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"Clea, are you already at the handover position? Is there any danger?"

Kane was communicating with Claire on the ruby ​​lapel clip on his collar.

Claire's voice also came from the ruby ​​lapel: "It's almost there, don't worry, this is a relatively secret place."

"Okay, that's fine, pay attention to safety, we'll see you then."

After speaking, Kane hung up the subpoena.

Several days have passed since Kane promoted all the Moon Children to glory and pulled them into the guild.

Heidilin has moved all the residents of her town to the central area of ​​the Red King's territory.

At this time, Heidilin was already dealing with the affairs of various cities, and was already working to restore the livelihood of the entire Red King's Land.

Nominally, Heidilin was already the newly promoted interior officer of the Red King.

At this time, Kane turned his head and said to the person behind him: "Speed ​​up, the person who will be handed over to us will arrive soon."

At this time, Zawa rode a warhorse to Kane's side and asked.

"Does your Majesty really bring more soldiers? You can take these people to the Black King's territory. Wouldn't it be too dangerous?"

Hearing Zawa's words, Kane waved his hand and said: "These people I brought are not considered the soldiers of the Red King's collar last time, and naturally they will not attract attention. If I take these soldiers, it is not equivalent to the Red King. Want to take action on the black king? The rest of the kings won't sit idly by."

Hearing Kane's words, Zawa had to nod his head and retreated behind him.

It didn't take long for them to come to the map, the area that Claire had drawn before, where it also intersected with the Black King's territory.

As soon as he came over, Kane saw Claire from a distance.

Claire also saw Kane's team and came up to them.

"You are here, come with me, the people I brought are in another place."

Saying that, Claire took Kane and the others to a relatively hidden woodland.

After entering the woodland, they saw a large group of women and children, their clothes were also somewhat tattered and outdated.

There is a large group next to them. Although their clothes are messy, it can be seen that the rebels belong to the same faction.

Then Claire shouted to one of the rebels: "Riku, I'll leave the handover with them to you, pay attention to ensuring the safety of these refugees."

Kane also called Zawa over: "The next thing is left to you. You remember to send someone to build a camp here, and the next one is responsible for receiving here, remember to send some soldiers to guard."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Zawa nodded.

Then the leaders on both sides began to communicate with each other.

Zawa also led some soldiers over, who will be responsible for escorting these refugees into the central area of ​​the Red King's Land.

Heidiline has been waiting for these refugees for a long time.

After watching the two sides quickly start the handover, Kane looked at the people behind him.

These people will carry out the following activities with him, which is regarded as a temporary join the resistance army.

They are Steel Armor and Peddie, as well as several Moon Sons who have fully mastered their strength, including Mo Yin.

There are also some of Heidilin's former subordinates, including the vegetative one.

They are next, following Kane's power. Their biggest feature is that they do not belong to the Red King's forces. Even if they appear in the Black King's territory, they will not be regarded as the Red King's invasion.

This also achieves the effect of confidentiality.

As for what to do next, of course, it is to kill the Black King together with Claire. Kane and the others have discussed before and decided to put the next target on the Black King.

As for Longbei and the others, they began to investigate their nearest king.

Because Claire has already learned a lot of information in the Black King's territory, she has almost got all the important information she needs.

And the state of the black king is not very good.

Kane also knew that Claire's current ability was not afraid of the Black King's death authority. Coupled with the creation authority that Kane gained, it had a repressive effect on the other four kings.

The Black King will be their easiest target at this stage.

Kane brought the people behind him to Claire's side.

"Let's go, we will act together in the next period of time."

Hearing Kane's incoherent words, Claire rolled his eyes at him and thumped him lightly with a fist.

The rebel soldiers behind Claire looked dumbfounded. How could they have seen Valkyrie perform like this?

In their eyes, Claire has always been the kind of majestic and powerful Valkyrie who chops down the soldiers of the Black King without mercy.

Such a performance made them unable to bear to observe Kane carefully.

"Why are you looking at His Majesty like that? Are you convinced by his majesty?"

Lu Ya looked at the rebels beside him, and kept staring at Kane and asked.

The rebel looked at the little girl floating beside him, frowned and couldn't help but say, "Why does such a young girl have to go to the battlefield?"

"What did you say? What do you mean by that?"

The words of the rebel army ignited Luya in an instant.

Lu Ya is an outlier among the Moon Children. Among the simple and somewhat cowardly Moon Children, there is a brave and hot-tempered little girl like her.

In the past, when he was weak, he dared to fight with other normal humans for his own clan.

Hearing the words of the rebel army, Lu Ya immediately taught him a good lesson and let him know that this small appearance is not so easy to mess with.

Seeing that Lu Ya wanted to make a move, Mo Yin next to her immediately grabbed her: "What are you doing, Lu Ya, in this case, Lord Kane will be angry."

The rebels on the other side were also slapped on the back of the head by their captain.

"You idiot, if you can't speak, get away."

Having said that, the captain and Mo Yin apologized to each other.

And the front of the team.

Kane is asking about Claire's next move.

"What are you going to do next, Claire?"

Hearing Kane's question, Claire said: "According to the information I know now, the Black King is still in a state of serious injuries. He has not appeared in his own palace for many years."

"There are many soldiers guarding his palace, and his army is hunting all kinds of living beings in the territory."

Hearing Claire's words, Kane said after thinking for a while.

"In other words, if we want to kill the black king, we have to attack from the front, right?"

Claire nodded.

"If you want to enter his palace, you must attack frontally. If you want to reduce casualties, you must find a way to divert their legions outside first!"

"Otherwise, it may suddenly provide support during the battle, and the losses may be even more severe."

At this time, the head of the platinum scepter appeared next to Kane.

"Recently, I have roughly mastered some uses of this thing. We can set up an ambush and wipe out the group of legions outside first."

Hearing Kane say this, Claire looked at him and said, "Have confidence?"

"Don't worry, this confidence is still there." Kane said with a wink and a smile.

"Okay then, I'll re-plan and start working tomorrow."

After chatting all the way, it didn't take long before they entered the base camp of the resistance army led by Claire.

This place is said to be a military camp, more like a small village.

The various buildings are wooden houses made from locally sourced trees. Some civilians can also be seen living here.

After entering here, the resistance troops behind Claire were automatically disbanded, except for some generals.

Claire said to one of the people behind her, "Cis, come and arrange the accommodation for these people and treat them well."

"Yes, Claire-sama."

The middle-aged man named Keith nodded, and then left with the people behind Kane.

Then Claire said to Kane, "Let's go, I'll show you around here."

After he finished speaking, he took Kane to wander around the whole village.

Along the way, you can see various villagers and some members of the resistance army, saying hello to Claire.

It can be seen that Claire is very prestigious here.

Looking at this situation, Kane sighed and said, "Claire is really amazing. It only took so long for these people to fully respect you."

After he finished speaking, he tilted his head, looked up and down at Claire and joked, "Where's the Valkyrie of the battlefield!"

After hearing Kane's ridicule, Claire glanced at him and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"I can't compare to you. I've become a king. They call you your majesty."

Then he said, "I'm not qualified to be compared with Your Majesty."

Hearing this, Kane couldn't help laughing, then approached Claire's side and whispered in her ear.

"Why don't you qualify, you are the queen."

Hearing Kane's words, Claire couldn't help but gave Kane a hit with her elbow.

The two of them flirted along the way.

Completely disregarding the surrounding villagers, as well as some patrolling rebels were dumbfounded.

Claire's current image is completely different from the image of the Valkyrie they have been looking at before, and the character design has collapsed.

They couldn't help but wonder about Kane's identity.

A rebel looked at the backs of Kane and Kleia, and couldn't help clenching his fists and said to Kane's back: "Who is that stinky boy next to Lord Kleia? Damn it, he was with Klei. Lord Ya is so close, I really want to teach him a lesson."

The other resistance army next to him was a general who had just been following behind Claire ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, who could be regarded as a resistance army general.

After hearing the words of his comrade-in-arms next to him, he couldn't help but say: "I heard that he is the stinky boy in your mouth. One person killed the Red King before, and now he is the king of the Red King's collar. Are you sure...you want to teach him a lesson?"

"Hey! No wonder it looks so good with Claire-sama! They will definitely be happy in the future. Hahaha."

Seeing his comrade-in-arms laughing while holding the back of his head, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

That's not what you just said.

Then the rebel grabbed him and asked, "You said that the Red King was killed, please tell me in detail, I don't even know such news."

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