midnight tavern

The classroom windows on the first floor can be seen from the backyard, looking in through one of the windows.

Kane was lying on the bed with his legs crossed.

In the air in front of him, a huge book that only he could see was floating.

【Book of Adventure】

Flip the pages and go straight to the end.

Page 4 is divided into 2 sections, the larger section above is the team section.

There are 4 spaces, one of which shows Claire's avatar.

The other 3 are blanks, and Lombe and Metzker are not on them.

It seems to be teammates only after the link is fettered.

The section below is the friendship section, and there is only one grid on it, showing Claire, and the border of the avatar is still bronze.

Here, people who are bound by a link but not teammates will be displayed.

Click on Claire's avatar in the friendship column to view it.



【Half body breed - horse】

The information that can be viewed in the friendship column is very scarce, which may be the reason for the insufficient bond value.

Looking at the portrait of the centaurs in the team column, he reached out and opened it.

Sure enough, the information displayed here is very different.



[Grade: Copper 51%]

[Martial Arts: All kinds of martial arts]

[Magic Skill: Violent Battle Cry]

[Technique: None]

【Bloodline: None】

[Skill Grid: Empty]

[Original Skill: Knight Arsenal] (You can put armor and weapons into it. Spend magic power to switch between armor and weapons, and the equipment in the arsenal will be automatically repaired and maintained. The equipment with exclusive names will be strengthened in the arsenal, You need to call its name when switching.)

It turns out that this is Claire's original skill, but what is the definition of armor and weapons? Do you agree with the public, or do you agree with yourself?

However, this skill is really unplayable for ordinary people, and it needs a kryptonite to do it.

After my careful observation, Claire must be a rich woman.

It also shows Claire's level and occupation, as well as some learned martial arts and magic skills.

Sure enough, a skill grid appeared on the panel, which was the core gameplay of teammates in the original game.

NPC teammates will have a skill space, you can give them the skill stones you have to make teammates more powerful, so as to better cooperate with you.

When he knew there was a team system, Kane wondered if this skill slot might appear, and it did.

Then when your own skill stones are rich, match your teammates with suitable skills.

Hahaha, 3 years of gold.

I looked at the [Book of Adventure] again, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, I waved it away.

Now is the time to get those magic materials out and recharge them.

Take out two medium-sized charging materials from the space, and then take out the magic stone.

Only 1/20 of the magic stone's current energy is filled.

Pick up [Karu's Big Treasure] and place it on the magic stone, and the shimmer on the magic material begins to be sucked out.

A streamer composed of strands of magic power poured into the magic stone.

After a while, the magic material became dim and lost its former agility.

Kane took the magic stone to check it, and the copper color inside was already 1/4.

Is a medium amount that much more than a micro amount?

Before, I was still complaining that [Crystal Dungeon] didn't explode materials very much. It turned out that it was not that it didn't explode, but that it only exploded big guys.

I was the one who blamed you.

Put another magic material on it, and the magic stone absorbs it for a while.

After the absorption is complete, lift up the magic stone and see that half of the magic stone has been filled.

Looking at the magic stone, I couldn't help thinking about the rules of the dungeon.

As I said before, the more people in a team, the more difficult the dungeon will be.

1 person difficulty is 1, 2 person difficulty is 2, 4 person difficulty is 3.

The difficulty of 5 people will not increase, but the explosion rate will increase a little bit, but not much.

Therefore, explorers are usually teams of 3 or 5 people.

It is difficult for people to explore dungeons, and the time and cost of exploration increase.

The more people there are in exploring the dungeon, the income will be reduced. After all, everyone will have less income for each additional person.

It's not easy to cooperate, and 3 people and 5 people just filled the difficulty and explosion rate.

The higher the difficulty, the higher the quantity and quality of the items in the dungeon.

According to the current team of 4 people, the difficulty is basically full, but the explosion rate of magic items is still almost, which is a bit uncomfortable.

When you are alone, 1-2 items may explode on the first floor. When with Claire, explode 3-4 items on a floor.

The difficulty of 4 people is 3, and the first floor is very likely to explode 5-6 pieces.

There will be more materials exposed, although the equipment may be divided by 4 people, but the chance of good equipment that you need will appear is also higher.

And Kane's real first demand is magic stones, and magic stones are the hard currency in Kane's heart.

For a team of explorers, magic materials are just things to sell for money.

Therefore, there is no problem with Kane using his own money to cut off the magic materials of his team.

Maybe after 2 more levels, Kane will be able to collect a magic stone, and the new skills are waving towards him.

Get ready to rest and start exploring tomorrow.

Kane looks at the ceiling


I got so excited that I couldn't sleep.


early morning

The sun in this world has not yet risen

In the morning, the Big Golden Teeth was full of people, although this tavern is characterized by quietness.

But the tavern in the morning, where there is no explorer's home, is where the various explorer teams gather.

Even if everyone tried to keep their voices low, they couldn't stand the crowd.

So even if the sound is noisy, no one will complain about anything.

Kane is now eating his own breakfast at the bar, while Claire has already eaten and is breathing the fresh air at the door.

Burton went to work in the kitchen after punching his stupid brother.

After having breakfast with Lombe, I came to the door to meet Claire.

As for Metzker, he was walking towards him and the others on the street, still in the familiar drag-and-walk posture.

This time, instead of wearing his tattered gray robe, he was wearing a short black robe. From the lift in the middle, you could see that he was wearing a reddish-brown leather armor, which also revealed the 4 large black robes around his waist. gem.

However, his face was still haggard and sickly, but the dark circles under his eyes seemed to be much better than yesterday.

Lombe looked at the new teammate in front of him and asked Kane, "Is this person really all right? He seems to be falling down."

He wanted to ask this question yesterday.

Hearing Lombe's question, Kane didn't know how to answer for a while.

I also want to know this question.

After Metzker came over, he raised his hand as if to say hello.

"Then everyone is ready, let's go." Kane said and walked towards the dungeon.

On the way, Kane began to tell them about the current exploration of the dungeon.

"Claire and I have already explored the first stage of [Arena of Crystals], which is the first five floors.

Today we will start exploring directly from the 6th floor, the information on the dungeon is displayed. Layer 6 is different from the first stage from the beginning, and we need to be vigilant. "

After I finished speaking, I looked at Claire, and the last sentence was to remind myself and Claire.

Claire nodded understandingly.

The group came to the registration office next to the dungeon. I don't know if it was a coincidence. This was the clerk who reminded Kane before.

He watched Kane's team begin to improve, and smiled brightly at Kane.

After registering, he greeted the clerk.

He walked towards the stone house.

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