Extraordinary coach

Chapter 18: The Pity of Dong Fangzhuo

Talent potential beyond Hazard!

Such huge talent potential. Sun Yi believes that he can definitely be on par with Ronaldo.

S-level talent potential is rare in European and American players. Now I can actually see it in a Chinese, which really shocked Sun Yi.

Do you know which sentence hurts Sun Yi the most in Chinese football?

It is that sentence: There are more than one billion Chinese people, but you can't find eleven people who can play football!

In Sun Yi's view, this is an evaluation equivalent to a "sick man". As a Chinese, a Chinese man, naturally, I don't want to hear this sentence the most.

However, for so many years, China has not had a player who can show off. There is not even a high-end player who can show potential.

During those days in Europe, Sun Yi was constantly exposed to Europeans' views that Chinese people are not suitable for playing football.

Chinese people are not suitable for playing football! This is a discriminatory view.

Sun Yi never admits this. He has always insisted that Chinese people can also play good football. He believes that there are countless football talents in China, but they just lack the opportunity to be discovered.

Now that he suddenly saw someone who could rival Ronaldo's talent and potential, Sun Yi was so excited.

Look, this is S-level talent and potential that can rival Ronaldo.

Who said that we Chinese are not suitable for playing football?

With such potential, if it is well discovered, he can be another Ronaldo in a minute.

As long as~

Looking at Dong Fangzhuo's bloated figure, and thinking of the reality that he has officially retired, the eagerness in Sun Yi's eyes instantly dissipated. He was so excited just now, but now it was as if a basin of ice water was poured on his head, and he was cold from head to toe.

So what if he has a higher talent?

He just retired!

So what if he has a greater potential?

His comprehensive ability is only D-level!

D-level! S-level potential but only D-level ability. It's too normal to retire just after the age of 30.

Sun Yi instantly became a little depressed and began to drink heavily. The joy of discovering S-level potential before has become a nuisance.

"Hey, what are you doing? Why are you drinking so hard all of a sudden?" Old Xie, who was discussing with Dong Fangzhuo, noticed Sun Yi's abnormality and asked in confusion.

"Nothing. I just suddenly wanted to drink a lot." Sun Yi looked up and saw Dong Fangzhuo who was also looking at him, then shook his head.

"What's the point of drinking a lot? You're not a bandit. Although wine is good, don't drink too much. Just drink in moderation. Drinking too much is harmful to your health. Don't end up like Lao Liang. You are the most promising coach in China in the future." Old Xie said.

"Okay. I know." Sun Yi responded. Self-control is also a basic requirement for being a good coach. You really can't drink too much wine.

"Xiao Dong has decided to open a training camp in Guangzhou. If you have time, go over and help." Old Xie continued.

He opened a training camp? Don't hurt people. I have such a high talent, but I ended up like this. How many more children do you want to hurt?

Sun Yi almost blurted out the above words. Fortunately, he saw Dong Fangzhuo's eager look and finally held back. Then he nodded.

"Then I'll thank you first, Brother Sun. Although I have failed everyone's hopes, I really want to do something for Chinese football." Dong Fangzhuo said happily.

"That's right. Alas. By the way, it's a pity for you, Xiaodong. It would be better if you hadn't been injured." Old Xie said with emotion.

Injury? Is it really an injury?

Injury is the shadow of the player, and no one is an exception. Ronaldo and Messi can't get rid of the poisonous hand of injury. But they still reached the level that people admire today. Injury is not an excuse for playing badly.

I want to see if your talent is really ruined by injury or by yourself.

Sun Yi concentrated on checking Dong Fangzhuo again. Before, he mainly checked his potential, this time he wanted to see Dong Fangzhuo's real physical condition.

After spending a long time, Dong Fangzhuo's real situation appeared in front of Sun Yi.

Comprehensive ability: D.

Speed: C.

Acceleration: D.

Strength: B.

Flexibility: D.

Shooting: C.

Technique: C.

Physical condition: D (had a major injury, never fully recovered, and his competitive level was greatly weakened).

The above are the main conditions of Dong Fangzhuo's comprehensive ability. It can be seen that his body is really greatly affected by the injury. In the detailed conditions of technical ability, many aspects are quite good.

In addition to the above physical and technical conditions, the mental attributes are not very good, only C-level.

After carefully reading Dong Fangzhuo's conditions, Sun Yi felt even more blocked. "Hey. Why do geniuses always ruin themselves due to injuries?"

Before, I felt blocked because I felt that Dong Fangzhuo wasted his super high talent potential. Now I feel blocked because I feel sorry for Dong Fangzhuo being ruined by injuries.

This may be the most promising genius in Chinese football so far, but he was ruined by an injury that is not well known.

Chinese football has a bad fate!

Sun Yi now really feels that it is a pity for Dong Fangzhuo. When he looked up at the other person again, his eyes were filled with sympathy. Then he spoke:

"Xiao Dong, if you open a training camp and I am still messing around in China, I will definitely go to support you. I didn't learn anything else during my time in the UK, but I did learn a little about the ability to discover players' talents. Maybe I can find a potential genius like you among the children."

"Well. That's great. You are Mourinho's assistant. Once this name is released, there should be many parents willing to send their children here. Maybe we can really find some seedlings." Sun Yi's proactive statement made Dong Fangzhuo very happy.

"Right. Come on, let's add WeChat first. When I return to Chelsea in the future, you can always ask me questions." Sun Yi said.

"Okay. This is my WeChat..."

Soon, the two added each other on WeChat and left their mobile phone numbers. Lao Xie and Lao Liang also added contact information to Dong Fangzhuo.

After that, the chat interest of several people became higher. And Dong Fangzhuo was no longer depressed by being humiliated before. He also asked Sun Yi some questions about the UK in a very good mood. Wei Liao also said that he would go to Europe for further studies if he had the chance.

"I failed as a player. But I hope I can be a good coach in the future. Continue to contribute to Chinese football."

They chatted until the early morning, and then they left. When waving goodbye, Dong Fangzhuo said the above words.

This may be what Dong Fangzhuo said to himself. But it touched Sun Yi's heart. He also said similar words to someone who can no longer be found.

"I don't have the opportunity to be a professional player. But I hope I can be a good coach in the future. And contribute to Chinese football!"

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