Extraordinary coach

Chapter 159: Doping scandal breaks out


When Sun Yi attended the post-match press conference, the media almost all asked why they couldn't see Adriano.

In addition to letting the media focus on this game, Sun Yi could only say that Adriano had an outburst in that game. The sudden outburst caused considerable damage to his body, and he needed a long time to recover as he was not young.

Sun Yi's words could only be used to evade the media who were not aware of the situation.

The players in the Nice team had different speculations.

Some people noticed that the captain's armband that Sun Yi gave to Adriano in the game against Monaco was different from the usual one.

Especially the lucky clover logo on it was particularly eye-catching.

With Balotelli's headband, Salah's shin guards, and Dong Fangzhuo's shoes. Many people think that there may be some mysterious power on the captain's armband.

The three people who have benefited from it above think so.

And people with similar thoughts also began to be very curious about the captain's armband. I really want to wear it one day.

Unfortunately, Sun Yi rarely took it out. In the match against Saint-Etienne, Terry, who was reappointed as the captain on the field, did not get it.

This made Terry very sorry. He really hoped that Sun Yi would give him the captain's armband frequently in the future.

Sun Yi did not know what Terry and others thought, so he naturally did not take it out.

Most people who have the above speculations are a bit superstitious.

But some people have darker ideas.

Some people privately believe that Adriano's performance in that game was far beyond his physical condition, and he might have taken banned drugs.

When the word banned drugs is mentioned, most people only think of track and field events. But in fact, banned drugs are also strictly monitored in football.

Even some people in the Nice team have such doubts, let alone the outside world.

After learning about Adriano's daily training in the Nice team, the outside world began to suspect that Adriano took banned drugs.

Banned drugs represent scandals.

Once they appeared, they immediately attracted crazy attention from the outside world.

It would be fine if we didn't pay attention to it. Once we paid attention to it, we would think of Adriano's previous situations. Naturally, many people thought that he must have taken banned drugs in that game.

"What a bullshit king reappears. He is just a drug man."

"Look at his physical condition. He is 189cm tall, but weighs more than 200 kilograms. How can such a fat guy run at such a speed under normal circumstances? Who can do it? Run out and show me."

"According to reliable information, Adriano's private training is extremely bad. He can't adapt to the game at all. And the most he did in the Nice team is to lose weight."

"Look at such a guy who is out of breath after running a few steps. How can he sweep his opponents like a god in the French Ligue 1 game?"

"Such an abnormal situation can only mean one thing, that is, Adriano took banned drugs."

As the media began to speculate that Adriano took banned drugs. Soon, professionals engaged in drug research came out to speak.

"Based on my years of experience in drug research, these abnormal conditions are definitely a sign of taking some kind of powerful stimulant, and a very large amount."

"In this regard, I want to remind this player. Taking stimulants in large doses will seriously affect your health. Stop this suicidal behavior. Otherwise, you may lose your life at any time."

After these words from the drug researcher, they were immediately regarded as conclusive evidence that Adriano took banned drugs.

"Sure enough. Adriano is a rubbish who takes drugs. Otherwise, how could he have such performance in his situation?"

"Relying on drugs to achieve extraordinary performance is immoral and a manifestation of serious lack of sportsmanship."

"No. It's not just a moral issue, it's a crime. The French Football Association should immediately investigate Adriano and check his urine."

"Adriano is a rubbish. He took banned drugs and should be banned forever!"

"Give me back the three points of Monaco. We didn't lose the game, we were stolen three points by the drug man. The Football Association should immediately impose heavy penalties on Nice. And rule the game as a victory for our Monaco team."

For a while, Adriano became the target of everyone's curses and condemnations. Soon, the outside world raised the matter to the club and Sun Yi.

"This is definitely not just the individual behavior of the players. Judging from the current situation, it is definitely organized. At least, Sun, who sent him to the field, is definitely a participant. It may even be that he asked Adriano to do this in order to win the bet."

"The Football Association should immediately adjust Sun. And revoke his coaching license and permanently ban him."

"Doping may not be an isolated case. Let's take a look at the performance of the Nice team throughout the season. From barely competing for the European qualification last season to now dominating the list and defeating Paris Saint-Germain, Lyon, Monaco and other teams that are obviously stronger. It is absolutely unconvincing to say that there is no problem here."

"Nice should be punished immediately."

"Expel Nice from Ligue 1. Relevant personnel should also be sent to legal authorities."


Things happened extremely quickly. Just one day after someone raised the doping hypothesis, the outside world began to call for the Nice team and Sun Yi to be killed.

When Sun Yi heard the news, he was stunned.

"Oh my god, this is endless. So much dirty water, waves of it are constantly thrown at me. Who did I offend?"

"Damn, who is targeting us all the time? This method of manipulating public opinion and throwing dirty water is really too bad."

Sun Yi's first reaction was that a competitor was messing with the Nice team. He was ready to dispel the rumors and find out who was behind all this.

But before Sun Yi could take action, the anti-doping investigation team sent by the French Football Association began to enter the Nice team.

The appearance of the anti-doping investigation team immediately made the Nice team nervous and worried. Even people in the Nice team began to worry that this was true.

"Sun, this is a big trouble. The situation I am most worried about has finally happened. Tell me honestly, did you let Adriano take banned drugs?"

Seeing the arrival of the investigation team, Dio immediately ran to ask Sun Yi nervously.

"No. How could I do such a thing?"

"If you did, you should turn yourself in. Otherwise, it will ruin the Nice team."

"I really didn't. I swear to God, I absolutely did not do such a thing that violates the regulations of the Football Association."

"Could it be that Adriano secretly took banned drugs himself?"

"Impossible. He doesn't even have money for a plane, where can he get banned drugs?"

"If not, how do you explain his situation?"

"How else do you explain it? Which player doesn't have a great outbreak when he is in great shape? Old Dio, don't panic. Whether there is, won't it be clear when the urine test of the investigation team comes out?"

Seeing Sun Yi's calm and upright appearance. This is clearly a case of a person who is upright and fears no evil.

Dio finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to feel at ease.

Although Sun Yi persuaded Dio verbally, he felt uneasy in his heart.

Although he knew what the facts were. But he couldn't guarantee whether Adriano's body would be in the same situation as taking banned drugs.

Uneasy began to spread in Sun Yi's heart...

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