Extraordinary coach

Chapter 430 Devil's Week

"The Red Devils are destroyed! From now on, there will be no more battles between the Saint and the Devil!"

A 4:0 massacre made the world completely disappointed with Manchester United. Even the fans of Southampton were somewhat disappointed after being happy.

Recalling last season, the Saint and the Devil duel was hard to tell until the end. Comparing it with Manchester United this season, everyone feels completely disappointed.

In this way, Manchester United disappointed people, and Mourinho was dismissed in 2018.

This also verified the law of "Mourinho's three years".

However, the outside world blamed Sun Yi for Mourinho's dismissal.

"Another famous coach fell at Sun's feet. He is really a coach killer. He is simply the nemesis of famous coaches."

"This is the first one? Who will be the next one? Pochettino? Or Emery?"

Being blamed for Mourinho's dismissal, Sun Yi said nothing while feeling depressed. Although the real reason was the internal problems of Manchester United, Mourinho was indeed fired after being beaten 4-0 by Southampton.

Mourinho's dismissal actually made Sun Yi feel an indescribable sadness. Perhaps one day, he himself will inevitably end up like this.

However, Sun Yi quickly calmed down. The incident has already happened, and all he can do is to do his best.

Mourinho has his own way to go, and Sun Yi also believes that he will return to the Premier League one day.

And the reality did not leave Sun Yi too much time to be compassionate. As soon as the game with Manchester United ended, he had to immediately turn to preparations for the next game.

Seriously speaking, Southampton started the most difficult week of the season since playing against Manchester United.

In this week, Southampton must play three games.

In addition to the Manchester United team that has already ended, the next will be Tottenham and Arsenal.

Three games a week, and facing such three opponents.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a devil's week.

In fact, due to Manchester United's poor record this season, the battle that has ended is just an appetizer by the outside world.

Everyone still generally believes that Southampton, which has the home advantage, has a high probability of winning. But no one expected that Southampton would win so easily.

In this way, Southampton's consumption is much less than the outside world imagines.

So, some people began to speculate about the inside story. After all, the relationship between Sun Yi and Mourinho, although always tense in front of the outside world, there are still many people who know about their friendly relationship in private.

Many people think that Manchester United will lose so badly in this game. It is very likely that Mourinho knows that he will definitely not last for 18 years, so he deliberately gave Sun Yi a big gift.

For such a statement. Sun Yi didn't say anything after knowing it. He hopes that this guess is true. In this way, he doesn't have to feel so guilty.

No matter what the outside world says, Southampton has not been consumed too much.

This allows Sun Yi to have more confidence to face the next strong enemy.

It is absolutely not an exaggeration to say that Tottenham is a strong enemy.

This season, thanks to Pochettino's efforts, they have made a comeback. The current record is only behind Manchester City.

If they hadn't lost to Arsenal away in the last game, their current points would have been very close to the first group of championship contenders.

Therefore, this time back at home, Tottenham sees this battle as the key to their entry into the first group of championship contenders.

"This battle is of great importance. It will determine the overall trend of the Premier League in the future."

"Win. The first group will change from a three-strong team to a four-strong team for the championship."

"Lose. We will completely cut off our hope of winning the championship this season."

"So, in this battle, we have no choice but to win!"

"Tottenham, for hope, come on!"

The Tottenham team is very clear about the key here. Therefore, from top to bottom, from fans to players, they all hope that they can beat Southampton at home in this battle.

For this may be the last hope of the championship, Tottenham is unprecedentedly united. With unity, morale is unprecedentedly high.

"For this battle, we will go all out. For victory, everyone will fight hard."

And Tottenham is not fighting alone this time. There are many other Premier League teams supporting them.

Like Manchester City, Liverpool, and even Arsenal are supporting Tottenham, and they all hope that Tottenham can take down Southampton this time. In that way, other teams will benefit.

"Come on, Tottenham! You can beat Southampton."

"Southampton recently injured two generals, Carlovan and Pulisic, and their strength has been greatly weakened. This is a good opportunity for Tottenham to win."

"Seize the opportunity, you can do it, Tottenham!"

And many fans of other teams also bought Tottenham's victory in the odds offered by the Poker Company in order to support Tottenham.

This situation makes the people of Tottenham feel that they have many helpers. They feel that this time, they are the one who is expected, and they will definitely beat Southampton.

This also shows how much attention the outside world pays to this game.

In addition to the match between the two teams, the two Asians, Sun Yi and Son Heung-min, attracted the most attention in this game.

In fact, it is difficult for people outside East Asia to tell the difference between East Asians. In addition, both of them have the surname "Sun". Many people who are not clear about the situation still think that Sun Xingmin is Sun Yi's younger brother.

"Brother? Okay. He is indeed a younger brother!" When someone said this, Sun Yi said with a double meaning.

Unfortunately, foreign media did not understand and really thought that Sun Yi admitted that the two were brothers. So, some media regarded this battle as a battle between brothers.

Just thinking about it, Sun Xingmin called himself "Oppa" in a soft voice, and Sun Yi felt a chill.

However, Sun Yi did not mean to look down on Sun Xingmin. Sun Yi also had to admit that Sun Xingmin is currently the best Asian player and is a real Asian player.

As for the absolute brother of Asian football, that is Sun Yi himself. No one in Asia can compare with him in football achievements.

And Sun Yi's words above can show Sun Yi's confidence in this game.

Sun Xingmin is a younger brother to Sun Yi, and Spurs is also a younger brother to the current Southampton team.

Even without Golovin and Pulisic, Sun Yi is confident that he can win against Spurs. Even if Spurs has the advantage of home court this time.

"We are used to winning, and we will continue to get used to it!"

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