Extraordinary coach

Chapter 588 A new journey, a hellish challenge!

Winning the Grand Slam for four consecutive years is called a miracle.

Some people even said that the history of football has ended.

"There is no better achievement in the world!! No more!!!"

With the retirement of Ronaldo and Messi, countless people feel that Southampton's achievements have reached their peak.

Southampton's hegemony will also end with the end of the two heroes.

Klopp decided to come out again. Prepare to lead Liverpool to attack the championship again.

Zidane feels that Real Madrid's chance has come. They have been away from the Champions League trophy for too long.

Guardiola said that Barcelona's reconstruction has been effective, and it is time to show a new style.

However, after a season, both Zidane and Guardiola couldn't help but hold their bald heads and lament.

"How could this happen? Why is this happening?"

Southampton, led by Sun Yi, once again swept all the players and took away the championship again.

Five consecutive championships!!!

This is an achievement that even Southampton fans can't believe.

"Too crazy!!"

"How can other teams survive?"

"How can people survive with such a Southampton team?"

"When will Southampton's dominance end?"

Southampton has become so strong that it scares everyone.

Even many investors of the team expressed despair that they would reduce their investment in the team in the future.

The championship is yours.

We don't play anymore.

Many people also began to find that without Ronaldo and Messi, Southampton's dominance has not weakened at all.

Van Dijk, Felix and others in Southampton are all superstars who can compete for the Golden Ball Award.

So many people are desperate.

They feel that unless Real Madrid and Barcelona merge, there is no hope of defeating Southampton in the next few years.

And just when all opponents were trembling under the iron hoof of Southampton, a piece of news shocked everyone.

Sun Yi announced that he decided not to renew his contract with Southampton and that he was ready to leave Southampton.


"Sun is leaving?"

"Is this fake news?"

This news made everyone confused. No one thought that Sun Yi would choose to leave Southampton at this time.


This is the answer that countless people want to know.

No one can figure out why Sun Yi wants to leave.

Is he dissatisfied with his salary?

Southampton's answer is that they are willing to meet any of Sun Yi's requirements as long as Sun Yi asks.

Or is he unhappy staying in Southampton?

There is no need to ask this question. How is it possible? Can he be unhappy after winning five consecutive championships?

Or is his authority challenged?


All the puzzles and questions were raised, but they were all answered in the affirmative.

Everyone felt that

Sun Yi had no reason to leave Southampton.

But what everyone didn't know was that Sun Yi left because he was too lonely.

This loneliness does not mean that he has no one to accompany him.

Juanjuan has rarely taken on acting jobs since 20 years ago. She not only accompanies Sun Yi from time to time, but also gave birth to a boy and a girl for him.

A happy family and a prosperous career.

Why is Sun Yi lonely?

"How lonely it is to be invincible..."

What makes Sun Yi lonely is that he has no rivals. There are no rivals at the level of his club.

As long as he is willing to stay in Southampton, it will be no problem for him to win six or seven consecutive championships.

But these are no longer meaningful to Sun Yi.

Now he is like Ma (Yun), who has no interest in some things.

Ma (Yun) is not interested in money.

Sun Yi is no longer interested in the club's championship.

It's lonely at the top!

Sun Yi feels that he needs a new challenge.

So, he resolutely decided to leave Southampton, the natural enemy fleet he created.

Even if Southampton is willing to offer him a salary of 100 million, he will not hesitate at all.

After confirming that Sun Yi was really leaving Southampton, the whole world was boiling.

Countless Southampton fans and Sun Yi were detained.

"Don't go. Southampton needs you!!"


Countless other team executives and fans were cheering.

"Great, this is good news for everyone except Southampton."

"Hurry up and take the contract to find Sun, your team will be the next Southampton..."

Other teams were crazy happy, whether they were fans or team executives.

Whether it was Real Madrid or Barcelona, ​​they publicly stated the next day after confirming the news that they would immediately sweep the bed and wait for Sun Yi to come.

Countless people were discussing where Sun Yi would go next.

"It should be Real Madrid?"

"It must be Barcelona..."

'Paris Saint-Germain, they can give Sun 200 million...'


Everyone is looking forward to their own team.

Looking forward to Sun Yi coming to create his team into the second invincible fleet.

But just when everyone was looking forward to it, Sun Yi held a press conference.

He said he would not accept any invitation from any club. Because he already has a new mission.

He will go back to coach the Chinese team.

This is a decision that many people did not expect.

However, it is good news for clubs around the world.

Everyone is relieved despite the regret.

Countless club coaches are excited. They finally made it to this day. They finally made it to the day when they can come out.

Both Klopp and Zidane began to shine.

"The opportunity is here!"

"Finally there is a chance to win the championship!! "

"God finally opened his eyes!!!"

The Chinese fans are the happiest that Sun Yi decided to coach the Chinese team.

This is exactly what they have been looking forward to for a long time.

However, while they are happy, Chinese fans do not really want Sun Yi to coach the Chinese team.

Because coaching the Chinese team is the most difficult challenge in the world.

Countless famous coaches and masters have coached the Chinese team, but their reputations were eventually ruined.

Camacho, Lippi... There are too many examples.

In the recent 2022 World Cup, the Chinese team can only stay at home and watch TV again.

Many relatives and friends do not understand Sun Yi's choice.

Kaka: "Boss, this is a hell-level challenge, why are you doing this?"

Juan Juan: "Brother, otherwise, let's not touch football in the future."


Yes, coaching the Chinese team is hell-level. Some people even say that this is suicide.

But Sun Yi is very determined.

He has rejected many invitations to coach the Chinese team.

But Chinese football has always been his lingering roots.

No matter how many honors he has won and how unprecedented his achievements have been, he is Chinese after all.

"I am Chinese. Chinese football needs champions. Whether it is Asian or world."

"I have always believed that we Chinese can also play the sport of football well."

"Give me twenty years, I will prove it all!!!"

(End of book!)

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