Extraordinary coach

Chapter 25 Setting the tone

"Boss, boss, it's bad, something big has happened!" The staff rushed into the office of the team chairman in a hurry.

Zheng Nanyan and Pierre, who were talking inside, were immediately displeased by the noise.

"What's the matter?"

"It's bad. Boss. There's a fight." The staff said anxiously while panting.

"What's the fight? Is it a fight between players?" Upon hearing the fight, Pierre stood up with a serious face and asked.

"Yes. No! There was a fight, but it was not a fight between players. It was a fight between the head coach and the players." The staff who took a breath finally spoke smoothly.

"What? Coach Sun fought with the players? Is Coach Sun injured?" Upon hearing this, Zheng Nanyan, who had been sitting on the sofa, stood up suddenly.

"Let's go. Mr. Pierre, let's go and see the situation." Zheng Nanyan motioned Pierre to go to the scene together.

"Too much! They beat the head coach on the first day. These players are too undisciplined. This matter must be dealt with seriously!"

"No. Boss, eh, boss, it's not the coach who was beaten..." After hearing the boss' words, the staff wanted to tell the original process, but seeing the two bosses hurriedly running out, he could only follow.

Zheng Nanyan and Pierre trotted all the way to the training ground. As soon as he saw Sun Yi, he immediately rushed over and asked: "Coach Sun, are you okay? Are you injured? These players are too rampant and ignore the team's discipline. They dared to beat the coach. This matter must be dealt with seriously and the responsibility of the person who did it must be strictly investigated. It's really lawless!"

"Mr. Zheng, I~" Sun Yi really didn't know how to explain for a while. But Zheng Nanyan's attitude really made him happy.

"Coach Sun, are you okay?" Zheng Nanyan asked Sun Yi with concern, holding his hand.

"I'm fine." Sun Yi was thinking about how to explain the whole thing to the boss. Oh, headache!

"It's good that nothing happened. Who is it? Which player? It's too lawless. We must deal with it seriously. We should fire him if necessary. Where is that bastard?" Zheng Nanyan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Sun Yi say that everything was fine, and then she said angrily.

"..." Sun Yi was a little embarrassed, and glanced at Balotelli who was sitting on the ground rubbing his hands next to him.

"Is it this guy?" Zheng Nanyan followed Sun Yi's gaze and saw Balotelli. She immediately gasped as soon as she saw him.

A guy who looks like a King Kong chimpanzee, how could this be tolerated?

If you get punched by such a guy, you might get internal injuries.

Damn black ghost, dare to bully our own people, must be punished, severely punished.

Zheng Nanyan looked at Balotelli, and the more she looked at him, the angrier she became, and her eyes turned as she considered how to punish him.

"You actually dared to fight with the coach. You dared to hit the coach on the first day, what will happen in the future? You must kill the chicken to scare the monkey, just fire him!"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Zheng." At this time, Pierre approached with a complicated expression.


"Mr. Zheng, it's like this. I just checked with Coach Dio and the others about the situation. It seems that things are a little different?"

"What's different?"

After Pierre glanced at Sun Yi, he leaned in and whispered to Zheng Nanyan's ear.

As Pierre spoke, Zheng Nanyan's face gradually showed an expression of surprise and even shock.

"Are you sure this is true?" After listening, Zheng Nanyan asked in disbelief.

"This should be true. They dare not lie." Pierre nodded heavily.

"This~" Zheng Nanyan looked at Balotelli, then at Sun Yi, still looking unbelievable.

Looking at Balotelli's unlucky appearance, especially the red marks on his arm, Zheng Nanyan finally believed it. The matter of Sun Yi, who was more than 1.7 meters tall, beating Balotelli, who was nearly 1 meter tall.

When Zheng Nanyan turned around and looked at Sun Yi again, her face was full of complicated expressions.

Sun Yi was very uneasy. Although Balotelli provoked the incident first, he was the one who started the fight. The head coach hits the player? Perhaps you may have heard of it in the youth training team in China. But it is too shocking abroad.

No matter when, fighting in the team is a very serious matter. Sun Yi hit the player as soon as he came to the team. He really didn't know if he would have to go to work tomorrow.

Sun Yi was worried, and although Zheng Nanyan was shocked by the incident, he was a successful person with a long experience in the business world. He quickly calmed down and thought of a temporary solution.

"Send the player to the infirmary first to check the situation. The others will continue training. Coach Sun, please come with me to the office to explain the situation."

"Yes. OK." Sun Yi nodded. At this point, it depends on the boss's opinion whether to kill or cut. And he also thinks that there is no problem with Zheng Nanyan's handling of it.

Sun Yi saw that the players were still standing there. After thinking for a while, he said to Dio: "Coach Dio, you should start training with the players. Just train like you did before."

"Okay." Dio had a complicated expression, but still nodded in response.

"Huh~" Sun Yi took a long breath, and then followed Zheng Nanyan out of the training ground. He didn't know if he could come back after this trip.

After arriving at the chairman's office, Sun Yi told the whole process at Zheng Nanyan's request.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zheng. I messed up on the first day. I'm sorry to disappoint you." After telling the story, Sun Yi said very apologetically.

"You can't be blamed for this. I would have been unable to resist it. But I didn't expect you to be so good at fighting. If it were me, I would have been the one to lie down." After hearing this, Zheng Nanyan didn't blame Sun Yi. Instead, she teased him.

"I'm sorry. I was too impulsive." Sun Yi felt that he had made a big mistake by hitting the players.

"This matter. It was the players who contradicted you first and took the lead in resisting. The main responsibility is not on you. I also understand some things. On the first day, this was aimed at us." Zheng Nanyan said thoughtfully.

At this time, Pierre walked in, looked at Sun Yi with a complicated expression, and sat down.

"Mr. Pierre, how is the situation?" Zheng Nanyan asked.

"After the team doctor's examination, the player is fine." At this point, Pierre glanced at Sun Yi and continued, "Mr. Zheng, this kind of thing has a huge impact on the team."

"The player is fine, so there is no problem." Zheng Nanyan nodded, and then slowly said, "This incident does have a huge impact, and it is a very bad impact."

Sun Yi's heart skipped a beat. He secretly thought it was not good.

"The player dared to openly confront the coach. He took the lead in boycotting the coach on the first day, and openly insulted the head coach in words and actions in front of everyone. This is simply a disregard for team discipline, disrespect for the coach, and disrespect for the club. This behavior must be severely punished, otherwise, how can this team be managed in the future?"

"Uh~" Sun Yi was stunned at first, and then his whole heart was relieved.

"Uh, that, but it seems that Coach Sun was the first to take action." Pierre said in surprise.

"The first player to take action was the player who ignored the discipline. Not only did he openly resist the coach, but he also poked the coach with his finger. Who gave him this right? He must be severely punished!" Zheng Nanyan knocked on the table with his fingers excitedly.

Zheng Nanyan's words set the tone for the matter!

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