Extraordinary coach

Chapter 146 The storm is coming again

(Congratulations to the Chinese team for their hard-fought victory!!)

This winter transfer has come to an end.

It has to be said that this time, Ligue 1 has finally become the most eye-catching league in the world. With the two transfers of Mbappe and Neymar, it has successfully taken away the limelight of the Premier League, La Liga and other leagues in the transfer.

And Paris Saint-Germain is naturally the most eye-catching team.

Compared with Paris Saint-Germain, Nice, which is at the top of the list, has no highlights.

To say that there are no highlights, it is not. Signing Adriano is a big highlight, but it is just a highlight that is laughed at by others.

Therefore, all the operations of Nice during this transfer period were rated as the most disappointing club by the media. The signing of Adriano was also unanimously regarded by everyone outside as the most failed signing in the winter transfer.

This is the first time that a signing has been considered a failure by so many people just after the contract was signed.

Those media who originally thought that Nice would have a big transfer felt that they were fooled by Sun Yi, and they criticized it in various football programs and news. Even ridiculed all the transfer operations of Nice this time.

The signing of Adriano was undoubtedly the most attacked one.

Many football commentators even said that Adriano would not have a chance to play in this contract.

In view of these disappointing transfers of Nice, many people are very sure that Nice will definitely give up the top position in the second half of the French Ligue 1. Even fall out of the top four.

Sun Yi didn't care about these criticisms and ridicules from the outside world.

Anyway, as long as these public opinions are ignored, they will naturally cool down in a few days.

However, just when Sun Yi thought that the transfer would slowly fade away, the storm started again.

I don't know whether it was the group of trial players eliminated by Sun Yi that the media found, or the media that they contacted on their own initiative.

Those people began to criticize Sun Yi's shady dealings in this trial incident in the media. A TV program even invited all those people to the program.

Those people took turns to go on stage one by one, gritting their teeth and accusing Sun Yi of evil deeds.

"Sun, he is not worthy of being a coach. He is a villain. He asked us to try out just to satisfy his evil taste of playing with others."

"During the tryout, he arranged all kinds of unnecessary and even harmful training for us. Going to the Nice team's tryout is like entering a concentration camp. In it, we have no human rights and freedom. We are not treated as human beings at all."

"Sun is a complete tyrant and dictator. As long as we don't do what he asks during the tryout, he will punish us arbitrarily. For example, running for an hour, doing 200 push-ups in a row. Sometimes he even beats people."

"Several people who came to the tryout at the same time as us ran out at night because they couldn't stand these abusive tryouts."

"It's not that we didn't protest, but Sun said that he is God in the Nice team. If you want to play in the Nice team, you have to obey all his arrangements, absolutely. Can't disobey. He also proudly told us that Balotelli was so obedient because he was beaten by him several times. "

"All these unreasonable things are fine. Who told us that we love football so much? In order to play football, we all endured and persisted. We just wanted to join the Nice team one day. "

"But all this is a lie. Sun doesn't want anyone at all. None of us who worked so hard stayed. In the end, the one who stayed was Adriano who joined halfway and even just lost weight there. "

"I don't want to talk about fairness or unfairness. This is a direct trampling on football, an insult and disrespect to everyone who loves football! "


These people said on TV with tears in their eyes, as if they were deceived into a black coal mine. Not only were they treated inhumanely, they shed blood and sweat, but in the end they didn't get a penny of salary.

After the show was broadcast, it shocked the world and attracted countless attention.

Other countries were fine, but the French football world was like an earthquake.

Countless fans, media and famous football players began to support these eliminated trial players.

"As a coach, I will never treat trial players like this."

"This will never happen in my team. We will treat every trial player fairly."

"Sun and the Nice team should come out to give these players justice. Give an explanation to the football world."

Many head coaches of French teams also came out to join in the fun. They took the opportunity to show their faces and criticize the Nice team and Sun Yi.

These coaches dare not say too much.

But the fans don't have this concern. Many people not only support the trial players, but also come out to denounce Sun Yi.

"It's appalling! This is simply a concentration camp in the football world. Sun is really rubbish. He is a tyrant without humanity."

"Look at these players, they are so pitiful. After reading what they said, I couldn't help crying."

"The Chinese are moving their domestic sweatshops to the French football world. We should not allow this to happen."

"Sun, get out of France. The French Football Association should revoke his coaching license and give the Nice team severe punishment. For example, deduct points..."

"Drive away China's Sun and give me a pure land for French football!"

Just like that, the overwhelming abuse suddenly hit, and Sun Yi was stunned.

"What's going on? Is this about me? How come I don't know that I have done these things?"

The severity of this incident far exceeded Sun Yi's expectations. After the incident, the French Football Association actually sent people to investigate the matter. Even asked Sun Yi to accept the French Football Association's interrogation.

Sun Yi and the team chairman Pierre naturally held a press conference to dispel the rumors as soon as possible. But the media didn't believe it at all, but took the opportunity to constantly accuse Sun Yi of abusing trial players. No matter how Sun Yi explained, those media were selectively deaf.

Fortunately, Sun Yi did not just sign Adriano during the entire transfer period. Before that, he also signed another trial player Slarfi.

Slarfi came out to explain the situation as a person selected after the trial. He told the media that there was no such thing as abusing trial players.

In addition, in the Nice team, Balotelli, Salah, Terry and others came out to explain that there was no such situation.

This made the outside world feel a little relieved. But it still did not stop the voices of abuse against Sun Yi.

It was not until the French Football Association came out to explain that these situations were not found in the investigation that the outside world believed the Nice team's words.

But even so, there was no abuse, but Sun Yi was unfair and played with the trial players.

Because there was Adriano as a hammer.

Regarding this matter, Sun Yi, who was very angry, went directly to the show and said mercilessly: "I don't choose those people because they are really bad. Choosing them will only waste the salary of the Nice team."

"Isn't it a waste of salary if you choose Adriano?"

"Of course! I am sure that Adriano will bring great benefits to our team in the future!"

"Impossible! In Adriano's situation, it is difficult for him to even play once. Let alone bring benefits."

"We can bet that if Adriano does not play and perform well this season, I will automatically resign!"

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