Extraordinary coach

Chapter 178 The Third

With the score like this, there is no doubt that Monaco lost completely. Unless Jesus appears, the game is over from this moment on.

The crying Monaco fans weren’t just crying about this game. Instead, they are crying that the Monaco team, which is sacred in their hearts, has lost its dignity and even its underwear.

Crying only vents their sad emotions, but there is more anger in their hearts that needs to be vented.

So, before the game was over, the sound of "get out of class is over" began to sound from the sky above the Louis II Stadium.

"Jardim, get out of class is over!"

"Jardim, get out of Monaco!"


And the sound then became louder and louder, until the entire stadium could hear the clear words 'Jardim, get out of class is over! ’.

Under such circumstances, Monaco also completely lost hope of cheering up. Their military morale was shaken and they were unable to launch a counterattack.

If Nice had not been unable to attack with one player missing, Monaco would have probably scored a few more goals in the remaining game time.

In the end, the score of three to zero was maintained until the end of the game amidst the sound of "get out of class is over".

After the game, the cheers from the Nice team were drowned out by the sound of 'get out of class is over'.

Under the overwhelming shouts of anger, Sun Yi went over to shake hands with Jardim.

To Sun Yi's surprise, he didn't see a depressed or depressed look on Yardin's face, but instead looked very calm.



As soon as the handshake was over, Jardim turned and walked towards the passage.

Looking at Jardim's retreating back, Sun Yi didn't know if it was an illusion, but Sun Yi felt that his body seemed to be hunched before the game.

Listening to the angry voices still echoing in the sky, Sun Yi could imagine the situation Yardin might face next. He could only say in his heart to take care of his colleague.

Next, Sun Yi began to enjoy the fruits of victory with the team.

"we lose!"

"The game went like this, I have nothing to say."

"This is my responsibility and I will take it upon myself."

In the post-game press conference, Jardim was very single. He took the responsibility directly on himself and fulfilled his words before the game.

Take the initiative to leave get out of class.

"Jardim, get out of class is over!"

Many Monaco fans who felt that they were deeply hurt by this game still stayed in the stands angrily and were unwilling to leave. No matter how the team members tried to persuade him, he was still unwilling to leave.

Some of the fans were still waiting to gather around the team's bus and protest to Jardim in person.

Soon, news came that Yardin had taken the initiative to dismiss get out of class.

The fans who were still roaring with excitement miraculously became quiet.

One second they were shouting slogans angrily, but the next second they were stunned.

They wanted Jardim to take the responsibility for this defeat by leaving get out of class, but now it's fine, and they got their wish.

But after many of them digested the news, they opened their mouths again and again, and for a while they were speechless.

These fans began to leave. The complex emotions that brought about sadness, frustration, and even confusion begin to leave.

"What? Jardim is out of class."

Later, Sun Yi was stunned when he heard the news.

The third one is your sister. The third one.

Diaw and other members of the coaching staff who also heard the news looked at Sun Yi with complicated eyes.

Seeing the looks in his colleagues' eyes, Sun Yi gave a wry smile.

In less than a season, three rival coaches were fired directly or indirectly. This is a very scary thing.

Sun Yi didn't think this was something to be proud of.

On the contrary, a sense of sadness emerged in his heart.

As both coaches, maybe he will end up with the same fate one day.

Sun Yi couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't have such a day. When he thought that he would end up like this one day, he felt a little blocked in his heart.

Others cannot understand Sun Yi's complicated mood. On the contrary, he felt that this was a great achievement worthy of his writing.

"Oh my God! This is the third one. Three head coaches have already been fired after losing to Sun Yat-sen."

"At this moment, Sun will definitely open champagne to celebrate! He has killed three opponents, and he must be very happy to have another corpse under his feet."

"Hey, poor Jardim, he made a lot of contributions to the Monaco team, but his end was so tragic. He became a stepping stone for future generations."

"Who will be next?"

"It seems from now on that managers from wealthy clubs like Emery and Genesio are the most dangerous people this season. You have to be careful, Sun the Destroyer is waiting for you."

The result of this game and the news of Jardim's dismissal became a hot topic in many media after the game. Losing this game brought shame to both Monaco and Jardim. But Jardim's desolate dismissal also attracted the sympathy of many people.

And with the media publicity after the game, many French Ligue 1 coaches really began to feel the huge threat from Sun Yi.

These are just some of the hot topics.

In fact, after the game, what fans and many football people paid most attention to was Adriano.

Adriano's performance was once again exclaimed as a terrifying devil by the outside world. Ten years ago, the outside world called him 'King', but now they think 'Devil' is more appropriate.

In addition to marveling at Adriano’s terror, many people also mentioned ‘banned drugs’.

"I have to say that Adriano's performance was really terrifying. But it was so terrifying that people couldn't believe that this was a normal performance."

"Moreover, Adriano has not even been able to play as a substitute for a long time. After such a long time, he came on the stage again with such a terrifying performance. This is too weird. It is really unreasonable. There is reason to believe , This abnormal situation may have something to do with something special.”

"I hope the Football Association will conduct a drug test on Adriano immediately. If the technology is not enough, it can be sent to the United States for testing."

This was the cry of the fans, but the French Football Federation actually followed suit and immediately conducted a drug test on Adriano.

After that, it was actually sent to the other side of the Atlantic for inspection.

A few days later, the French Football Federation posted an announcement.

"everything is normal!"

This is the second time doubts about Adriano have been broken. There were no problems detected twice in a row, which basically confirmed the fact that Adriano was not a medicine pot.

However, there are always people in this world who only believe what they want to believe.

"This does not prove that Adriano is innocent. It is just that the current technology cannot be tested, and it will not be certain in the future. Just like the US and Russian track and field, he was found to be doping many years later."

"Adriano definitely took banned substances. History will prove it."

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