"However, the Mangekyo Sharingan can give people with this kind of physique super insight and certain special abilities."

Mo Laowu thought about how the former ghost and the latter ghost could easily imitate the enemy's attack moves and look at the friendly moves.

"Perhaps the super imitation ability of these two mind beasts comes from their powerful insight."

Several professional hunters lowered their heads silently after hearing Mo Laowu's words.

It's just that this magical eye on the mind beast has such terrifying abilities.

So in the president himself, will this ability be even more terrifying?

The answer is yes.

The Mangekyo Sharingan will naturally become more terrifying on Rocky.

Just like Jin, Rocky doesn't need to use a kaleidoscope to imitate the striking ability. He only needs to see it once with the three magatama's Sharingan.

"We! Do we still want to continue to search for the hidden prop cards here?"

asked a professional hunter.

Mo Laowu suddenly turned his head and said, "Of course!"

These two mind beasts are so perverted, just for a super card, it doesn't seem worth spending time here, and risking their lives.

Nakulu and Xiutuo looked at the man, "The president's mind beast is here. Do you think there is really only one level prop card hidden here?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes began to twinkle.

"Is there one here?"

"娨 Pearl"

Chapter 540 The first one? thick?

The words of Xiu Tuo and Naku Lu made the expressions of the other hunters suddenly change.

There was excitement in his eyes.

What a bead! It can almost be regarded as one of the most important props on Greed Island.

However, the game has not started until now, despite the number of players.

Overcame many events in the game and found out how to collect twenty rare cards.

But there is no news at all about the pearls that Rocky once displayed.

Some people say that you need to collect 112112 cards in the designated pocket to trigger the event of obtaining the beads.

However, I didn't expect that it would be possible for a bead to appear here.

How important is the Zhuzhu to the entire game.

It goes without saying.

"Nakulu, Xiutuo, are you telling the truth?"

the hunters asked.

Mo Laowu grabbed the words and answered, "It's very likely."

He looked at the former ghost and the latter ghost who were almost finished fighting.

"President Rocky's mind beast will never appear here for no reason."

"Mr. Mo Laowu, are you really sure this is the President's Nian Beast? Is it a game monster he created by imitating his own Nian Beast?"

for this.

Mo Laowu also thought about it.

But if it's just a game monster created by imitating one's own mind beast.

It should be impossible for Rocky to leave the Sharingan pattern on them.

And the power shown by the former ghost and the latter ghost.

They are definitely Rocky's mind beasts.

Put your mind beast here, obviously this is an important place in the game.

Otherwise, Rocky wouldn't have sent out his mind beast.

"Anyway, you will know if you try it. It is very likely that there are 娨 beads here, even if there are no 娨 beads."

Mo Laowu shook the head of the group and said, "It's definitely not as simple as just getting a level card."

More precious game props.

Or a bead.

It will definitely be one of them.

Mo Laowu turned his head and looked at everyone, "Okay, we don't have time to think about it anymore. Do we want to take action? Maybe Shu Zhu is really here."

The others looked at each other.

No one can resist the temptation of the pearl.

They all nodded in agreement.

Although the former ghost and the latter ghost are very powerful.

But it's all for Gou Zhu.

"Now that we've decided, let's do it!"

With that said, Mo Laowu took the lead and rushed forward.

‘It’s not easy to deal with Rocky’s mind beast! It seems that we have to be prepared for a protracted war.

’ After Mo Laowu and others took over from the Sanren organization to launch an attack on the former ghosts and the latter ghosts.

In the temple.

Rocky is training his chi.

He sat cross-legged.

Raise your hand in front of your face and hold it empty.

The flame turned into a long line and slowly emerged in Rocky's hand.

The fire burned.

It seems like something is condensing.

However, just when Rocky was concentrating on it.

Through the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Rocky sensed that someone was challenging the former ghost and the latter ghost.

Rocky smiled and said, "It's finally time to start!"

The former ghost and the latter ghost are the first step to start collecting the beads.

The real Greed Island will be opened after the first 稨 Pearl appears.

When Rocky closes his eyes, through the connection between the Mangekyō Sharingan and the former ghost and the latter ghost, Rocky can directly access the images they see.

However, when I saw Mo Laowu and others.

Unexpectedly, it was Mo Laowu and others who touched

Announced the acquisition of the first 娨 Pearl.

Since it was a battle between Mo Laowu and others, Rocky had no interest in continuing to watch.

Luo Qi is naturally very familiar with the abilities of Mo Laowu and others.

Take back your mind and immerse yourself in cultivation again.

‘Is it still so difficult to condense the blade like fire? In the cave.

Mo Laowu's face was extremely ugly.

Thirty minutes have passed since the battle.

The former ghost and the latter ghost in front of them are still powerful.

Although the two mind beasts were stained with a lot of dust, they were not as powerful and fierce as before.

But the force was still overwhelming them and they couldn't breathe.

"Is this the president's mind beast?"

"Just because the mind beast is so terrifying, how strong is the president himself?"

Being able to persist until now, these hunters are completely convinced of Rocky's power.

"As expected of the president who has created one miracle after another, the two mind beasts left behind are actually so terrifying."

"Don't be distracted. The strength of these two telekinesis beasts is not much weaker than the top telekinesis ability users."

Mo Laowu reminded.

The battle continues.

After an hour of hard fighting.

The three 3 hunters jointly attacked and finally killed the Hougui with abnormal defense.

The ex-ghost had long been eliminated ten minutes ago by Mo Laowu's design and teamwork.

The ghost fell down.

The Sharingan pattern on the ground began to rotate.

Mo Laowu and others lay on the ground gasping for air, "Is it finally over?"

Nakoulu and Xiutuo also had no strength at all.

After expending so much effort, I didn't expect that I could only deal with two mind beasts.

It's so powerful that it makes people desperate.

The other hunters were all lying on the ground in a mess, breathing heavily.

"Finally solved, I should be able to get the reward now!"

"Are they Dragon Balls?"

The Sharingan pattern on the ground is spinning.

Red light suddenly erupted.

Everyone forced themselves to stand up.


A red light instantly filled the entire underground space.


A crow cawing.

Everyone slowly opened their eyes.

There were dense black crows in front of me.

Their eyes are red Mangekyō Sharingan.

Thick crows stared at Mo Laowu and others.

Everyone swallowed silently and took a step back in fear.

The crows gathered into a black figure.

A black figure appeared.

Except for the scarlet eyes, only the outline of the dark body can be seen.

Mo Laowu looked at the person in front of him and couldn't help but exclaimed, "President Rocky"

The other hunters were stunned for a moment, "Is the president here?"

For a long time, the black shadow said nothing.

He raised his hand.

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