Extraordinary coach

Chapter 56 Balotelli falls in love with headband

After Balotelli put the headband on, Sun Yi didn't know what the effect would be.

However, he soon saw the effect in the internal training match in the afternoon.

One sentence to describe it: Awesome!

Balotelli, who was rarely seen using headers to attack the goal in the past, used headers to head in two goals in the training match. And they were all powerful headers. The balls that came out of the head made a "bang bang" sound, with great force. Goalkeeper Cardinale looked helpless as if facing someone else's violent shooting.

"Haha!!" Balotelli's cheerful laughter continued to resound in the training ground.

"Brother Sun, Balotelli used the header very well today. Before, I rarely saw him use headers. Doesn't he prefer to use volleys? It's really strange." Dong Fangzhuo, who was next to Sun Yi, said with envy and confusion when he saw this situation.

After hearing this, Sun Yi turned his head and glanced at Dong Fangzhuo, revealing a proud smile.

There's nothing strange about it. With the good things I gave him, you can naturally do what you can't do normally.

Moreover, I won't tell you that you missed this good thing yesterday.

Haha. In a few days, there will be opponents who can taste the power of Balotelli's header. It will definitely surprise the outside world.

After the training match, Balotelli ran to Sun Yi with a smile like a child.

"Coach. I scored two headers today. Two. I didn't expect my headers to be so good. It's really strange, why didn't I find it before?"

"Well. Very good. You have made great progress!" Sun Yi said with a smile.

"Haha. I didn't expect headers to be so useful. Coach, I think it is very likely that the headband you gave me inspired me. I seem to understand headers all of a sudden." Balotelli touched the headband on his head, just like touching his beloved baby.

Listening to Balotelli's words, Sun Yi couldn't help but feel that this situation was a bit like a wake-up call. By the way, is this what we Chinese mean by "awakening"? !

"Really? So awesome? Then let me wear it. I want to be inspired, too." Dong Fangzhuo said curiously.

"NO! No. This is my treasure! No one can touch it." Balotelli quickly protected the headband on his head with his hands, fearing that Dong Fangzhuo would snatch it away.

"Stingy. Isn't it just a headband? I have something more awesome. Do you see my shoes?" Dong Fangzhuo pointed at the pair of Adidas shoes on his feet and gestured. "I tell you, Mario. Wearing these shoes, running is effortless. Physical fitness has improved."

"Isn't this just a pair of Adidas sneakers? I have several pairs of this brand at home." Balotelli said with disdain.

"My shoes are not the same, they are very special. This is also given to me by Coach Sun."

"I don't believe it. Anyway, don't even think about touching my headband."


Watching Dong Fangzhuo showing off his sneakers to Balotelli, Sun Yi remembered that he hadn't checked Dong Fangzhuo's progress for several days.

After checking carefully, I found that the progress bar of "Rejuvenation" has reached 30%. This progress is not bad. At least it proves that Dong Fangzhuo has not been lazy during this period, nor has he eaten food that is not suitable for athletes. Another proof is that Dong Fangzhuo's weight has also dropped from 105 kg at the beginning to 95 kg now.

After dropping to 95 kg, Dong Fangzhuo's belly has obviously become much smaller. It's just that his face still looks chubby.

I believe that if he persists, Dong Fangzhuo's weight will be restored to a normal level in at most one month.

Although it is still far from the standard of professional players, Dong Fangzhuo's comprehensive ability has risen from the previous D level to D+ level.

D+ level strength can play in the amateur level of the China League Two. It should be said that he has returned to the state before retirement.

The strength has risen by one level. In addition to Dong Fangzhuo's efforts to lose weight during this period, it is mainly due to the huge bonus brought by "Iron Man Fitness". His original D- physical fitness is now C level.

"Eh~ Strange!" Sun Yi, who was checking Dong Fangzhuo's physical fitness, suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon.

This "Iron Man Constitution" is not a direct specialty of the player like "Slamming the Door with a Hammer", but just an ability bonus.

Sun Yi looked carefully again and soon found that the ability of "Iron Man Constitution" was still on the Adidas sneakers.

Sun Yi quickly figured out what was going on.

This situation means that "Iron Man Constitution" is bound to the sneakers, and is not transferred to Dong Fangzhuo to become his own ability. That is to say, as long as anyone wears this pair of Adidas sneakers, they can get the bonus of "Iron Man Constitution".

Oh my gosh. Isn't this the shoe equipment in the game? It's just that the shoes in the game are generally acceleration, while this pair of shoes adds physical fitness.

Then take it back and give it to whoever needs it, wouldn't it be better?

Thinking of this, Sun Yi turned his attention to the sneakers on Dong Fangzhuo's feet.

Dong Fangzhuo, who was playing with Balotelli, came into contact with Sun Yi's eyes, and seemed to understand Sun Yi's thoughts instantly, and ran away with a shout.

"Brother Sun, this is my woman now. I will never give her back to you. You said that last time."

"You..." Sun Yi was speechless. When did this guy become so smart? He knew what I was thinking at a glance.

"The training is over. I'm leaving first. See you tomorrow." After saying that, Dong Fangzhuo ran away. He was afraid that Sun Yi would chase him.

Sun Yi shook his head and turned to look at Balotelli. Balotelli was also agitated and protected his headband with his hands.

"Gifts given to others cannot be taken back."

"Don't worry. I won't do that."

"Oh. Training is over and I have to leave. Thank you for this headband. I like it very much. Goodbye."


Later, Sun Yi returned to his office from the training ground. Thinking of the improvement that the "Hammer on the Door" reward brought to Balotelli, he couldn't help but hope that there would be more system tasks.

He is really looking forward to the game that will come in a few days.

However, before the game arrives, Sun Yi and the coaching staff still have to make a lot of preparations and lead the team to conduct some targeted training.

And because Balotelli's header has been significantly improved, Sun Yi feels that this can be another weapon for the Nice team's offense.

So he decided to design a new tactic specifically for Balotelli's header. Of course, this tactic still uses Salah as the core. No matter how good your heading ability is, someone needs to deliver the cannonballs.

Balotelli was almost excited when he saw that the team actually added a header tactic for him. This made him fall in love with that headband even more. Wear it every day, even to sleep.

Since then, everyone can always see Balotelli without hair but wearing a headband.

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