Extraordinary coach

Chapter 153 The True King

As the ball flew into the goal with an unstoppable momentum, the sound of the entire Louis II Stadium stagnated. In that moment, it was deadly quiet.

After a while, cheers that pierced the sky suddenly broke out.

It was the Nice team who were cheering, and the Nice team was boiling.


"Got it!! Got it!! Got it!! Got it!!"

"Oh my God!! Adriano actually scored a goal, and it was such a terrifying super long shot!!!"

"Yeah!!! Beautiful!! Beautiful! This goal is so beautiful!!!"

"This is a super world wave..."

Countless exclamations burst out from the mouths of Nice fans.

After the crazy excitement, they couldn't help asking: "Is this true? Adriano actually scored a goal, and it was such a beautiful goal!!!"

"Is this true?" Dio next to Sun Yi couldn't help asking.

"It's true!" Sun Yi smiled and nodded.

At the moment when Adriano scored, Sun Yi was also very excited. However, he just clenched his fist to celebrate, and soon regained his composure.

He had expected all this. And in his opinion, this was just the beginning, and the best was yet to come.

"I don't believe it. This must be my illusion!" Dio shook his head. This was definitely an illusion. He was very clear about Adriano's daily training, and this was not something Adriano could do at all.

"If you don't believe it, then pinch your thigh hard to see if it's true." Sun Yi suggested.

"Okay." Dio actually followed Sun Yi's advice and twisted his thigh hard. Then~

"Ah!! Hiss..."

Dio rubbed his thigh in pain. After just a few rubs, he stopped moving, and a look of great shock appeared on his face.

"This~this~this is unscientific!!!"

Sun Yi did not answer him, but just smiled faintly.

Looking at Sun Yi's indifferent smile. It seemed that everything was in his control. Dio was extremely shocked, and at the same time, he also felt a sense of admiration.

"Sun, how did you find out that he is still so powerful? No. You said he is a secret weapon. In fact, you knew from the beginning that Adriano has such ability. You deliberately let him pretend, right?"

Sun Yi smiled but said nothing. But his behavior was equivalent to tacit consent in Dio's view.

Dio couldn't help but give a thumbs up. "You are indeed a tactical genius!"

"Keep watching the game. I believe there will be more surprises than this."

Adriano's goal made Sun Yi see what he looked like when he was the most powerful. Therefore, Sun Yi couldn't help but look forward to it.

He no longer worried about the mission. He believed that Adriano would definitely not score only this goal.

The game on the field has started again.

Adriano's goal has stunned the Monaco team. Because the contrast before and after the goal is too great.

The game has started again, but the players of the Monaco team still feel that all this is too unreal.

A fat guy who weighs more than 200 kilograms conservatively, steals the ball at the speed of Cristiano Ronaldo, then dribbles the ball from the backcourt to the front, and finally scores a goal with a Carlos-style long shot.

Don't be funny. Movies don't dare to shoot like this.

The players of the Monaco team simply can't accept this. But the reality is that they really kicked off again. This contradictory situation made the players of the Monaco team very confused.

This situation also caused the momentum brought by the Monaco team from the first half to drop significantly.

The situation on the Nice team is completely different. Although they are a little unbelievable, they are greatly encouraged in their hearts.

This is really the king of the Meazza!

It turns out that this teammate who we think is trash is so awesome!

This is clearly playing the pig to eat the tiger!

No wonder the boss signed him and sent him to play today. It turns out that this is his real strength.

Now, we will win this game!

The completely different psychological changes of the two teams also caused the situation on the field to begin to change.

Although Nice changed its formation to a 352 formation with high offensive attributes, its disadvantage on the field was even more serious.

From this moment on, the field has tilted towards Nice.

With Ariano performing more fiercely than Balotelli, Nice's No. 3 tactic of high-pressure pressing in the frontcourt finally showed its power.

This also began to make Nice burst out with extremely strong combat effectiveness. Their pressing brought more and more pressure to Monaco.

However, Monaco has always been a strong team that can compete with Paris Saint-Germain for the championship. They will not be easily defeated by Nice.

Under the adjustment and encouragement of its head coach Jardim, Monaco began to cheer up again.

They naturally need to strengthen their offense after falling behind. Although it is not easy for them to control the ball under the pressing of Nice. But they still stubbornly organized the offensive.

"Attack, Monaco."

"This is Louis II, we are with the team."

"Come on, we can definitely turn defeat into victory!"

With the fans' cheers, Monaco's offensive began to improve.

Ten minutes after the goal was lost, near the midfield, Lemar got the ball again and met Adriano.

"I want to wash away the shame!"

Lemar is responsible for the goal. He needs to make up for his mistakes. He also thinks that he was careless when the ball was intercepted.

Now he is ready to humiliate Adriano again and re-inspire the team's confidence and morale.

"Here it comes. Another duel."

"This time, Lemar will definitely be able to fool the opponent again."

Under the expectation of Monaco fans, Lemar began to approach Adriano with the ball and made a fake move.

Lemar's dribbling ability is really good, and his fake moves are also realistic. This made Adriano dare not kick easily.

Sure enough, clumsiness is your essence. You can't react to my movements at all.

Lemar was very proud. After a set of fake moves, he began to choose a direction to break through.

When he flicked the ball, Adriano did not react. But when he wanted to rush past, Adriano moved. Later, their bodies came into contact.

As soon as they came into contact, Lemar felt that his body was not his own. Not to mention controlling the ball, he was stumbling out.

Lemar struggled several times, but in the end he couldn't control his balance and fell to the ground. And he actually fell flat on his face.

"Foul!" Lemar shouted loudly, regardless of the dirt and grass in his mouth.

Unfortunately, he waited and waited, but the whistle didn't sound. So he turned around and protested to the referee.

In this case, to be honest, it is between a possible judgment and a non-judgment, and it depends entirely on the referee's own grasp. But this time, the referee thought it was a reasonable collision. Because he thought Lemar's fall was a bit exaggerated, and it might be diving.

Since the referee didn't call a foul, Adriano was not polite. He turned around and rushed forward after holding the ball.

This time, the players on the field of the Monaco team reacted faster. But they still couldn't stop Adriano from rushing up.

Adriano was like a heavy tank, rumbling towards the backcourt of the Monaco team.

First, he changed direction and passed the defensive midfielder Bakayoko, and then he leaned on the defender Germelson and fired a heavy cannon from 30 meters away.


The ball was like a cannonball, blasting towards the goal at a high speed. Then it plunged into the goal unstoppably.


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