Extraordinary coach

Chapter 4 The first step to set sail

"Sun, you are very good today, very good."

After the game, Mourinho briefly summarized and then adjourned the meeting, but after everyone left the locker room, he patted Sun Yi on the shoulder and said with satisfaction.

"Thank you." Sun Yi seemed very happy for Mourinho's praise.

He was nothing in front of a famous coach like Mourinho. Being praised by Mourinho meant a lot to Sun Yi.

Thinking of himself as a coach in China, Sun Yi's eyes dimmed a little. The joy in his heart suddenly decreased a lot.

"You are really good. I didn't expect you to grow so fast. I remember when I first met you, you were almost eliminated in the application." Mourinho said with emotion.

"Yes. If it weren't for you, I don't know what I'm doing now." Sun Yi nodded.

At that time, he came to the UK from China for some reason. When he visited Chelsea, he happened to see Chelsea recruiting technical analysts, so he ran to try it out of curiosity. However, the probability of a Chinese wanting to become a professional staff member of a Premier League giant is almost zero. As expected, Sun Yi was eliminated at that time.

Perhaps it was God's blessing that Mourinho appeared. When he saw Sun Yi, he was surprised to see a Chinese among a bunch of European applicants. So, Mourinho, who was very curious at the time, took his resume that was about to be thrown into the trash can and browsed it. Then, to everyone's surprise, he kept Sun Yi.

Sun Yi still remembers very clearly the surprise and surprise when he was stopped when he was about to walk out of the door.

Sun Yi was full of curiosity about the reason why he was suddenly kept after being eliminated. But Mourinho only told him one reason. "I think I have a good relationship with you. Moreover, I think it's time for me to learn Chinese. Maybe you can help me."

This reason is very powerful, so Sun Yi became a technical analyst of Chelsea and Mourinho's assistant.

Mourinho seemed to think of what happened at that time and smiled. With a turn of his eyes, he continued, "I remember you have a Class B certificate and have been a coach in China."

When talking about being a coach in China, Sun Yi's expression flashed with sadness. However, he soon smiled and said to Mourinho, "In fact, I have now obtained the Class A certificate."

"Oh." Mourinho was a little surprised, but smiled even more happily. He patted Sun Yi again. "Not bad. You really work hard and make rapid progress. This is very good."

Sun Yi smiled even more happily, and was a little proud. The Class A certificate is not so easy to get. He has been in China for so many years, but he couldn't even get the qualification to participate in training. But here in the UK, he really did it with his own efforts. As for the hard work and dedication, it will only be the wealth of life, no need to mention it.

"I know there will be a professional training class in a while. I want to write you a letter of recommendation, or it may be helpful to you." Mourinho continued.

Professional level? And a letter of recommendation?

"Really?" Sun Yi became excited. These two things are really important to him. One is the qualification to coach a professional team, and the other is the opportunity to get the qualification. For a Chinese, especially someone like him, it is unbelievable how difficult it is to get these two things.

"Of course."

"Oh! God! Thank you. Thank you. I really don't know how to thank you. Boss." Sun Yi was so excited that his hands were shaking.

"No need to do that. I just did it by chance. And I have always been optimistic about you." Mourinho was very pleased with Sun Yi's performance.

"Thank you. Thank you very much."

"No need to do that. Help me more in the team, and tell me more about your ideas. You know, my current situation is very bad. I need someone to help me get through the difficulties together." Mourinho said very seriously.

"Boss. Don't worry. I will do my best. Your difficulties are my difficulties." Seeing Mourinho's look, Sun Yi patted his chest and said.

"Okay." Mourinho nodded with satisfaction. Then he continued to encourage: "Work hard."

"I will."

Mourinho smiled and left first.

When Sun Yi got on the team bus after his excitement, he saw Mourinho sitting in front of the bus with a sad face, chin on his head in deep thought.

Sun Yi couldn't help but feel some sympathy. In fact, Mourinho is not as bad as the outside media said. But things are so strange. There is always a curse of "Mourinho's three years" lingering over Mourinho's head. It's as if he is really cursed. No matter how good his performance was at the beginning of his coaching, there were always various problems in the third year, and then he had to leave.

Today's game is actually a life-and-death juncture for Mourinho. If the game is lost, Sun Yi will definitely hear the news of his dismissal tomorrow or even now.

However, a draw only delayed his crisis a little. If there is no improvement, it won't be long before Mourinho will leave.

Thinking of what Mourinho had said to him before, and the fact that he was brought into Chelsea by him, Sun Yi was determined to find a way to help him through the difficulties. And now he really has the ability to help Mourinho.

The system he unexpectedly got today is his biggest reliance.

"Mourinho's three years, hell. My future journey starts from helping the Magic Bird end this curse."

After that, Sun Yi took the bus with the team back to the hotel where he was staying.

When the night was quiet, Sun Yi was a little tossing and turning.

In fact, he was very tired, both physically and mentally. It was just that he was too excited and always wanted to sleep but couldn't. As soon as he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but think whether everything he found today was his illusion. Then he couldn't help but check whether the system he got really existed.

This system does not only appear when observing players, it will appear as long as he wants. And the player data he observed today still exists.

He was relieved that this system really existed, but he was worried that everything would disappear again when he woke up tomorrow.

Worrying about gains and losses, excited and tired. Under this intertwined emotion, Sun Yi really couldn't sleep. In this situation, he finally fell asleep after he was too sleepy and felt the kind of discomfort like motion sickness in his head.

The next day, early in the morning.

Sun Yi was awakened by the light and the sound of birds, and the first thing he did when he woke up and regained consciousness was to check the system he got yesterday.

When the system similar to the interface of "FIFA" appeared, Sun Yi smiled with relief.

"Yeah. It's still there!"

Not only is it still there, but there is also an additional function to check potential. This is the reward for completing the task of "Save the Magic Bird".

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