Extraordinary coach

Chapter 79: A New Trick

After more than ten minutes of the second half, Nice intercepted Nancy's attack near the midfield. Then they also launched an offensive.

Since Nancy itself did not invest too much manpower in the attack, Nice failed to organize a quick counterattack and could only enter a positional battle again.

Nice kept probing around Nancy's penalty area, but could not find any loopholes. They had to pass the ball to Salah again.

As soon as Salah got the ball, Nancy formed an arc defense line of three people in front of him.

The opponent's approach made it difficult for him to break through and find a forward passing route. And as long as he was not careful, the opponent would come around and pinch him. Facing this kind of defense, Salah's best choice was to pass back to his teammates.

Salah knew that it was difficult for him to break through this defense, but this time he chose to attract the defense first and then pass the ball. It was just that when he pretended to go to the right, the opponent only approached the defenders in front and on the right. The one on the left did not come around like the front, but ran forward, as if to intercept Salah's return route.

The opponent's self-proclaimed clever move actually cleared the path between Salah and Dong Fangzhuo. Salah did not hesitate and immediately passed the ball to Dong Fangzhuo in the middle.

Dong Fangzhuo was originally preparing to rush into the penalty area when Salah passed the ball back to his teammates who followed behind and crossed the ball. Seeing Salah pass the ball to him, he quickly blocked his position and prepared to receive the ball.

The person defending Dong Fangzhuo was Lenglet, the talented central defender of Nancy. As the only player in Nancy that made Sun Yi drool, his strength was at the B+ level that crushed Dong Fangzhuo.

Unfortunately, Lenglet's main attention was on defending high-altitude balls, and he did not interfere with Dong Fangzhuo in time. When Lenglet realized that he had to step forward to interfere with Dong Fangzhuo's receiving the ball, it was too late. Before he could touch Dong Fangzhuo's body, the latter had completed an extremely fast turn.

When Lenglet was about to reach out and pull, he heard a "bang", and Dong Fangzhuo had already finished shooting.

The powerful part of the skill "Turning around and shooting" is that the whole set of actions is very coherent, from receiving the ball to turning around and then kicking the ball, all are done in one go and within one second.

As long as you can't interfere with others before receiving the ball, you can only watch them finish the shot.

And now Lenglet can only watch Dong Fangzhuo shoot the ball, and then watch the ball dive into his own goal.


"Beautiful!" Sun Yi was stunned for a moment, and then jumped up from his seat and cheered excitedly.

"I copied! Xiao Dong is awesome this time. He scored another goal."

Dong Fangzhuo's goal really surprised Sun Yi. Although Sun Yi sent him up because he had the ability of "Turning around and shooting", he just wanted to play a distraction role. He really thought that the ones who could score were Salah and others.

Unexpectedly, Dong Fangzhuo gave him another surprise goal after giving him a good high-altitude ability. This really surprised Sun Yi. It also made him very excited on the court.

"Haha!! Brother, I scored again!!!" Dong Fangzhuo was also very excited. He rushed over and jumped towards Sun Yi with a ferocious face.

"You are so awesome!" The excited Sun Yi immediately hugged him. Then he lifted him up.

"Look, it's me, Dong Fangzhuo! I scored again. I'm really back!!" Dong Fangzhuo pointed to the sky with one hand and pointed to himself with the other hand, and shouted at the camera.

"Dong! Beautiful goal!" The fans of the Nice team didn't understand what Dong Fangzhuo was shouting in Chinese, but they still applauded and cheered for him excitedly.


Dong Fangzhuo's sudden kick broke the deadlock on the court and gave Nice a leading advantage.

Although it was just one goal, it was of great significance to the Nice team today. This goal made Nancy's idea of ​​scoring points by relying on the iron bucket formation bankrupt.

The initiative of this game was completely controlled by the Nice team. With their obviously superior overall strength, the opponent can almost be said to have a sure win.

Before the goal, Nice was the one who had a headache. Now Nancy can only have a headache.

If they continue to defend and park the bus, they will definitely lose. They have no choice but to attack after falling behind.

But attacking means that they will give Nice more opportunities.

Facing this situation, it can be said that the morale of the Nancy team has suffered a great blow.

Nancy's head coach Solot reacted quickly. After losing the ball, he quickly made tactical adjustments. Reduce one defender and add one offensive player.

"Everyone stay calm, don't rush, control the rhythm first. Also, pay attention to defense and don't give them a chance." Seeing the opponent's adjustment, Sun Yi immediately went to the sidelines to signal the players not to press too high.

Now as long as Nice defends well, it will be invincible. There is no need to rush to attack. Anyway, in the next game time, Nice will have more offensive opportunities than before.

The players of Nice quickly followed Sun Yi's instructions and retreated the original siege formation.

As Nice team retreated actively, Nancy team, which had to attack, began to move its formation upwards, and its defense line became much looser.

After Nancy attacked, it was difficult to create any threat under Nice's unrelenting defense. On the contrary, Nice's offensive threat began to become greater. Especially their counterattack, which was very lethal.

After Nancy attacked, Nice seized the loophole in its defense in less than ten minutes. In a quick counterattack, Salah received a long pass from his teammate and directly formed a single shot. Then he calmly shook off the goalkeeper and scored an empty goal.


"Yeah! Got it!" Sun Yi stood up happily and high-fived Dio to celebrate.

"Haha. I didn't expect today's game to be easier than expected. I thought it would be a draw today." Dio smiled happily.

"Fortunately not." If it was a draw, Sun Yi himself would be finished.

"Hey, eight consecutive wins. Only two games left." Sun Yi can relax for the time being. He sat down again and crossed his legs, then shook them proudly.

Dio glanced at Sun Yi's shaking legs and said nothing. At first, he felt that this was not stable enough. But now he knew that as long as he saw Sun Yi doing this, it meant that the game was basically won.

This was a relaxed performance.

Then he sat down and crossed his legs like Sun Yi.

Hey, this feels good. I want to hum a few lyrics.

The game on the field really lost its suspense.

In the end, the score of this game was fixed at 2:0.

Nice wins!

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