Extraordinary coach

Chapter 16 Dreaming of the Past

"We want to have a team that belongs to the fans..."

"We want to be China's first membership club..."

"Fans are shareholders, youth training is free, and we can build a world-class club..."

"If no competent authority is willing to take care of us and we can't register, then we will go to Hong Kong to register and participate in the Hong Kong League..."

"We can't get it in Hong Kong, don't be discouraged. There are units here willing to issue documents to us..."

"Today we took the first step, Nan Zhicheng, come on..."

"Without Nan Zhicheng, we now have Bei Zhicheng. This time we cooperate with the university, and we will definitely be able to explore a feasible way..."

"Doing is more important than talking. The team is disbanded, but our dream is still there! Still..."

"Still there!" Sun Yi shouted and woke up from his sleep. He opened his eyes and saw the ceiling, and then realized that he had just been dreaming. When I think of what happened in my dream, complex emotions fill my heart. Wiping the moisture from the corner of his eyes with his hand, he smiled to himself.

"This has passed. Whether it was ridicule, sarcasm, support or blessing, everything has passed. Fortunately, now I have taken the first step towards success. If you don't give up, your dreams will come true one day."

Sun Yi got up from the bed, came to the window, and opened the curtains. The sun instantly poured in, and he blocked it with his hands with some discomfort. After a while, I got used to it, then put my hand down and opened the window. In the early morning, the aunts do morning exercises, the birds get up early to look for food, and the sound of cars driving in the distance also comes in.

It's dawn and a new day has begun.

Taking a deep breath of the fresh morning air, I suddenly felt refreshed.

"The stars are shining in the middle of the night, every night..." At this time, the phone rang. Sun Yi stood there and listened for a while, then turned around and picked up his phone to answer the call.


"Are you up?" Lao Xie's voice came on the other end of the phone.

"Just wake up."

"Okay, let's go have morning tea."

"Okay. Wait for me."

"We will meet on the first floor of the hotel later."


I was about to hang up the phone, but I heard Lao Xie's somewhat depressed voice on the other end of the phone: "I dreamed about Zhicheng last night, and I also dreamed that Zhicheng would become a fan club as famous as Real Madrid and Barcelona in the world. Hey, Haha, I’m dreaming again…”

Just as Sun Yi wanted to speak, the phone was hung up. After looking at his phone, Sun Yi let out a sigh of relief and dropped the phone.

These past few years have been filled with sadness. Hey, I don’t want to think about it anymore. It's in the past.

Sun Yi gathered his mood and turned to wash up.

After washing up, Sun Yi went to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel. After waiting for a while, Lao Xie and Lao Liang came one after another.

Seeing the two of them, their eyes seemed to be a little red. Sun Yi estimated that they were just like him, dreaming back to those days.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled. Then he didn't bring up topics like the past. Instead, they joked with each other and went to have morning tea.

After happily having morning tea, the three of them went to look for those people who played football together in the past.

After not seeing each other for a few years, many people have embarked on a new life path. Among the boys who pursued their dreams of professional football back then, some became pork guys, some became delivery guys, and some became entrepreneurs like Lao Xie. Many people have succumbed to life and are busy making a living.

but. Life has changed, and so has work, but what remains unchanged is the inseparable passion for football. Many of them may no longer play football, but they have always been paying attention to football.

Therefore, almost all the old guys know that Sun Yi is now at Chelsea and has also become Mourinho's right-hand man.

In addition to envy, everyone is more of a blessing to Sun Yi. I wish Sun Yi can regain their dreams as soon as possible.

It's always a little sad to see an old friend. Some moments.

After returning, Sun Yi and Lao Xie seemed to be in a low mood.

In order to adjust his mood, Lao Xie suggested going to the fan bar they often went to back then.

A few years later, some things remain unchanged, but some people have changed several times.

After going to the fan bar, except for a few people who knew Sun Yi, the other young people didn't even know Lao Xie.

After finding a familiar place, the three brothers sat down and drank. Of course, Lao Liang could only drink soda water. Ever since he knew that Lao Liang had three high health problems, Sun Yi would not let him drink in front of him under any circumstances.

The three brothers were recalling with great interest how they used to be fans watching the national team games here when they suddenly heard someone making a noise in the distance.

"Hey, isn't this a famous Manchester United player? Why does he look like Dong Zhuo now?"

"Made, he retired just after turning 30. What a piece of garbage."

"If your body is like this at the age of thirty, go to hell with you. You're just kicking the ball. Chinese football was ruined by you guys."

"Shut up, Damard! Why don't you go if you can? You thought I was willing. I don't owe you anything..."


In the curses, Sun Yi could tell that some drunk fans were scolding a retired player. Could it be that he appeared in the bar today?

"I'll take a look." Sun Yi decided to go over and take a look.

"Let's go together." Lao Xie said.

Sun Yi and the other three came to the place where the trouble was taking place. They saw several people pushing each other, and one of them looked familiar except for his body shape.

"It's Dong Fangzhuo."

"Damn, look at your belly, you should change your name to Dong Zhuo." One of them even reached out and patted Dong Fangzhuo's belly.

"That's right. Fat like a pig. You can't play football."

"What does it have to do with you whether I play football or not? What's my name? Whether I drink or not, does it bother you?" Dong Fangzhuo blushed and retorted. But judging from the situation, he seemed to be alone today, and the other side had three people, and he was obviously at a disadvantage.

"Oh, you don't play football very well, but you are so stubborn! Do you want to be punished?"

"Damn, I've been fed up with these rubbish players for a long time."

"Damn, give them a beating. Shameful trash." Those who drank a lot of wine were insulting and wanted to fight.

At this time, Sun Yi couldn't help but speak: "What are you guys doing?"

"It's none of your business, don't bother. We have long been fed up with these shameful trash." One of the three waved his hand in response.

"If you have the guts, go get those people in the current national team. He hasn't been in the national team for many years. Don't blame all the problems on one person." Sun Yi came to Dong Fangzhuo and said loudly.

"Where are the security guards? Why is no one here to deal with this? Do you want the bar to be smashed so that you can be on TV tomorrow?" At this time, Lao Xie shouted to the staff at the bar.

"Security, security, come here quickly..." Seeing someone come out to stop them, those who were originally watching the show also prepared to rescue them.

"Don't make trouble. This is a bar. If you want to drink, drink. If you want to watch the game, watch the game. Don't make trouble. Otherwise, throw them all out." Several tall security guards finally appeared.

"Yeah. Don't make trouble."

"Forget it, he came alone to drink. He has retired, so there is no need to do this."

Under the intimidation of the security guards and the persuasion of the people around them, the three people shrank back. After a few more curses, they left. "Let's go, guys, let's go drink somewhere else. It's too embarrassing to stay in the same place with a loser."

"Let's go. Let's drink and do what we need to do." Seeing the troublemakers leave, Old Xie shouted to the onlookers to disperse.

"Are you okay?" Seeing the people dispersed, Sun Yi turned around and asked Dong Fangzhuo, who had become a little bloated.

"I'm fine." Dong Fangzhuo replied with his head drooped.

"I'm glad you're okay. Come on, come over and drink with us." Old Xie called.

"Let's go over there and sit together."

"Yeah. OK."

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