A milky white light beam slowly condensed into shape in front of Emperor Lingguang.

The surrounding space, centered directly on this light beam, began to annihilate rapidly.

What's more, this light beam is still getting thicker and thicker, as if it is about to condense into a beam of light that covers the sky and the sun!

"Not good! It's the destructive beam of Emperor Lingguang, go back!"

"Rewind! It's the destruction beam!"

"Emperor Lingguang is going to use all his strength, even the destruction beam has been displayed."

The crowd broke out in cold sweat and fled in all directions.

At the beginning, Emperor Lingguang had used the destruction beam to kill two strong men of the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm.

Now that the crowd saw this destructive beam, they were naturally frightened and backed away three points.

"Lin Feng, this time, you will definitely die." At this moment, Emperor Lingguang's voice suddenly resounded.

And the beam of destruction in front of him also began to spread rapidly, covering Lin Feng.

Where the light beam passes, whether it is the void or the earth, it instantly turns into ashes and ceases to exist.

Facing such a powerful light beam, Lin Feng did not retreat but advanced, directly urging the power of the world, and punched out.


The power of the world swept across.

The surrounding light beams were centered on Lin Feng's fist, distorted and dimmed rapidly.

A moment later, the devastating beam of destruction completely dissipated in front of Lin Feng.

And Lin Feng's fist continued unabated, and fell head-on on Emperor Lingguang's body.


Big mouthfuls of blood kept spewing out from Emperor Lingguang's mouth.

His whole body was like a kite with a broken string, and he flew out powerlessly upside down.

As for Lin Feng, he was still unscathed and stood there calmly.

"This...how is this possible? The destructive beam of Emperor Lingguang was broken by Lin Feng's punch?!"

The crowd stared wide-eyed, staring at Lin Feng blankly.

Back then, Emperor Lingguang had used the beam of destruction to kill two powerhouses at the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm.

But now Lin Feng shattered the destruction beam with just one punch.

Moreover, he once again severely injured Emperor Lingguang.

This talent and strength far exceeded the expectations of the crowd!

"Damn! Damn Lin Feng! I want to kill you! I want you to die!"

Emperor Lingguang gritted his teeth, staring at Lin Feng firmly.

He stopped talking nonsense, and directly condensed a milky white light beam with his hands.

Immediately afterwards, golden, purple, and black light beams successively condensed and formed in front of Emperor Lingguang.

Among the beams of these three colors, the Dao of Power, the Dao of Sword, and the Dao of Devouring are exuded respectively.

In addition, there are scarlet, blue, brown, fiery red, and cyan beams of light slowly condensing.

The beams of light of these five colors are filled with powerful Killing Dao, Void Dao, Earth Dao, Fire Dao, and Wind Dao.

In just a short moment, nine beams of light had been condensed into shape, hovering in front of Emperor Lingguang.

However, at this moment, Emperor Lingguang's complexion was pale, and he was panting heavily.

Obviously, condensing nine beams of light in one breath consumes a lot on Emperor Lingguang.

"Nine... nine beams of light...Emperor Lingguang actually used nine beams of light directly?!"

"Emperor Lingguang wants to penetrate this continent? He actually condensed nine beams!"

"It seems that Emperor Lingguang is really angry, and he condensed nine beams of light in one breath."

The crowd broke out in cold sweat and was extremely shocked.

At the beginning, Emperor Lingguang relied on nine beams of light to blast and kill more than a dozen top powerhouses at the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm.

Now, in order to kill Lin Feng, who was at the first level of Martial Emperor Realm, Emperor Lingguang once again condensed nine beams of light.

In the eyes of the crowd, this is simply killing chickens with a bull's knife.

"Lin Feng, after I succeed in this move, you may be left in history."

At this time, Emperor Lingguang said again: "Of course, it's not because of how strong you are, but because you died under my nine-color beam."

"In the future, when people mention my nine-color light beam, they will think of you."

"You are proud enough to die like this."

As soon as the words fell, the nine-color light beams in front of the Great Emperor Lingguang had intertwined and fell towards Lin Feng.

chi chi!

Where the nine-color light beam passes, everything is instantly annihilated.

Even the people who were far apart had bleeding from the corners of their mouths, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Seeing the nine-color light beams falling head-on, Lin Feng no longer held back his hands, and summoned the six spiritual fires with a flip of his hand.

These six spiritual fires intertwined and formed a six-color fire lotus in an instant.

The scorching breath continued to spread.

The entire void suddenly burst into flames.

With a thought in Lin Feng's mind, the power of the world in his body poured into the fire lotus like a spring.

The fire lotus instantly swelled and became bigger, and the aura contained inside became hotter and more violent.

"Vision, fusion!" Lin Feng's pupils trembled, and for the first time, the vision of the perfect holy body and Taoist body were integrated into the fire lotus at the same time.

At first, Lin Feng could still feel obvious obstacles.

But the further you get to the back, the easier everything becomes.

In just a short moment, everything has come to fruition.

The power and vision of the world are all integrated into the six-color fire lotus.

The power contained in the fire lotus has also reached the strength and hotness of all previous actions!

"Break!" Lin Feng dragged the fire lotus and collided head-on with the falling nine-color light beam.


The scorching air waves poured down like a vast ocean.

The nine-color light beams that fell head-on disintegrated and dissipated like paper paste.

The entire void was completely ignited.

"Not good!" Emperor Lingguang's pupils twitched, and his eyes were full of horror.

Lin Feng's attack had already made him feel a great sense of crisis.

At this moment, without any hesitation, Emperor Lingguang turned around and fled towards the distance.

But his speed was still too slow compared to the speed at which the flames spread.

In just a short moment, the scorching air wave had already spread to Emperor Lingguang's side.

"No...don't kill me..." Before Emperor Lingguang could finish his sentence, his whole body was completely covered by Lie Lie Yan (raging flames).

chi chi!

In the entire void, there was only an endless sea of ​​flames left.

Even the earth has been completely ignited.

I do not know how long it has been.

The flames slowly dissipated.

The surroundings also returned to calm again.

However, at this moment, Emperor Lingguang has completely fallen, leaving only a charred black skeleton.


With a slight impact sound, Emperor Lingguang's skeleton fell to the ground and was shattered.

As for the surrounding crowd, they were already stunned, frozen in place as if petrified.

They never expected that the Great Emperor Lingguang, who had beheaded more than a dozen ninth-level Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses by himself, would finally fall into the hands of Lin Feng!

"Ling... Emperor Lingguang fell into the hands of Lin Feng..."

"This...how is this possible? Emperor Lingguang was killed by Lin Feng..."

"Lin Feng is only at the first level of Martial Emperor Realm, so he can kill Emperor Lingguang?"

The crowd swallowed hard, their faces full of disbelief.

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