feng as the leader of the holy dynasty alliance, and voted for Lin Feng! "

"Lin Feng? Is that Lin Feng who killed Niu Dingtian and saved the entire Dongling Holy Dynasty?" The emperor of the Holy Dynasty who had spoken earlier asked again.

Ji Chengkong nodded and said, "Exactly."

"Lin Feng's strength and talent are indeed good, but is his age too young?" The monarch frowned slightly.

"Liang Hanming, Lin Feng is only sixteen years old, and he is already at the first level of the Holy Realm, and has the strength to kill the fifth level of the Holy King. Think again, what were you doing when you were sixteen?" Ji Chengkong cast a glance at the monarch.

Liang Hanming recalled it carefully, and his old face couldn't help twitching violently.

When he was sixteen years old, he barely broke through to the Martial King Realm.

In comparison, Lin Feng's talent is indeed much stronger than him.

"I agree with the selection of Lin Feng as the leader of the Hajj Alliance."

"I also agree with the selection of Lin Feng as the leader of the Hajj Alliance."

At this time, the two middle-aged men sitting below suddenly spoke.

These two are Shang Mingyin, the monarch of the Ancient Yang Dynasty, and Hu Wanyang, the monarch of the Bingfeng Dynasty.

The relationship between these two sage dynasties and the Dongling pilgrimage is very good, and the Dongling pilgrimage is usually followed by the leader of the Dongling pilgrimage.

So after the Dongling Dynasty made a decision, the two great dynasties immediately voted for Lin Feng.

"I also vote for Lin Feng." At this time, Jiang Wuxi, the monarch of the Xueyang Dynasty, suddenly spoke.

Immediately afterwards, there was another pilgrimage, voting for Lin Feng.

This pilgrimage is also based on the Xueyang pilgrimage.

Since the Xueyang pilgrimage voted for Lin Feng, this pilgrimage naturally also voted for Lin Feng.

As for the remaining pilgrimage, they all looked at Gu Yue pilgrimage and Lankong pilgrimage.

Because the remaining pilgrimages are all attached to the Gu Yue pilgrimage and the Xueyang pilgrimage.

The decision of the Gu Yue Dynasty and the Xueyang Dynasty is naturally their decision.

"I also choose Lin Feng." Xiang Shaoming's voice resounded suddenly.

"Coincidentally, I also chose Lin Feng." Immediately afterwards, Li Shitian, the monarch of the Xueyang Dynasty, also spoke.

When the two spoke, the remaining monarchs of the great sages naturally all chose Lin Feng.

When all the dust settled, the leader of the Hajja Alliance became Lin Feng.

For this result, Ji Chengkong was extremely surprised.

He thought that this election would be difficult.

But he did not expect that the Twelve Saints passed unanimously and directly chose Lin Feng.

"Ji Chengkong, should we move on to the next link now?" At this moment, Jiang Wuxi suddenly asked.

Ji Chengkong suddenly came back to his senses, nodded and said, "Since everyone has chosen Lin Feng, Lin Feng will be the leader of the Twelve Holy Dynasties from now on."

"If anyone disobeys Lin Feng's order, kill him!"

After announcing the result, Ji Chengkong said again: "Now that the leader of the Holy Dynasty Alliance has been elected, it is time to resume the throne of the leader of the Holy Dynasty Alliance."

After the words fell, the crowd looked at a high platform outside the main hall in unison.

The platform has ten steps in total.

At the very top, there is a throne that has been dusty for a long time.

Only the monarchs of the Twelve Hajj Alliance can sit on this seat!

The Twelve Holy Dynasty has a long history, and the number of alliances is naturally countless.

But among them there are ten monarchs who are the most powerful.

And those ten monarchs later sealed a ray of their souls in the jade ladder, forming the ten steps today.

As the monarch of the alliance, at least one step has to be reached before he can be recognized by the Twelve Holy Dynasties.

Therefore, if Lin Feng wants to truly become the monarch of the Hajj Alliance, he must climb a new level.

"Everyone, it's time to reopen the throne that has been sealed for a long time. Let's work together to break the seal of the throne!" At this moment, Ji Chengkong's voice suddenly sounded.

He walked straight out of the hall and sat cross-legged under the throne.

Li Shitian, Jiang Wuxi and others also walked out one after another, and sat cross-legged one after another.

Everyone formed seals with both hands, and restarted the throne in a way passed down from generation to generation!


On the surface of the throne, numerous cracks appeared.

As the cracks spread, the entire throne, together with the stone skin on the surface of the stone ladder, began to fall off rapidly.

Until the end, the entire throne was already shining with golden light, extremely dazzling.

Even the ten stone steps turned into crystal jade steps.

A vicissitudes of life that had been dusty for a long time suddenly burst out from the throne and spread in all directions.

This scene naturally quickly attracted the attention of the crowd.

"The throne?! That...that's the direction of the throne!"

"The Twelve Holy Dynasties, are we going to form an alliance again?!"

"It seems that the Twelve Holy Dynasty has already elected the leader of the Holy Dynasty Alliance."

"I don't know who the leader of the Twelve Hajj Alliance is."

The crowd stopped and looked in the direction of the throne.

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