Follow Yoyo's figure

Kane and they have never gone back.

The road also appeared from time to time, corner skeletons.

None of these monsters are tall and bright, and they are all hiding in various insidious corners, either corners or traps.

Several others buried themselves directly in the ground.

However, in Kane's eyes, these monsters are all 'righteous', and none of them are sinister.

Who said they were magical creations that were copied by magic in the dungeon.

Finally, a magic group appeared in Kane's eyes, in the shape of an hourglass, just ahead.

However, there are 3 large magic groups around it, which should be the guardian dungeon monsters.

"Stop" Kane waved the team to stop, and then pointed forward. "The front should be the center of this maze, I saw the hourglass"

"There are 3 monsters around the hourglass. Lombe, you drag one, and we will quickly deal with the other. Is there any problem?"

Hearing Kane's proposal, both Claire and Metzker shook their heads and said there was no problem.

But Lombe said, "Leave both to me, you can quickly solve one, and come back to help me."

Looking at the dwarf, he asked, "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry, leave it to me." The dwarf patted his chest, and the armor slapped loudly.

Kane nodded and said, "Okay, so be it, get ready, let's go"

The medicine bottle that had been floating on the three of them began to pour down, and Metzker's buff began to take effect.

Then he threw out three more bottles, and they floated beside Kane and the others.

get out of the intersection

The whole picture in front was shown to Kane and the others. It was a circular square.

There is a stone pillar in the middle of the square, and the crystal hourglass is floating on it. Now it is not as big as it was hanging in the sky before.

Now it is only the size of a human head, but it still exudes a bright light.

And the true appearance of the three magic groups also appeared.

These are three huge hounds composed of a pile of dead bones, with cold soul fire flashing in their eye sockets.

Green venom dripped from the teeth made of dry bones.

After seeing Kane and his group, they roared and rushed over.

Claire replaced the long sword and shield in her hand with the mace she used to fight the goblins before.

For a monster with a hollow body and bones, a blunt strike is obviously better than a slash, and Claire clearly understands this.

She chose the monster on the far right and charged.

Seeing that Claire had already chosen her opponent, Kane and Metzker followed closely.

And Lombe rushed towards the other two, and his job was to hold them back.

But the giant skeleton dog would not do what he wished, except for one towards Lombe and the other two towards Kane and the others.


With a roar, Lombe's figure was directly pulled up to 2 meters. Due to the proportion of his body, he looked like a little giant.

The armor and weapons on his body also enlarged with his body.

"Come here you rotten bones"

With his roar, the red beard itself ignited and turned into a flame.

As for the two hounds that were running towards Kane and the others, one of them turned a corner and ran towards Zelonbe.

Lombe laughed: "That's it, come to Daddy"

The centaur on the other side has already met the skeleton dog, blessed with a light aura, and the charge this time is swift and powerful.

With the addition of the charge, a single blow directly shattered the jaw of the skeleton dog that bit Claire.

The skeleton dog was hit and rolled down in mid-air, and rolled a few times on the ground.

Seeing this, Kane, who was behind, directly used the spider silk to pull himself towards the monster on the ground.

Violently raised his own air hammer, it was a hammer against it.

The skeleton dog that was just about to get up was hammered away again, and the shattered bones scattered in the place where it was hit.

After Kane launched this attack, he shot a spider silk at the skeleton dog, and a medicine tube was stuck on the spider silk.

This was just given to Kane by Metzker, and he only said "throwing it to the bone" at the time.

So Kane simply stuck it on the monster directly with spider silk.

Under the action of the spider silk, the medicine directly stuck to the skeleton dog.

After seeing Kane's action, Metzker stretched out a hand and squeezed it hard.


The skeleton dog was directly wrapped by a huge explosion, and the huge impact smashed the broken bones away.

Claire raised her shield in front of Kane when the explosion sounded, but Kane instantly covered the two with a transparent cover.

Gravels and bones slammed on the hood. If it hit a person, although there would not be any serious injury, the bruises could not escape.

But I didn't expect that Metzker was actually an 'artist' who could configure such explosives.

It seems that next time, the explosion has to be considered in the tactical scope.

After the shock wave passed, Claire picked up Kane directly and rushed towards the dwarf.

As for Metzker, he was far away from the explosion range. After seeing that Kane and the others were all right, he rushed to Lombena.

After passing through the smoke caused by the explosion, I could see the situation on the Lombe side.

The potion bottle beside him was also pouring down, and his body was also coated with a khaki-yellow film along with the potion.

When the effect of Heavy Qi has 2 layers, a protective film will appear on the user's body, greatly reducing the physical damage received, but it will be broken by magic damage, and it will increase the user's weight.

If the physical fitness of the user is not good, it will be directly crushed.

One of the skeleton dogs was grabbed by Lombe's hind legs and used as a weapon to smash at the other.

There was no obvious damage on the dwarf's body, only some faint white marks on the armor.

Seeing Kane and the others coming over, Lombe directly threw the skeleton dog in his hand.

Then he flew and pressed the other one to the ground.

Watching the flying skeleton dog land, Kane jumped to the ground and shot a few spider webs.

The skeleton dog that just landed was directly wrapped in spider silk, and the centaur girl rushed over with a mace, and hit its skeleton head with a force.

The skull head was directly smashed, and the broken skull, the soul fire inside flashed for a while and then went out immediately.

After quickly disposing of this one, he looked in the direction of Longbei again.

The dwarf had already pinned the skeleton dog under him, holding its head between his arms.

The other hand hit the skull's head with force, and the bones of the skull were smashed, and the soul fire in the eye sockets was also hit from time to time.

Even if it struggled with all its might, it could not escape the dwarf's growing embrace.

Lombe swung one hand back and hammered it down hard.

This best-effort punch directly ended the life of the skeleton, and the entire skull was crushed under this blow.

The three of Kane had the opportunity to watch Lombe's violent boxing and couldn't find any chance to intervene at all.

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