Extraordinary coach

Chapter 98 Taking the Lead

Chance! !

Sun Yi immediately became excited, and his face couldn't help but be filled with anticipation.

Considering that the Nice team has one less player, it can be said that this kind of free kick at the front of the penalty area is the best opportunity.

Judging from the gradual decline of the Nice team, this is probably the last good opportunity for the Nice team.

This free kick opportunity must be grasped by the Nice team.

The Nice players on the field also knew this. So, at this time, Salah, as the core of the team's offense, stood in front of the football.

Must score!

Sun Yi clenched his hands and stared at the field. How he wishes he had a free kick skill that he could use for Salah.

Although Salah is very good in various abilities. But his free kick ability is not particularly good. At least so far, Sun Yi has not seen him have a strong free kick ability.

In normal training, Salah's free kick hit rate is pretty good, but his scoring rate is not high.

But Salah can be regarded as the best free kick ability in the Nice team. Another person who is also very good is midfielder Cyprien, but he does not surpass Salah.

If we want to say that there is a player in the Nice team who has better free kick ability than Salah, that is Balotelli.

It’s just that Balotelli is a fool, so don’t mention it. The Nice team is so passive because of him. Thinking of Balotelli, Sun Yi couldn't help but wonder whether he should go back to the locker room to clean him up.

For these reasons, Sun Yi was both looking forward to and worried about Salah's free kick.

This free kick must be scored! God bless! !

As Sun Yi prayed, Salah ran slowly, and then kicked the ball quickly.

The quality of Salah's free kick was very good. It went over the wall smoothly and then went straight to the far corner of the opponent's goal.

This ball is good!

Maybe you can get in. Got it! Got it!

Sun Yi stared at the ball spinning in the air with wide eyes. Without realizing it, his nails were digging into his flesh.

"Boom!" A heartbreaking voice sounded. The ball hit the goalpost hard instead of flying into the goal.

No! Sun Yi felt his heart was broken. All his hopes for this game were shattered.

However, at this time, someone gave him a big surprise.

That person was Dong Fangzhuo, whom he didn't place much hope on. He actually took a follow-up shot before everyone else.


The ball hangs on the net and rises.


"Yeah!! It's in! It's in!" Sun Yi immediately jumped up from his seat excitedly. Everyone on the bench jumped up and cheered with him.

"That's great. We actually took the lead. This guy who made the follow-up shot did a great job. I must praise him. He is really great!"

In the mixed crowd, Sun Yi only knew that his side had scored a goal, but he did not see who it was. When I saw Dong Fangzhuo celebrating excitedly. I was very surprised immediately.

"I'll go! It turned out to be Xiao Dongjin's. This guy actually made meritorious deeds again. Is S-level talent so strong?"

While Sun Yi was surprised, Dior next to him was also very surprised. "It turns out to be Dong Jin's. It's really unexpected. He turns out to be so strong."

"Sun. I admire you! No wonder you keep sending him on the field. Your vision is so strong!" Dior gave Sun Yijian a thumbs up with a look of admiration.

"..." Sun Yi smiled and said nothing. It's the default.

"SHIT! He was admitted. Substitute immediately, substitute immediately." Marco Rose over there looked unwilling and depressed.

Soon, Minamino Takumi and Huang Xican came to the sidelines to prepare for substitutions.

Seeing this, Dior immediately looked at Sun Yi.

"Are we going to have to adjust too?"

"Yes. But let's not change the players yet. Let's just change the formation."

After Sun Yi finished speaking, he immediately ran to the technical area and signaled to the players on the court.

"Abandon the No. 3 tactic. Switch to the No. 1 tactic from now on. Everyone retreats."

"Pereira, you return to the full-back position. And, Salah, you also return to your original position. Xiaodong, you retreat to the midfielder."

"From now on, we don't want a striker. We don't want a striker."

"Next, the only thing we do is defend, defend, defend!"

Sun Yi shouted at the top of his lungs, for fear that the players wouldn't hear.

The players who had all returned to half court clearly understood what Sun Yi meant. And they have no objection to this.

Being able to lead the opponent with one less player to play is already a blessing in disguise. Coupled with the high-pressure pressing tactics they implemented in front, it was indeed difficult to hold on.

The current adjustment could not be better for them.

After Sun Yi's adjustment, the Nice team had no forward and directly changed to a 450 formation.

And Sun Yi shouted so loudly just now, naturally it all fell into the ears of his opponent.

In this regard, Marco Rose can only say: cunning guy.

Next, the scene became completely clear. After Nice took the lead, they shrank back and even gave up their forwards. This is about holding on.

Red Bull Salzburg naturally started to attack hard. And their newly replaced Minamino Takumi and Huang Hecan are indeed very good. With them to increase the offense, the threat created by Red Bull Salzburg is also great.

One side defended desperately, while the other side attacked frantically.

The game soon turned into a situation where the Red Bull Salzburg team surrounded the Nice team and attacked fiercely.

The Nice team defended very tenaciously. However, they were one man short. In the previous high-pressure pressing in the frontcourt, they also consumed a lot of physical energy. This made it very difficult for them to defend now.

Especially Terry, the captain of the Nice team. Although he has strong defensive ability, he is in his thirties after all. Soon, he became the first person in the Nice team who could not run.

Sun Yi could only replace Terry with a defender immediately.

Seeing Terry being replaced, Dong Fangzhuo also ran over and said to Sun Yi: "Brother Sun, why don't you replace me too. Let's add one more defensive player."

"No!" Sun Yi flatly rejected Dong Fangzhuo's proposal.

Dong Fangzhuo had just made a great contribution, and Sun Yi decided to let him stay on the court. With his speed and physical fitness, if he defended with his heart, it would also be useful.

"You just stay on the court and participate in the defense with your heart."

"Okay. Don't worry. I will definitely defend with all my strength." Dong Fangzhuo promised.

Although he didn't want to replace Dong Fangzhuo, Sun Yi thought it was okay to add a defensive player.

So he quickly sent another defender to replace the left winger Pléa, who had always made little defensive contribution.

So far, Sun Yi has used up all three substitutions.

As a result, the Nice team changed its formation from the previous 450 to 540.

Well. This is the iron bucket formation again. The only difference is that there is one less forward to contain.

"SHIT! Isn't this just parking the bus?!" Marco Ross couldn't help but swear.

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