Extraordinary coach

Chapter 585 How lonely it is to be invincible

"Who else?"

This sentence has been hanging high on Sun Yi's Twitter.

Days passed one by one.

Games were played one by one.

Opponents were rotated one by one.

But no one could say: "I did it."

In the Premier League, teams below the top six are of course not to be mentioned, and opponents within the top six cannot do it.

Whether it is the Manchester duo, the Gunners or the Blues, or even the Liverpool team that Klopp has been fighting for his life, none of them can do it.

Southampton is like the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the Jurassic era. Looking around the entire Premier League, there is no rival.

Even in the English Cup and the English League Cup, where Sun Yi basically did not send the main players to play, no one can beat Southampton.

"Invincible in the Premier League!!!"

"Southampton is the invincible fleet in the Premier League!"

"No one can beat them!"


As Southampton won one victory after another, no matter how reluctant they were, all British sports media and football players had to admit:

The current Southampton team is the strongest and most dominant team since the 21st century.

And it is an invincible team that will make any opponent despair in the foreseeable future.

Even Klopp, who is as strong-willed as Klopp, had to smile bitterly after leading Liverpool to defeat Sun Yi again:

"Why does the Premier League have me, Klopp, but there is still Sun?"

"I can beat anyone else; I can do anything I want to achieve; I can even grind a baseball bat into an iron needle. But I really don't know how to beat Sun and his Southampton team!"

Give up!!!

Klopp, who always maintains confidence and never compromises easily, gave up.

Sun Yi was not very happy to hear Klopp's words that basically meant giving up.

Instead, I suddenly felt a little lonely.

I felt like I was looking around but my heart was lost.

Where is the next opponent?

"Where is Southampton's opponent?"

This is what the outside world wants to know most.

Since even Klopp's Liverpool team has admitted defeat in the Premier League, we can only look beyond the Premier League.

In the world's five major leagues, the Bundesliga, Ligue 1 and Serie A have been playing soy sauce for many years.

The only team that is truly qualified to compete with the Premier League is La Liga.

To be precise, it is the two giants of La Liga.

Real Madrid and Barcelona.

In today's football world, only these two teams can be Southampton's opponents.

After Southampton was defeated in the Premier League, everyone can only put their hopes of defeating Southampton on these two teams.

"Now only the two La Liga giants that are gradually getting better are capable of competing with Southampton."

"If even these two teams can't stop Southampton's progress. Then, in this world of football, Southampton will no longer have any rivals!!"

"A team built by the Chinese that is invincible in the world. Just thinking about it makes people panic!!!"

Sun Yi is also very much looking forward to the two La Liga giants.

Now he really wants to have an opponent that can make him passionate!

"I hope these two opponents this year will not let me down!"

This season's two La Liga giants are almost invincible in La Liga.

They are also very strong in the Champions League. They all reached the semi-finals of the Champions League.

In the Premier League, Liverpool and Southampton reached the semi-finals together.

I don't know if UEFA deliberately arranged that this Champions League semi-final is a fight between the Premier League and La Liga.

Barcelona vs. Liverpool.

Southampton vs. Real Madrid.

Such a matchup situation makes this Champions League semi-final full of topics.

At this time, fans of La Liga and the Premier League also began to expect that the teams in their own leagues would fight in the final.

Soon, the most anticipated Champions League semi-final arrived as scheduled.

Compared with Liverpool and Barcelona, ​​the match between Southampton and Real Madrid is the most watched.

"With Neymar, Hazard, and Pogba, Real Madrid is definitely capable of defeating Southampton, which only has an old Cristiano Ronaldo."

This was the comment and hope of many European media before the game.

However, even with Neymar, Hazard and Pogba, Real Madrid still lost to Southampton, which was considered to have only an old Cristiano Ronaldo, in the first round.

"This is just the first leg. There is still the second leg."

"This is just an away game, there is still a home game."

"This is just a small loss of two goals away from home. Back at the Bernabéu, Real Madrid will definitely be able to turn the tables."

"In this game, Real Madrid is not inferior to Southampton in terms of fighting spirit and performance."

"When we return to the Bernabéu, Real Madrid will definitely make a comeback."

After the first leg, the outside world still has high hopes for Real Madrid.

However, what is despairing is that after returning to the Bernabéu, Real Madrid did not achieve a comeback.

Instead, they were beaten 2:0 by Southampton again.

In the end, in the semi-finals, Southampton easily defeated Real Madrid with a total score of 4:0.

Sun Yi felt a little unsatisfied. The current Real Madrid team can only be regarded as half an opponent.

As a last resort, Sun Yi could only focus on the final opponent Barcelona.

In the semi-finals held at the same time, Barcelona eliminated Liverpool, which had long been defeated by Southampton in the Premier League, with a considerable advantage.

"Looking at the two games between Barcelona and Liverpool, Southampton may not be able to play so easily."

Barcelona has also begun to be highly expected by many people.

After Southampton won the Premier League championship six or seven rounds in advance, they were finally tied in the Premier League.

This made those who supported Barcelona ecstatic. They felt that Southampton finally showed its decline.

"The Champions League champion is definitely Barcelona."

'Only Barcelona is the greatest team in the world! ! The only dream team! '

"This time, Barcelona will win!"

For a time, the outside world's confidence in Barcelona soared. It even forced the bookmaker to lower the odds of Barcelona.

In the eyes of the world, this final began.

At the beginning, Barcelona, ​​led by Messi, seemed to be fierce.

But it was Southampton who scored the first goal, and it was Ronaldo who scored. He scored the first goal with his iconic volleyball smash header.

This was an unacceptable start for Barcelona.

They fought back hard.

But under Sun Yi's targeted arrangement, Messi, the eternal soul of Barcelona, ​​was locked up tightly.

Even though Griezmann and Mbappe took turns to attack on both sides, they could not break through the door of Southampton.

Near the end of the first half, Southampton broke through the door of Barcelona again.


Such a score, although there was still nearly 50 minutes in the second half, directly defeated Barcelona.

No matter how Barcelona adjusted in the second half, it was ultimately unable to reverse the situation.

When the game ended, the score was fixed at 3:0.

Southampton defeated Barcelona.

This score convinced everyone.

Last time, Southampton beat Real Madrid to the top. Many people were not convinced and thought that there was a lot of luck involved.

This time, when Southampton stepped on Barcelona to lift the Champions League, all the voices of doubt decreased.

Instead, they were:

"Southampton is really invincible!!"

Even after defeating the two giants of La Liga and reaching the top of Europe for two consecutive terms, no matter how hard-mouthed or picky a person is, they have to admit that such a Southampton team is really invincible!

Standing on the podium, surrounded by players and coaches, Sun Yi once again raised the club's highest honor high.

When he raised the trophy, Sun Yi hummed a song in his heart:

How lonely it is to be invincible...

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