Extraordinary coach

Chapter 47 Mission Rewards and Post-Game Trivia

"Yeah, we won!"

"We won the first game of the new season. It looks pretty good!"

"Not bad, not bad. 2:0 win!"

When the referee blew the whistle to end the game, the hundreds of Nice fans in the stands cheered excitedly. They completely forgot that they came to the scene today to scold Sun Yi, not to watch the game.

"Great. Sun, we won. Haha." Dio seemed very happy.

"Yeah. We won. The game went smoothly." Sun Yi also happily hugged Dio.

Although the ending was already expected by Sun Yi. But when the game was really won, he was still very happy and excited.

After Sun Yi hugged Dio, he turned around and saw that the other people in the coaching team were all smiling. For example, Robert and Perrin were smiling happily.

Sun Yi followed and high-fived Robert and others one by one. And Robert responded excitedly.

Sure enough, in the world of football, only winning is the kingly way. Nothing else matters.

The players on the field also finished the handshake session and began to walk off the field.

Seeing this, Sun Yi went forward. After they walked off, he high-fived every player who passed by. When it came to Salah, Sun Yi gave him a big hug.

"Well done, Salah. Congratulations on your first goal in Ligue 1!"

"Thank you." The game was won, and he was the hero of the victory, and Salah smiled happily.

"Let's go and salute the fans together." After welcoming all the players, Sun Yi asked the players to salute the fans who came today.

Originally, Sun Yi was the head coach and did not need to salute, but he decided to go together. He wanted to see if those people would still shout for him to leave.

Seeing the players coming to salute them, the Nice fans in the stands were very happy and cheered and applauded in response.

"Well done! Nice."

"Salah, you're great."

"Seri, you're great too."

But when they saw Sun Yi coming to salute, they subconsciously shouted: "Sun Yi, China~ Ugh!!"

Halfway through the shouting, the Nice fans couldn't shout anymore. He's won the game, how can you shout him off?

"Are we going to continue to scold him?" Nice fans looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"Or, forget it. After all, we won today."

"Okay. Forget it today. We'll scold him next time we lose."

"Yes. And the banners, put them away, put them away."

Seeing that the fans in the observation seats stopped shouting halfway, Sun Yi's smile grew even bigger. This feels good. It feels great!

After continuing to wave to the fans, Sun Yi turned and walked towards the passage.

"Do you think this Chinese guy is pretty good?"

"I think so too~ How is that possible? He was just lucky today. Yes, he was just lucky. This game depends on the players' performance, and has nothing to do with his ability. Did you see his command in this game?"

"It seems that he has been sitting on the bench."

"That's right. He just sat there and never came to the sidelines to command. So, today's victory depends on the players' own efforts. It has nothing to do with him. He was just lucky today."

"Yes, yes, yes. The next game is an away game, and I guess I won't be so lucky."

Looking at the background of Sun Yi's departure, some fans felt that he didn't seem to be so annoying. It's just that many people are unwilling to admit this psychological change.

And Sun Yi, who had just walked into the passage, suddenly heard a very pleasant voice from his mind.

Ding! Congratulations on completing the task "Auspicious Start". The task reward has been issued, please check it in time.

"Oh, I almost forgot about the task. What good rewards will there be this time? It's really exciting!"

Because he knew it would be a skill reward, Sun Yi had a lot of expectations for the reward for the first time.

Soon, Sun Yi checked the reward after completing the task.

The system rewarded him with a skill called "Back Turn and Shoot".

"Back Turn and Shoot" player skill. A-level shooting skill, suitable for center forwards.

This is a technique used by center forwards. When receiving the ball with their backs to the goal, they turn around and shoot continuously. It can increase the player's shooting ability. Facing defenders of the same level, there is an 80% chance of completing the shot. The probability of forming a shot increases or decreases with the opponent's situation. The power and accuracy of the shot depend on the player's personal ability.

This skill can be taught once, and an item is required as a learning medium.

"Back Turn and Shoot, this center skill is really good." After seeing it, Sun Yi's eyes lit up immediately. From the description, this is really a very good skill. It may well increase the finishing ability of a center forward. The only regret is that it can only be learned by one person.

Although this reward cannot be compared with the special reward of "Resurrection", it is really a very useful ability.

Imagine if there is a center forward with this ability in the team, it will undoubtedly greatly increase the team's shots. The increase in shots will naturally increase the team's chances of scoring. This is the improvement of the team's firepower.

Sun Yi was really happy to get such a reward. Next, he had to think about who to use it for.

After returning to the locker room to praise the players' performance, Sun Yi took Salah to attend the post-match press conference.

After winning the game, Sun Yi was ready to respond to those reporters who always said bad things about him.

Unfortunately, those cunning reporters didn't give him a chance. After asking one or two very normal questions, they turned their questions to Salah who scored the goal.

This made Sun Yi prepare a lot of words to criticize people, but they could only rot in his heart.

Before, the outside world found all kinds of faults and said that he was not good enough. He really wanted to find a chance to respond. I have to say that he really regretted it.

After finishing the press conference, Sun Yi took all the people of the Nice team to board the bus and leave the stadium. After returning to the base to announce a day off for the players, they disbanded and went back to their homes and mothers.

This game is over for the players. What they have to do next is to find a place to celebrate or go home, and then have a holiday tomorrow.

But for Sun Yi, this game is not completely over yet.

First of all, they won the game, there is a winning bonus, and he, as the head coach, has to arrange the distribution of the bonus. Although the bonus of the Nice team cannot be compared with the current Chinese Super League teams, it is also a sum of money. How to distribute it depends on the merit.

Secondly, although they won, many problems were exposed in the game. He needs to analyze and summarize them, and find ways to solve them.

Finally, the performances of the players on the field were good and bad. There were countless problems in the players' skills, psychology, status, etc. in the game. He also had to find solutions.

The above things made Sun Yi's holiday actually for others.

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