Extraordinary coach

Chapter 28 Good Reward

Special ability package "Rejuvenation".

The user can completely repair the physical injuries and hidden diseases with scientific rehabilitation methods, so that the body can be fully restored to its original best state.

The effect is limited to one time. After the user recovers, the ability will no longer work.

This is the reward Sun Yi got after completing the "Conquer Balotelli" mission.

"Yeah! Finally there is something good." Sun Yi was very excited. He finally felt that the street system was not always so street.

Although the introduction of "Rejuvenation" is very simple, the function of this ability is not simple at all.

Complete recovery, what is this concept?

This is something that any professional player will go crazy for. Think about it, how many players in the world have their careers ruined by injuries every year?

In the football world, how many once crazy stars retired early because of injuries? "Alien" Ronaldo, "Wind Chaser" Michael Owen, etc. are really too many to count.

Even in our country, there are former rising stars such as Dong Fangzhuo and Deng Zhuoxiang who are more well-known. There is also Yao Ming in the basketball world.

If these people had the ability of "Rejuvenation", they would not have to retire early, and would not leave so many regrets and reluctance to everyone.

Think about Yao Ming who can always stay healthy, and think about Dong Fangzhuo who can always stay healthy. Chinese football and basketball today will definitely be very different.

"With it, I can ensure that a genius will not be ruined by injuries!" Although the effect of this ability is only once, it is definitely a priceless treasure. Sun Yi is really happy to get such a reward.

"But how to use this ability?"

System: The special ability package needs to be used with an item on the host as a carrier. Please ask the host to choose an item as a carrier and give it to the user to wear it to take effect.

"Huh, so that's it. The items on my body? What should I choose?" "Rejuvenation" is obviously for players. Then it must be a practical item that can be given to players. Naturally, underwear like your own will not work.

"Then use a jersey." Sun Yi took out a white jersey with the number 99 printed on it that he liked more and put it on.

"I choose this No. 99 jersey as the carrier."

System: Use No. 99 jersey as the carrier, please confirm.

A jersey appeared in the special function module of the system, and the style was the No. 99 jersey on Sun Yi.


System: The ability package was transferred successfully. "Rejuvenation" has now been transferred to the jersey. Please check it in time.

"Huh? It's done?" Sun Yi didn't feel anything at all. Then he took off the jersey, and when he looked at the system again, the "Rejuvenation" was no longer in the special function module.

"It's gone? It won't be lost, right?" Sun Yi didn't trust the system very much, and was very worried that a good thing he had finally obtained would be messed up.

He quickly picked up the jersey to observe. Soon the system had a prompt.

System: The special equipment No. 99 jersey was found, which has the special ability "Rejuvenation". The specific situation of "Rejuvenation" is as follows...

Sun Yi was relieved now, and a reassuring smile appeared on his face. Maybe one day in the future, he will save a genius ruined by injuries.

This surprising reward diluted Sun Yi's worries about fighting with Balotelli during the day.

Speaking of what happened in the team during the day, it was too exciting to think about beating Balotelli on the first day. He had never thought about beating a player, let alone beating Balotelli?

Now think about it, it is really a very cool thing to beat Balotelli to fear. However, Sun Yi also paid a lot of small prices: his newly bought shirt was torn.

"Don't dress too formally in the future, otherwise it will be inconvenient when you fight!"

The first day in office was finally barely passed, but getting a good reward still made Sun Yi feel very good. This made him sleep well.

When he got up the next day, Sun Yi was very energetic. After eating and drinking, he went to the team early.

Sun Yi went to the coach's office first. And when he arrived, he was the first one in the coaching team. He didn't prepare any training plans, but watched some tactical courses left by the former head coach Favre.

He was not going to implement his tactical ideas in Nice immediately. He needed to have a sufficient understanding of the team's original situation before he was ready to change the team into what he wanted.

After the other members of the coaching team arrived, he greeted them. Seeing that the training time was approaching, he took Dio and others to the training ground.

After going to the training ground, Sun Yi asked Dio to gather the players.

After the players gathered, Sun Yi turned to Dio and asked: "Coach Dio, you know the team's situation best. See if there is anyone who hasn't come yet?"

After Dio checked the list of players in his hand, he said: "Coach Sun, no. All the players who should come today are here."

"Yeah. Very good." Sun Yi nodded.

Sun Yi began to scan the players with his eyes, and those who came into contact with his eyes couldn't help but feel a little nervous. The most nervous among them were naturally Balotelli and Cojelo who had been beaten.

Balotelli's reaction was normal, but Cojelo's reaction made Sun Yi a little strange. Looking at the other person's short and immature appearance, he thought: I should be more restrained in the future. Look, how scared the other child is!

Sun Yi cleared his throat after scanning the area. Just when everyone thought he was going to start giving a lecture, he turned to Dio and said, "Coach Dio, please start arranging their training now."

"Ah?" Dio was stunned and looked at Sun Yi in confusion.

"You will arrange the training today." Sun Yi nodded and began to walk towards the bench.

"..." Dio saw Sun Yi sitting on the bench and confirmed that he had heard correctly.

His eyes flickered for a while, and then he turned around and began to arrange the players to warm up before training.

Watching the players warm up, Dio couldn't help but turn his head to look at Sun Yi, his expression was a little complicated.

He felt that he couldn't see through Sun Yi. On the first day of his appointment, he did something shocking like hitting the players, but on the second day, he still didn't come to train himself. Looking at him sitting on the sidelines, those who didn't know would think that he was just sent by the boss to supervise the team.

"Is he not here to be the head coach, but the leader?"

There were other members of the coaching staff who had similar questions as Dio. Thinking of this possibility, they smiled more. If this is true, it means that the real command of the team lies with the coaching staff, especially Dio.

At first, I just thought it was possible. After a day of training, everyone found that Sun Yi did not participate in the team's training except sitting on the sidelines. If it weren't for the beating of Balotelli yesterday, he would be a transparent person.

Seeing that Sun Yi did not interfere with the team's training for two consecutive days, the coaches began to get excited.

"This Chinese man may be a straw bag. He knows that he has no ability to coach Nice. That's why he will leave everything to us in training. We don't have to care about him at all. He can only play a little at most."

"Dio, after get off work, let's go for a drink together!"


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